Chapter 27

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Philip, Sebastian, and Danny were all standing in the kitchen by the counters working away at making dinner. Sebastian had managed to find a stool for Philip to stand on so that he could be level with the counter as well, so that he wouldn't feel left out. Danny was slient the entire time since he had entered the kitchen. He was very self-conscious of everything that he was doing and everything that Sebastian was doing. The twinge of jealousy that Danny had had earlier while in the living room was still lingering in his chest and in his mind. Danny continued to chop up the vegetables as his mind wandered further and further.

Danny had no idea of what to think about for his slowly growing affections towards Sebastian. He knew that Sebastian still had a lot of secrets, considering his quickly changing moods when certain topics were brought up. But he was really sweet to Danny, and was challenging, and just uniquely the only person who has been able to get under Danny's skin and make him feel like jelly without his consent. The growing emotions that were blooming in Danny's chest were threatening to overwelhm him.

Danny was so distracted that he wasn't watching what he was doing and cut his finger with the knife that he was using to cut the vegetables. Danny yelped in surprise and Sebastian rushed to his side. Sebastian grabbed Danny by the wrist and ushered him over to the sink where he turned on the tap to wipe off the blood.

"Jeez, you really are clumsy in the kitchen," Sebastian murmured just loud enough that only Danny would be able to hear him. Danny tensed up at Sebastian's teasing tone, but tried to keep the rest of his reactions to a minimum. Though with Sebastian being right up against Danny's back it was difficult for Danny to keep his cool. "Philip can you go to hall closet that's just down the hall next to the stairs, theres a pack of bandaids in there. I need you to get me one for your brother."

"Okay!" Philip replies, jumps down from the stool, and ran from the kitchen to find the hall closet.

"What could you possibly be thinking about that you'd get so distracted that you'd accidently cut yourself?" Sebastian questioned as he quietly chuckled.

"Will I be okay doc?" Danny asked trying to joke back but it sounded kind of strained to his ears. Though he was happy to see that it didn't seem that Sebastian noticed his change in his voice. Sebastian got right close to Danny's neck, peering down at Danny's finger to make sure that the wound wasn't too deep. But that closeness, and the breath on his neck made Danny's face tinge pink and he was forced to surpress a shiver to keep Sebastian from asking anymore questions.

"I think that you'll be just fine, it was just a graze," Sebastian murmured not realizing that he was right against Danny's ear. Danny bit his tongue to keep from producing any noises as the hot air sent tingles down his spine. Danny was silently cursing Sebatian and his cruel obliviousness to Danny's predicament. These feelings were fightening. Danny had never felt this kind of intense emotions towards anyone before.

"Hey Bassy! I got the bandaid!" Philip called as he ran into the kitchen waving a thinly wrapped bandaid in his hands. Sebastian let go of Danny and stepped towards Philip, giving Danny the time he desperately needed to calm down.

"Awesome job!" Sebastian told him as he rubbed Philips head to mess up his hair. Philip giggled and playfully pushed at Sebastian's hand. Sebastian peeled back the wrapping and peeled off the tabs that held the sticky sides. Danny pulled his hand out of the water and quickly dried it off with some papertowel. Sebastian wrapped the bandaid around Danny's cut that was on his finger.

"You going to kiss it better, Bassy?" Philip asked looking up at Sebastian and Danny with big eyes and a confused look on his face. "Big brother used to always do that for me."

Danny and Sebastian exchanged a quick look before Sebsatian sighed and kissed the bandaid that he had just put on Danny's finger. Danny did his best to keep the act up for his little brother, hoping like crazy that he wasn't blushing. Philip smiled and giggled before climbing back up onto his stool to help finish up with making dinner.

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