Chapter 4

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Walking into his first class of the day, Sebastian was nervous to say the least. He knew absolutely no one including the teachers and was not looking forward to being introduced to the class. He was actually really shy despite his physical stature and seemingly confident aura. He was happy to see that there was an open seat next to the windows on the far side of the classroom. Sebastian walked over to the open desk and took a seat while putting his binder on the desk. He was happy to see that no one seemed to pay him any mind, they were busy either talking amongst themselves or being on their phones.

There was a place open next to Sebastian and he was a bit nervous about who would be sitting there as most of the other seats were taken. Just as the second bell rang for classes to start a girl with electric blue hair and dressed in white pants and a black t-shirt that had some form of metal band's name on the front. She had her ears pierced as well as her lip, nose on the left side and her right eyebrow. She looked like one of those girls that the guys back home would've made fun of while Sebastian didn't do anything beside chuckle occasionally. But Sebastian knew that he wasn't back home so he knew that he didn't have to act that way anymore. He would've thought that she was cute if not for the fact that he didn't like women. Sebastian didn't realize he was staring at her until the girl looked back at him and smirked at him.

"Take a picture it'll last longer," the girl said as she took the seat next to Sebastian, keeping herself angled so that she was still looking at Sebastian. He could tell that she was trying to be flirty in a sarcastic way like she didn't really care, but he had promised himself that he would stop pretending to be someone he wasn't.

"Sorry I didn't mean to stare, but I'm not really...into well..." Sebastian was having trouble finding the right words as he had never actually told anyone else besides his parents. He gestured to her breasts and her body trying to get across what he was saying. For a moment there she looked about ready to slap him and had even started to lean towards him. Sebastian saw the realization dawn in her eyes and she sat back down in her chair.

"Oh sorry, I mean, you don't really look like that kind of guy that would, well, like other guys," the girl replied apologetically as she ran a hand through her hair nervously. "If is makes you feel any better I'm not exactly into all of that either."

This time the girl was gesturing to all of Sebastian and in a more direct gesture, at his crotch.  Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle, and then smile down at her as she was much shorter than he was.

"Jenna," the girl said and stuck out her hand towards Sebastian. Sebastian was very hesitant to shake her hand although he knew deep down that she wasn't really likely to hurt him. But the fear was always in the back of his mind that he would trust her and then things would go very bad. Jenna could saw that all the blood had drained away from Sebastian's face, and he looked to be on the verge of having a panic attack. She didn't know what he had been through to get him to such a point where he was afraid to shake hands with people, but she wasn't about to be the one to push him. So instead Jenna just stuck out her pinky finger. Sebastian looked up at her with a sense of relief and shook pinkies with her. It still made him feel a bit nervous but this he knew he could manage.

"Sebastian," he replied and pulled his hand back after shaking pinkies. Sebastian and Jenna exchanged phone numbers just as the teacher began to droll on about the usual what to expect in this class and so on.

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