Chapter 38

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"Hey are you alright?" Sebastian asked as Danny swayed off to the side and nearly knocked into a few people. Sebastian got up from his spot, placing his drink on the side table next to the chair, and held Danny by his shoulders to help steady him.

"No of course I'm not alright, ever since I met you everything has become more confusing," Danny whined with his head tilted down so that Sebastian couldn't see his face.

"What are you talking about?" Sebastian asked as he gave Danny a gentle shake on the shoulders so he could get him to look up, but Danny's eyes remained on the floor. Sebastian sighed and sat on the arm of the chair, thinking. "Do you want me to take you home?"

Danny shook his head slowly, seemingly pouting like a child.

"Can I go to your place?" Danny mumbled as he finally raised his head a bit to look at Sebastian. Sebastian mistook the bright flush on Danny's skin for an affect of drinking rather than the crimson flush of embarrassment.

"What about Philip?" Sebastian asked as he slowly stood back up and stood in front of Danny.

"He's having a sleep over at his friend's place tonight, so he's not at home," Danny managed to say through his slurring speech.

"Alright, I can take you to my place but you have to be quiet when we get there because my parents will be sleeping, and I'd rather not wake them up," Sebastian replied as he placed a hand on Danny's back to help lead him out of the party house. Danny shakily nodded and allowed himself to be led out of the house and down the street to Sebastian's car. Sebastian helped Danny into the car as he struggled to get his seatbelt on. Sebastian walked around the car to the driver's side of the car and got in. As Sebastian drove off away from the house it had gotten quiet in the car.

"Do you why you annoy me so much?" Danny asked out of the blue as he stared out the front windshield. Sebastian snorted not really listening to what Danny was saying considering that he was drunk.

"Okay I'll bite, why do I annoy you so much?" Sebastian asked not really expecting any kind of logical answer to come from him.

"Because you made me quit smoking, I haven't had a smoke in nearly two weeks," Danny replied as he tried his best to glare at Sebastian but couldn't hold it for more than a couple seconds before he yawned and leaned back on the car seat.

"Wait, how did I make you quit? You reek of smoke," Sebastian replied starting to get annoyed with talking to drunken Danny. He rolled down Danny's side window a crack to try to get rid of some of the smoke smell.

"Oh, do I? My friends were smoking around me at the party. Can I shower at your place to get rid of the smell?" Danny asked avoiding the first question entirely.

"You can, but you avoided the first question, Danny."

"Oh, what was it again?"

"How did I make you quit smoking?"

"Oh right, that. Well, ever since I found out that you didn't like the smell of smoke I've tried a couple times to quit, and this would be the longest I've gone so far without a smoke."

"Why did it matter to you that I didn't like the smell of smoke?"

"Well that's because I like you," Danny replied simply smiling like an idiot as he slowly began to nod off. Sebastian, stunned by the sudden confession, doesn't say anything more until they finally arrive at Sebastian's house. Danny jerked awake when he felt the car stop and slowly looked around at his surroundings. "Are we here?"

"Yeah," was all that Sebastian said as he got out the car, his mind racing with the thought of whether or not Danny was actually being serious with what he had said earlier. Sebastian was thinking that it was probably the alcohol talking but that also made a pang of pain go through his heart, almost like an aching.

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