Chapter 5

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Lunch time rolls around and the incident that had happened earlier with, who Jenna had told him was, Danny has been pushed into the far back of Sebastian's mind as he hangs out with Jenna thoughout the day. Sebastian was actually kind of excited to have someone that he could sit with at lunch instead of sitting by himself probably somewhere quiet. Which Sebastian also thought didn't sound like too bad of an idea.

When Sebastian walked into the noisy cafeteria his senses were immediately heightened and he was hesitant to walk any further. The nerves and anxiety twisting his stomach into a sickening amount of knots. He anxiously glanced around to see if he could find where Jenna was supposed to be sitting. It was taking everything that Sebastian had to not start hyperventilating right there in the cafeteria. Just as he was starting to feel like running away and throwing up in the bathroom he spotted Jenna on the far side of the cafeteria, sitting at a table all by herself. Sebastian sighed in relief but then started to sweat when he realized that he would have to cross the cafeteria to get to her.

Sebastian kept his head down and walked around the cafeteria staying close to the walls and away from as many of the other students as he could. He was practically shaking all over when he finally made it to Jenna's table. Jenna looked up at him both curious and concerned about her new friend. She wanted so desperately to ask him question after question about him, but she felt like she might be pushing him away from her rather than getting to know him. So Jenna held her tongue and smiled up at him to help him to relax.

Sebastian smiled a little nervously down at Jenna before taking a seat across from her. They sat there in silence for a couple moments while they both quietly munched on their lunches. Sebastian was comfortable in the silence but Jenna was bursting with the need to want to say something. That was when she spotted a group of guys that she knew that were on the basketball team. That's when an idea came to her.

"Hey, I know that you just got here and everything but have you ever thought about tryingout for the basketball team?" Jenna asked Sebastian as she returned her attention to the guy sitting in front of her. Sebastian coughed on the food that he had in his mouth and took a moment to catch his breath and swallow the food before responding.

"Not really, no, I've never really thought about it, I don't think that I'd be too good at it anyway," Sebastain replied keeping his eyes on his food, while shuffling the food around.

"Oh come on, I'm sure it'll be fun," Jenna replied smiling brightly at Sebastian. "I'll even come with you to the tryouts if you want?"

Sebastian nervously played with his food for another moment before he looked up at Jenna's face. She seemed genuinely happy, and that made Sebastian really want to at the very least go to the tryouts just so that he wouldn't disappoint Jenna. But this was a big step and Sebastian knew that it could go very wrong if he were to have an attack in the middle of a practise or a game because someone had touched him or grabbed him in a way that brought back memories. But Sebastain did want to try, because deep down he did want to do something different to help take his mind off of things.

"When are the tryouts?" Sebastian asked hesitantly, as he glanced up at Jenna from under his eyelashes. He immediately saw Jenna light up.

"They're tonight right after school," Jenna replied before she took another bite of her food. Sebastian nodded slowly, thinking it over. "Relax, I'll be in the stands the entire time so don't worry about being alone while you're doing the tryouts."

Sebastian nodded again this time feeling more confident in his response. Then the bell rang for classes to commense again and Jenna and Sebastian headed to their respective classes. The rest of the day seemed to go by too fast for Sebastian as he was nervous about the basketball tryouts that he had at the end of the school day. He was doing his best to try to not over think it so that he would back out last minute, but his nerves were getting to him. Then the final bell rang and Sebastian's heart started racing and sweat started to trickle down his back.

***in the gym***

The tryouts were nerve wracking for Sebastian. He had to borrow a pair of gym clothes from the coach's office which was a bit gross but he sucked it up and went out to do the tryouts. He didn't like being around this many people, especialy the more aggressive players. But it did help him relax knowing that Jenna was in the stands watching out for him.

At the end of the tryouts, after Sebastian had hit the showers and changed his clothes, he met up with Jenna who was waiting for him just outside the gym doors. She was looking down at her phone with her eyebrows pulled together in a frown.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian asked Jenna as he leaned against the wall beside her. Jenna made an aggravated snort before finishing up her text and sending it out.

"I'm fine, but a friend of mine just got dumped by our resident bad boy, hopefully you'll never have to meet him," Jenna muttered before lightening up. "By the way you were amazing at the tryouts, I didn't expect you to get the knack of it so fast. I mean, I thought you would be good at it from the get go, but you were even better than I expected."

Sebastian blushed and rubbed the back of his head at all of Jenna's compliments. But then remembered what she had said and asked her what the name of the guy was and what he looked like.

"Oh his name is Danny, and he's like 5'7" dark brown hair, usually wears ripped jeans and a black leather jacket. If he doesn't have the jacket then he is probably wearing a plain V-neck t-shirt," Jenna told him, and then got curious. "Why?"

The description was definitely ringing a bell with Sebastian. "So that was the Danny that you were telling me about earlier? The guy that I had tripped into this morning?"

"Oh shoot, yeah, I guess that was him," Jenna muttered as she put her chin on her knuckles. "Well, lets just hope that that is the last time you have to deal with him because trust me, he is toxic."

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