Chapter 61

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As Danny and Sebastian sat at the police station with Sebastian's parents, Danny could not sit still. He was so anxious about his little brother that he just wanted to get up and start searching for him. However, he didn't even know where to start searching for him and Nick's mother was in the hospital so she couldn't really help. After what was probably only a few minutes, but felt like ages to Danny, they were called over to give description of Philip and their statements. Sebastian really wanted to mention the little fact about a crazy man that was seeking vengeance on him, but even his parents told him that he was just being paranoid. Danny had listened in on what Sebastian had said but wasn't too sure if he should say anything with how quickly Sebastian's parents had shut down Sebastian's theory.

If Sebastian was right about this Roberts guy kidnapping Philip to try to get back at Sebastian for getting him arrested, then would he do all the things that he had done to Sebastian to Philip and Nick? Sebastian had started to shy away from Danny again, thinking that he would be mad at him and blame him for his past coming back to try to hurt him and Danny. But Danny didn't see it that way, he just thought that Mr. Roberts was a lot more messed up than Sebastian had given him credit for.

After they had left the police station all four of them headed back to Sebastian's house where Sebastian's mother made it clear not to mention the incident that had happened back in their hometown to the police. She said that it would drag everyone around them into the media mess, and the police would want to interview Sebastian again about what had happened.

"Which could be needless because we don't even know if Mr. Roberts has left the area, since he has been on house arrest since the mistrial," Sebastian's mother said as she tried her best to reason with Sebastian, but it was falling on deaf ears. Sebastian had been receiving update text messages from Christian whenever he heard something that might be of interest, which did cause jealousy to turn his stomach and twist it into knots. However, Danny did really want to find Philip, so did his best to push his jealousy aside. The jealous glances that Danny tried to be discreet about, did not escape Sebastian's watchful eye. Sebastian made sure to be a bit more affectionate towards Danny whenever he caught that look of hurt and jealousy in Danny's eyes.

Sebastian's parents were on the phone for nearly the rest of the night, contacting friends and other colleagues to get their help on this situation. While Sebastian and Danny tried their best to distract themselves in Sebastian's room, but they couldn't seem to focus on anything. They were both just too worried about what was happening to both Philip and Nick.

Two days had passed by without any real leads from the police or any concrete information from Christian about the situation with his father. Danny was starting to lose hope that they would be able to find Philip and Nick alive.

"Come on, we can't give up hope now, I had been missing for months before I had been found," Sebastian said trying to perk up Danny as they sat with Jenna in the cafeteria. But then quickly slapped a hand over his mouth as he realized that Jenna had been listening to them.

"Wait! You had been kidnapped?!" Jenna said in a loud whisper, staring at Sebastian with wide shocked eyes. "Is that what all the little spaces of sadness were about?"

Sebastian nodded but asked that nothing more be discussed about it until after they had found Philip. Confused and still slightly stunned, Jenna agreed but said that Sebastian did need to at least answer some of her questions when she was allowed to ask them. Sebastian hesitantly agreed to Jenna's terms and the subject was dropped.

Neither Danny nor Sebastian were able to focus on their classes. Both boys were too wired with all their 'what if' thoughts to absorb anything else. Even as Sebastian drove them home from school they didn't really speak much to each other. The fear and anxiety of what might be happening was eating away at them. Sebastian wondered if this was how his parents had felt when he had first gone missing. He felt sick at thought of feeling this way for months instead of just a couple days. They had to find Philip and Nick soon, for his sake and Danny and Sebastian's sanity.

As they sat in Sebastian's room, with Danny pretending to read and Sebastian attempting to do homework, Sebastian's cellphone goes off. Sebastian turns on his phone to see that he has a text message, not thinking much of it he opens his phone and checks his messages. At first he had thought that it was Christian, since the phone number was very similar, but when he went back to look at all the people that he had been texting recently Christian's conversation was in a different box. Hesitantly, Sebastian opened up the message and began reading it. Only to quickly throw his phone across the room.

"Hey Sebastian, what's wrong?" Danny asked when he heard the loud thud of Sebastian's phone hitting the floor. Sebastian didn't say anything and just stared at where he had thrown his phone, holding his arms around his body like he had an upset stomach but this was much worse.

Danny, more than a little freaked out by Sebastian's sudden outburst, slowly got up from the bed and went to check Sebastian's phone. Danny picked up the phone and turned it around so that the screen was facing him, surprised that the screen was still lit. Danny read the message, but took a couple seconds to process what it was before the phone slipped from his hands.

In the message was a dark slightly blurry picture of a bloodied severed finger laying on a plank of old wood, and below the picture it read:

Meet me at the coal mines outside of town tomorrow at 7pm, tell no one or the boys die.

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