Chapter 8

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Sebastian slumped through the hallway of the school having arrived fairly early in the morning, and sleepily opened his locker. There were barely any students around in the halls yet so Sebastian had let his guard down a bit. The night before, Sebastian had trouble sleeping as what had happened with Danny the day before had brought back some very painful memories from over the summer. Sebastian can still remember the grating voice up close to his ear and the feeling of the man's calloused hands biting into his back and his thighs and his...

Sebastian smacked his head against the locker to try to get the memory squished into the back of his mind again. He threw his hand over his mouth as a preventative measure, as the memory made his skin crawl and his stomach churn violently in revolt. The woman's laughter was still ringing in his ears but Sebastian was slowly returning to the present as the laughter faded into the sounds of the school. His eyes were burning but he would not let himself cry, he would not allow them that satisfaction, knowing how badly they had damaged him.

Sebastain opened the locker and pulled out his books that he would need for his first couple classes. Just as Sebastian closes the locker, he hears a female voice shout "boo!" from right behind him. Sebastian jumped hard enough that he hit the locker with a loud bang. He had trouble catching his breath and pushing down his anxiety as more memories flooded Sebastains mind but quickly faded as he looked to see who had scared him. Jenna was standing behind Sebastian looking up at him very concerned and apologetic. She hadn't realized how much a small scare like that would've effected him. She knew that he would probably jump a bit but to her Sebastian looked like he was about to have a full blown panic attack.

"Sorry, are you okay?" Jenna asked as she gently rested her hand on Sebastian's arm, making him flinch. Sebastian managed to smile, though tightly, at Jenna trying to keep his expression fairly neutral because she was the first friend that he had made here and he didn't want to scare her off. Jenna saw the pain in his eyes, and slowly removed her hand and smiled back at Sebastian but she was very concerned for her new friend. Something very bad must've happened for him to be this nervous and jumpy around people. Jenna wanted to ask him how she could help but with how fragile he was at that moment he might've just shut down on her if she had tried.

"I'll be okay, thanks," Sebastian replied doing his best to keep his voice under control. "I just need to go to the bathroom for a second, wait for me?"

"Of course," Jenna replied smiling as she walked with Sebastian towards the men's bathroom. Sebastian walked into the bathroom, leaving Jenna leaning against the lockers staring off into space, deep in thought. Sebastian went to the sink and splashed his face with cold water. After checking to make sure that no one else was in the room he stuck his hands into the warm water. He scrubbed at his hands making the water turn slightly brown. Little white and red marks began to appear all over his hands and the visible parts of his wrists, since he was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt today there wasn't too many visible.

After that little attack that Sebastian had had just a few moments before he felt compelled to see his scars, just as a reassurance that he was really free of those people and not just having an other delusion from dehydration. Sebastian calmed down a bit when he saw them, but each one had a painful memory all their own. He quickly pulled out a pair of thin black work out gloves out of his left front pocket and slipped them on. He took a couple deep breaths while staring into the mirror. You can do this, just relax.

Sebastian left the bathroom, unaware that in the furthest stall from the door sitting on the toilet, Danny was weeping softly to himself trying not to be heard, his feet pulled up to his chest. Neither knew that the other had been in the room.

Sebastian left the bathroom and walked with Jenna to class. He managed to keep his cool for most of the day, and Jenna kept her hands to herself. Only occasionally poking Sebastian to get his attention which didn't really seem to bother him as much. Just as Sebastian and Jenna were walking along the hallway towards Sebastian's last class of the day he was able to joke around with Jenna about this girl that she had had this crush on for the past year. She had been staring at her from across the cafeteria during lunch and Sebastian had caught her. From that point on he couldn't help but smile every time he looked at her.

"You really should just go up and talk to her," Sebastian told Jenna smiling down at her as they approached the door to Sebastian's last class.

"I don't even think that she's into girls," Jenna replied sounding defeated, as they stopped just outside the door.

"How do you know that if you haven't even talked to her?" Sebastian argued as he leaned against the wall and smiled down at her. He was trying to boost her confidence cause she seemed to really like this girl, and he had always wished that someone would've done this for him. But he knew that his old town had been much too conservative for any kind of miracle like that to have happened.

"I suppose, I guess I could try talking to her," Jenna replied nervously biting at her fingernails. "Anyway I'll see you after class."

Then Jenna quickly walked off to make it to her class before the bell rang. Sebastian chuckled under his breath and walked into the classroom. Half of the seats were already taken but Sebastian's favourite seat was still open, the one that was right next to the window that looked out over the green courtyard. Sebastian stared out the window, day dreaming, as a person caught his attention out of the corner of his eye as they walked past. Sebastian hadn't seen him in there the day before so he had assumed that they wouldn't have any classes together, but Sebastian had been wrong.

Sebastian glanced back to make sure that he wasn't seeing things, and saw Danny sitting in the back of the classroom with the biggest black eye that Sebastian had ever seen. What the heck had happened to him?

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