Chapter 19

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With Sebastian and Philip pretty much taking over dinner, Danny tried his best to help out where ever Sebastian would allow him with his sore red hands. Danny was surprised by how good Sebastian was in the kitchen and with watching out for his young brother Philip. Once Sebastian and Philip had finished preparing the dinner, Danny tried his best to help them put it on nice clean plates to bring outside but Philip told Danny in an oddly stern voice to sit down until it was time to take the food out. Danny reluctantly returned to his seat as Sebastian chuckled to himself by the stove.

"How do you want to be able to communicate for this up coming project?" Danny asked Sebastian as he stared at his back. He could see Sebastian visibly stiffen, and he had stopped doing what he was doing.

"Not sure, you have any ideas?" Sebastian asked as he slowly resumed pulling dishes out from the cupboards and drawers as Philip pointed them out.

"Do fancy guys like you have a cell phone?" Danny asked sarcastically as he glanced between Sebastian and Philip. Danny heard Sebastian sigh heavily, making Danny scrunch up his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side. Danny was not expecting Sebastian to be the exact opposite of a rich brat that he thought that he was. Sebastian was breaking every stereotype that Danny had ever thought of for a guy of Sebastian's stature and physicality, financial position, and mysterious past. It made Danny think that there had to be something else, something that he was missing that changed the normal stereotype that Sebastian would naturally fit into. It wasn't anything like Danny was going through, that much he could tell, Sebastian's parents were very nice and considerate towards him and Philip.

Those scars that Sebastian has they had to have been from something. Maybe he had gotten into some bad things in his home town like gang fights or something, and they had to leave town when Sebastian tried to get out of that life. Danny continued to watch Sebastian as he finished up with plating the food and washing the dishes, as Philip dried them and put them away. Sebastian's movements were stiff and careful, Danny was sure that he was thinking over what Danny had said or at least that's what he thought.

"Yeah, I have a cellphone," Sebastian replied as he turned around to face Danny with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Well, give me your number than, so that we won't have to meet up randomly at school," Danny told Sebastian as Danny pulled out his cellphone from his pocket. His cellphone was the one thing that he had that he kept secret from his parents, he paid for it completely by himself and had made sure only to get the bills via email so that there was no paper trail for his parents to find.

"Alright, alright," Sebastian muttered as he listed off his number for Danny to type into his phone. Danny typed up a quick text on his phone and then pressed send. Sebastian's phone dinged with the sound of a received text but he didn't move to check his phone. "Now let's get this food outside to everyone else before it gets cold."

Danny groaned and got up to help Sebastian and Philip with bring the food and utensils outside to the table. Danny made sure that he didn't look in the direction of his parents when they got outside, and he made sure that Philip was careful hidden behind both himself and Sebastian. Sebastian seemed to stiffen up when we got to the table. Danny's parents had gotten eerily quiet for a moment. Sebastian cleared his throat and his parents seemed to get the message and started to make conversation with Danny's parents to distract them.

Danny was a bit relived by Sebastian's quick observations but he was also kind of irritated that Sebastian was so fast at being able to read Danny and the family situation to some degree. With the food now spread out on the table, and the plates set up, Sebastian, his parents, and Danny's parents took their seats. Danny and Philip stood around the table ready to serve the food and drinks to everyone else before they took their seats. Sebastian's parents seemed a bit uncomfortable with being served like this. Though Sebastian didn't say anything his mood did darken.

"Boys, you don't have to serve us, really we are fine to serve ourselves," Sebastian's mom told Danny and Philip in a voice that sounded like it would've been drenched in honey, it was so calming and motherly. Before Philip or Danny could say anything to protest, Danny's mother intervened.

"Oh don't bother with them, it helps them to build character and learn respect and discipline," Danny's mother retorted as she snapped her fingers in Danny's direction in indication that she wanted food on her plate. Danny hurried around the table and began carefully putting food onto his mother's plate. Danny chanced a glance at Sebastian's mom, and was startled by her completely enraged expression. Sebastian shrunk meekly into his spot and kept his eyes on the table as his father rubbed Sebastian's mom's hand affectionately, trying to keep her calm Danny assumed.

"Mom, don't, we can just leave," Sebastian whispered looking up at his mom from across the table. Danny was not sure what to think, other than Sebastian's mom was very much triggered by his own mother's behaviour. Usually, when my parents had 'rich' people over they didn't make such a scene when it came to them being served by us. But Sebastian and his parents, even though they were of wealth, didn't like being taken care of like this, they preferred to do everything themselves. 

"Oh shh boy, the adults are talking," Danny's father voiced to Sebastian, using a very condescending tone.

"Hey! Don't talk to my son that way!" Sebastian's mother yelled as she jumped up from her seat. Sebastian and his father jumped up too. Danny's mother, who was taller than Sebastian's mother, stood up and looked down at her trying her best to intimidate her.

"Don't you dare talk to my husband that way!" Danny's mother yelled back glowering down at Sebastian's mother, but she didn't even flinch. Sebastian's mother stared her right in the face and didn't flinch when Danny's mother got up in her face. Danny was stunned at how tough Sebastian's mother was, no one ever stood up to his mom like that without getting scared or punched in the face.

"Martha, come on," Sebastian's father whispered to her as he tugged her backwards while passing his own glare to Danny's mother. Danny's father remained silent in his chair, already sipping on a beer. "Sebastian, you too."

Sebastian stood up and followed his father and mother back through the house and out the front door. As soon as they had left Danny knew that he and Philip would not make it through the night without a scratch.

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