Chapter 53

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Sebastian pulled Danny back towards the bed so that they could both sit down, and it would give Sebastian some time to figure out what he was supposed to say or where he should even start. Everything had gone sideways in the last nearly 2 years, could he really pinpoint where the beginning even was? Danny sat on one side of the bed, crossing his legs, and facing Sebastian who had also sat cross-legged on the other side of the bed with the pillows just behind his butt.

"I'm not really sure where to start but I guess the furthest back that I can go would be the night after the championship game, me and the rest of my team mates had decided to throw a party to celebrate," Sebastian started as he wiped the tears off of his cheeks and from the corners of his eyes, Danny quickly following suit. "So everyone was drinking pretty heavily that night, especially my right hand man and best friend, Julian, and me. I had had this huge crush on Julian for the last like 2 years before that, but my hometown wasn't exactly very open about people who were out of the norm, so I was supposed to stay in the closet. That night though I had one too many drinks and so did Julian, and I wound up kissing him. After that I immediately left the party and wound up accidently coming out to my parents later that night, but I don't remember that part."

"Anyway someone had taken pictures at the party, and had caught me kissing Julian," Sebastian was eyeing Danny nervously, noticing him tensing up every time that he mentioned Julian's name. "The pictures were posted all over the school, and was the talk of the school and the town for weeks afterwards. Eventually Julian stopped coming to school, probably because of all that bullying if it was anything like what I had been going through. I had my clothes torn up, I had graffiti drawn on my locker, I had hate letters slipped into my locker, I was called some of the worst things that you could possibly think of, and then there was physical bullying."

"I felt worse than dirt so I went out and I got drunk, but I don't how what happened next actually happened. I think that someone had bought me a drink and when I drank it I had thought that it had tasted kind of funny but I just wanted to get drunk," Sebastian said as he stared down at his hands, clenching and unclenching his fists in his lap. "Next thing I know I'm stripped naked in a dark dirt floor basement my hands and feet chained to the floor of a metal dog cage that I was in."

Danny stared blankly back at Sebastian, blinking a couple times in confusion. That just didn't sound like something that was real, it sounded like something that you would read in a crime fiction novel. Danny opened his mouth to say something but then thought better of it and slowly closed his mouth and pressed his lips into a thin line.

"I had no idea where I was or how I had gotten there, but I had a pretty nasty headache when I woke up," Sebastian murmured as he tried to remember the one thing that he had been pushing away in his memories, hoping to never have to talk about it, and yet here he was talking about what had happened to him. Sebastian swallowed the bile that was rising in his throat and tried his best to continue on with his story. "Eventually someone came down the stairs and I knew where I was. It was Julian's dad who had come down the stairs, apparently he was very angry about what had happened at the party to the point where he wanted to take it out on me."

"I was held in that basement for nearly four months and tortured every single day that I was there," Sebastian said as the tears started to come back making it difficult for him to speak clearly. "He had um, oh gosh, I don't know if I can really say what had happened. It'll feel too real if I do say it."

Danny just looked at Sebastian and kept his mouth shut so that he didn't say anything that could make Sebastian shut up tight like a clam. He waited patiently for Sebastian to make up his mind and tried to make himself look like a companion rather than just a listener. Danny shuffled a little closer to Sebastian so that they weren't so far apart from each other on the bed.

"His name that I knew him by was Mr. Roberts, and he used to beat me his belt, or a golf club, or whatever he had had at his disposal at the time," Sebastian said with a shaky voice, the memories were coming back in flashes. "Sometimes I wouldn't get any food or water for a couple of days, and other times he would put something in my food that would make me really sick for days afterwards. He would swear at me while he beat me, sometimes I wondered how I didn't die with everything that he had done to me."

Danny was starting to feel a bit queasy the more that Sebastian told him about what had happened. None of what Sebastian was saying had ever been mentioned in any of the newspaper articles. What Sebastian was telling him was so much worse than anything that Danny could've possibly thought up on his own if he had been asked to think of the worst things that could happen to anyone.

"But probably the worst thing that he had done to me was when he would take random usually large objects and-and-and put them in..."Sebastian trailed off as he started sobbing uncontrollably with his head in his hands.

"He raped you with random objects?" Danny asked Sebastian quietly, swallowing down his lunch which was threatening to come back up. Sebastian nodded slowly and took a few minutes to gain his composure before he continued.

"I don't know how they found out where I was but I was so happy when I was finally carried out of that dark basement and into the blinding sunlight," Sebastian said as he half smiled through his tears. "My family moved me out of that town shortly thereafter because I wasn't getting any better with being there, but I had wondered for a while who had posted those photos everywhere for a while until I found out who it was. My ex-girlfriend had posted those photos all over the school in a way to try to get me back, she's very clingy and possessive."

"Is that who was messaging you all the time?" Danny asked trying to sound as calm as he could manage. Sebastian nodded looking like a kicked puppy, he just looked so defeated and beat down. All Danny could think of at that moment though, was trying his best to not throw up on Sebastian's bed.

"What happened to Julian?" Danny asked cursing himself for the bit of jealousy that slipped out when he said the other boy's name. Sebastian must've heard it because the corner of his mouth twitched up into a tiny smile.

"It had turned out that his parents had shipped him off to a private school on the other side of the world," Sebastian murmured as he looked into Danny's eyes. "I don't think that he even knew what was going on back home."

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