Chapter 59

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**Sexually explicit content (more than the other chapters)

Sebastian had actually managed to relax a bit at school since the whole news story had blown over and wasn't really spoken much at the school. Jenna had almost brought it up during lunch, but Danny glared at her and motioned for her to drop the subject. Jenna listened to Danny even if she didn't understand why she needed to drop the subject. Danny was happy that the school day was otherwise uneventful, and felt like their lives had roughly gone back to a semi-normal rhythm.

At the end of the school day, after they had said goodbye to Jenna, Danny and Sebastian went to go pick up Philip from the grade school so that they could drop him off at his friend's house for the night. When they arrived at the school Philip came running out of the school with his friend in tow.

"Uh oh, I think that Philip is bringing company with him," Danny said with a chuckle as he waved to Philip and his friend. Sebastian leaned around Danny and looked out the window too, smiling at the two young boys as they approached the car.

"Sorry, but Nick's mom got stuck on a phone call and said that she wouldn't be able to make it in time to pick him up. Is it okay for Nick to come with us?" Philip asked with pleading eyes as Danny rolled down the passenger window. Danny glanced back to Sebastian who playfully sighed before nodding his head. Both Nick and Philip perked up and hopped into the backseat of Sebastian's car. The two young boys were chattering away in the back seat as Danny and Sebastian just sat in the front seats, smiling to themselves. When they arrived at Nick's house the boys got out of the backseat of the car and ran up to the front door where Nick's mom greeted them, still talking on the phone. She mouthed a thank you to us as she waved to Danny and Sebastian who were still in the car, and took the two boys into the house.

Sebastian drove the rest of the way back to the house, but noticed that no one else was at the house still. His parents must've ran into a bit of a situation at their practise and had to stay later, they usually didn't stay at work super late on Fridays. Danny and Sebastian walked into the quiet, empty house and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. They ate in a calm silence occasionally shooting each other flirty smiles as they ate. After they had finished eating they went out into the living room to watch some TV. Sebastian laid on the couch and brought Danny down to lay on top of him as they flipped through the channels to try to find something to watch. However, Danny was kind of interested in doing something else.

"I don't know how comfortable you are but, we are completely alone right now," Danny said as he sat up so that he was straddling Sebastian with his arms wrapped around Sebastian's neck, tugging at the edges of Sebastian's hair. "So if you are comfortable we could, I don't know, go upstairs and mess up your sheets, maybe."

Sebastian smiled and pulled Danny closer to him kissing him lightly on the lips before picking Danny up and carrying him up the stairs as they kissed, being extra careful to not drop Danny. Once they got into Sebastian's room, Sebastian kicked the door closed and gently dropped Danny onto the bed. Sebastian was nervous but he really wanted to do this, he wanted to show Danny how truly precious he was to him in a way that couldn't be construed as half-assed.

Sebastian took off his shirt and helped Danny to do the same before he returned to kissing Danny, and caressing his upper body. Danny moaned into Sebastian's mouth as he gripped onto Sebastian's back being mindful not to use his nails on his back. Danny gasped as Sebastian's fingers brushed across the skin just above his jeans. Danny glared up at Sebastian as he smiled mischievously back to Danny. Sebastian ducked his head down to Danny's neck and gently sucked on the soft spot that made Danny squirm around underneath him.

Sebastian's right hand snaked its way down Danny's chest and expertly undid the button and the zipper with one hand. Danny's face was flushed as Sebastian returned his attention to kissing Danny. Danny's hands went to Sebastian's hair and tangled his fingers in the blond hair that Sebastian always liked to keep really short. Sebastian's hand slipped underneath Danny's boxers and pants, and began to gently and slowly stroke Danny's hard dick. Danny shivered and kissed Sebastian harder opening up his mouth to him.

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