Chapter 25

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"Hey, are you okay?" Jenna asked as she leaned against the locker that was next to Sebastian's, trying to look up into his face. He had been acting mopey all day and wasn't his usual cheerful self. At first Jenna had just thought that he was having a bad day, but even when Danny walked by Sebastian wouldn't do anything else other than saying "hi". She knew that he wasn't paying attention at all to what she was saying at lunch and even now as she tried to talk to him he seemed distant. She was at her wits end about what to do with Sebastian. The only other option that she had was to confide in that playboy, Danny. Since he was around Sebastian so much recently, he'd have a better chance at being able to see changes outside of the school that Jenna wasn't able to see.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," was Sebastian's half-hearted reply. She groaned to herself as she realized she was going to have to go talk to that self-rightous dick. She knew where he hung out normally so it wan't going to be too difficult to find him, it would just be getting him to listen to her that was going to be the problem.

"Hey, I'll see you at lunch, I just have something that I have to do before class," Jenna said over her shoulder as she started to walk down the hall away from Sebastian. Sebastian looked confused for a second, before cracking a half-smile that even to her lesbian tastes looked very attractive on him but at the same time a bit sad.

"Okay, see you then," Sebastian replied as he closed his locker and headed in the opposite direction towards the classrooms. Jenna took off towards the direction of the smoker pit that Danny usually went to before he went to class. He was the only person left which would be good for her cause then there wouldn't be any distractions or interruptions. Jenna jogged up to Danny who quickly noticed her approached and groaned in distaste.

"What do you want, nutcase?" Danny grumbled in digust as took a long puff on his cigarette.

"Trust me I wouldn't come out of my way to have a conversation with a dick face like you if it wasn't important," Jenna replied as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Danny. Danny rasied an eyebrow and blew the smoke up into the air.

"What could be so important that you would need to come take time out of your precious day to come and talk to me?" Danny replied mocking her as he flicked the ashes off the end of his cigarette and onto the pavement. He started taking another drag of his cigarette as Jenna started to respond.

"Its about...Sebastian," Jenna said finally. Danny choked on the smoke as he inhaled it too quickly in surprise. He coughed for a second before recovering enough to respond to Jenna.

"W-what about him?" Danny asked as he dropped his cigarette onto the ground and stomped it out. Jenna scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion as she watched Danny dispose of half of a perfectly good cigarette. He never did that, ever, as long as she has known him anyway.

"Have you noticed a change in his behaviour recently?"

"Umm, kind of but nothing super big, why?"

"Something's up with him, something big, and I think that whatever it is, is really bothering him."

"What makes you say that?"

"He seems so tired, and out of it recently. He even bombed the pop quiz that he had this morning."

That struck Danny the hardest because he knew how smart Sebastian was with all of the theories and ideas that he brought up during their project. Danny rubbed the side of his face where he could feel a headache starting to form.

"Okay, so what do you want me to do?" Danny asked in frustration.

"You do study groups and stuff with him, yes?" Jenna asked loosening up the crossing of her arms. Danny nods slowly wondering where this was going. "Can you just maybe keep an eye on him in a way that I can't? Outside of the school and away from all of this."

Jenna gestured to the school that was behind them. Danny thought about it for a moment. It was a lot of responsibility but the fact that Jenna of all people was coming to him for help made him think that there really was something wrong with Sebastian.

"You really think that there is something wrong with him?" Danny questioned as he crossed his arms loosely. Jenna raised both her eyebrows as she looked into Danny's eyes and saw something there that she hadn't seen in him in nearly eight years, worry and what might've been a small sense of affection. For a second she wanted to poke fun at Danny and ask if he had a crush on Sebastian, which she knew there was no possiblity of that, but something in his demeanor told Jenna not to.

"Yes," Jenna answered earnestly and sincerely.

"Okay, I'll do what I can to keep an eye on him," Danny replied sincerely as he reached out a hand towards Jenna. Jenna took it and they made a silent pact with that handshake to keep an eye on their friend Sebastian.

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