Chapter 31

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Sebatian stares across the cafeteria to the spot where he would some times see Danny sitting alone at a table during lunch, the only issue was was that Sebastian hadn't seen or heard from Danny in almost a week. It was now Friday, and the last time that Sebastian had seen Danny was when he had dropped him off at his house Saturday morning.

"Hey, space case, what's going on?" Jenna asked as she waved her hand in front of Sebastian's face to try to get his attention again. This was the fifth time that he had spaced out while talking to her. Sebastian blinked a few times before refocusing back on to Jenna.

"Sorry what?" Sebastian asked not hearing what she had said, too wrapped up in his own worries and thoughts.

"You blanked out again, whats got you so bothered that'd you'd blank out this much, and get called out in the middle of class for doing so?" Jenna asked as she folded her hands under her chin, preparing to listen to whatever he was going to tell her.

"I-I'm just concerned that something may have happened to Danny," Sebastian replied honestly as he put his head on the table.

"Why would you think that?" Jenna asked, now very curious as to the sudden change in Sebastian's feelings towards Danny. She figured that he wouldn't be this worried about Danny if he didn't feel something for him. For a moment Jenna thought that this must've been what was bugging Sebastian, but something in the back of her mind was nagging at her that this was different. It was more that he was concerned rather than fearful this time.

"He seemed a bit odd when I dropped him off at his house on Sunday," Sebastian mumbled as he started to drift back into his thoughts. Jenna sighed loudly before leaning across the table and snapping her fingers a couple times in front of Sebastian's face to bring him back to the present. Sebastian jerked his head back to look at her before smiling sheepishly at Jenna and rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry."

"Look if you are really so concerned about him then maybe, I don't know, go over to his house to check on him," Jenna suggested half-jokingly as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand as her elbow rested in the cafeteria table.

"Am I allowed to do that?" Sebastian muttered half to himself as he scrunched up his face in thought and leaned back in his chair.

"Of course you can, just make up an excuse like you're dropping of homework or something," Jenna suggested as she switched arms so that her chin was now resting on her other hand. Jenna slowly dropped her hand as she watched Sebastian's reaction in surprise. Sebastian smiled as he slumped back into the chair and chuckled lightly. It had been a long time since she had seen him a bit more than just "fine" and she had almost forgotten how good he looked while smiling. She felt good after seeing that she had done the right thing in encouraging him to go and see Danny.

Jenna was a bit nervous about where Sebastian's like for Danny could go knowing that Danny had a habit of sleeping around with different women and getting into trouble with the school. But for the moment as Jenna looked at Sebastian's slightly hopeful smile, she knew that she couldn't say anything that might take away a bit of Sebastian's happiness. So Jenna kept quiet and smiled as she admired what she doubted Sebastian knew was the first seeds of his love for Danny.

At the end of the school day as Jenna waved to Sebastian as he left the school property with that same smile on his face that he had had on in the cafeteria, she got these weird knots in her stomach. Sebastian wasn't wrong when he had said something wasn't right with Danny and Jenna had an idea as to what it was that was going on with Danny, had known for years. But she could never bring herself to say anything to anyone about it. Jenna couldn't tell Sebastian about how her and Danny used to be the best of friends, until grade 6 when his brother had died. He had started to come to school with bruises and a limp nearly everyday and people had started to look at him funny, like he was dangerous.

Jenna definitely knew that she couldn't tell Sebastian that she had cut off ties with Danny when rumours had started to spread about his bruises and about him caught kissing another guy. The guilt that she felt since that day cut into her like a burning knife everytime she saw him. Jenna liked to think that it was because she was confused about her own feelings towards other girls, but she knew deep down that that was a lie. The least that she could do to help fix her mistake was to maybe help Danny get a bit of happiness back into his life again.

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