Chapter 45

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"You don't really have to do this," Danny said as Sebastian finished setting up the bed in the guest bedroom that Danny and Philip would be sharing, until they got a bed set up for Philip in the now empty storage room down the hall. Sebastian looked up from his work to see Danny standing in the doorway in one of his t-shirts and his father's trackpants. Though Sebastian's parents had wanted to get Danny and Philip out of their abusive home, they hadn't planned on them staying at their place so soon so nothing had been completely prepared for their arrival.

"It's alright, really I don't mind," Sebastian replied as he forced his eyes back down onto the sheets so that Danny didn't realize that Sebastian had been openly staring at him and how good Danny looked in his t-shirt. Danny walked into the room and stood on the other side of the bed and fidgeted with his fingers hovering just above the sheets on the bed. Sebastian looked up from pulling the fitted sheet onto the bed to look at Danny again. "Did you want to help?"

"Yeah, what can I do to help?" Danny asked early as he slowly shifted from foot to foot beside the bed, not too sure what he should be doing in Sebastian's house. Danny just couldn't seem to sit still for any period of time really, he just felt like if he got too comfortable that the rug would be pulled out right from underneath his feet and he would be unstable in his surroundings.

"Do you mind grabbing those sheets and helping me to put them on the bed?" Sebastian asked as he pointed to a folded up sheet that was sitting on the dresser which was next to the door that led to the hallway. Danny walked over to the dresser and picked up the sheets, bringing them back over to Sebastian. He helped Sebastian to unfold the sheet and position it flat over the bed, and tucked it in on the corners at the bottom of the bed to keep it in place. Sebastian grabbed the comforter from the floor next to his legs and threw it on to the bed in a messy pile. Danny and Sebastian straightened out the comforter and folded back a bit of it to keep the pillows out from under all of the sheets.

"There we go, that should do it, at least for now," Sebastian commented as he smoothed out the comforter before taking a step back to admire his work. "You don't mind sharing the room with your brother for a bit do you?"

"No I don't mind, we used to do it all the time when Philip was a bit younger and not as able to blockade himself in his room or hide himself properly," Danny mentioned as he sat down cross-legged on the bed, playing with the edges of the pants that he was wearing, looking more than a bit uncomfortable.

"Are you alright?" Sebastian asked as he sat on the opposite side of the bed with his feet still on the floor. Danny nodded slowly keeping his eyes on the hem of his pants. Danny knew that this wasn't like him, but he wasn't too sure how to feel after everything that had transpired over the last roughly 36 hours. He went from being abused and have a silent crush, to making out with said crush, and then now living with his crush and his younger brother was away from danger as well.

"I know its probably a lot to take in, we could talk for a bit to ease your mind a bit if you'd like?" Sebastian asked as he laid down on his back on the bed, parallel to Danny, with his feet still hanging off the side.

"Sure, but what are we going to talk about?" Danny asked curious but still doubtful that this was going to help him to relax.

"Well first before we start that, I want to apologize for what my parents had done earlier with the taking pictures of your scars and bruises," Sebastian commented honestly feeling a bit embarrassed by the actions of his parents, even though he knew that it needed to happen.

"Its okay they explained it to us about why they needed to do it, even if it did feel a bit weird and uncomfortable," Danny replied as he glanced over to Sebastian and saw how he bit his lip nervously and plucked at his jeans. "Do you really think that Philip and I could get emancipated from our parents?"

"My parents are some of the best child therapists, and they know some of the best attorneys, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle," Sebastian replied with a shrug as he continued to nibble at his lower lip. Danny kept thinking that if Sebastian didn't stop that soon he was going to have to get up or change how he was sitting do that Sebastian wouldn't see that he was getting hard just from watching how Sebastian was acting around him. "But we are going to have to go clothes shopping for you soon because I know that you didn't bring much with you when you left. That's actually where my mom left with Philip earlier to go and do."

Danny hadn't really thought that far ahead when he was packing up his things to leave, he just knew that he wanted out of there as soon as he possible could, and definitely before his parents had gotten back home. But there was still something that was bothering Danny, and even though they had already touched on it; the guilt and shame of last night was still on his mind. He wanted to talk it over with Sebastian now that they would be living together, at least for the time being, it would probably be best to not have such an awkward stance towards each other.

"Could we maybe talk about last night again? Please?" Danny asked as he looked up to Sebastian from underneath his eyelashes, a bit of pink brightening his cheeks in shame and embarrassment.

"Um, sure," Sebastian replied looking a little suspicious. He pulled his legs up on to the bed and flipped onto his side so that his entire body was now completely facing Danny. "What else do you want to know?"

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