Chapter 24

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Staring into the mirror Sebastian takes a deep breath in before rolling up his sleeve on his left arm revealing a bandage that went from his wrist to his elbow. Bits of red had begun to peek out around the thinner parts of the bandages, Sebastian threw the used bandages into the trash bin and was now face to face with his dark secret. His heart felt heavy and like it was about to break in two, tears stung at the corners of his eyes as he tried to hold back his tears. He had promised himself that he would not do this again, and for the longest time he was able to keep that promise. He felt happy and safe in his new town, he felt that he was finally more or less in control of his life and had even made a good new friend.

Sebastian hesitantly looked back down at his wrist again, and crigned before looking away. Sebastian couldn't stand looking down at the scabbing lines of brown and red, his shame that he wasn't completely back to himself yet. The reason for his sudden down turn? Sebastian pulled a newspaper clipping, that he had printed off from the computer a couple days before, out of his pocket. The tears finally fell from Sebastian's eyes and landed on the piece of paper in his shaking hands. On the crumpled up piece of paper it was talking about his tormentor, Mr. Roberts, sentencing for his crimes or rather lack thereof. He pretty much got off scot-free with a meager 90-120 days in jail with 5 years probation. Sebastian angrily crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it in the garbage along too. Sebastian gripped the edge of the sink tightly as his hands shook. He looked up to the mirror and forced himself to take deep breaths in and out to help himself to refocus but it wasn't working out as well as he wanted, he was still on the brink of having a panic attack.

Sebastian felt like his new world that he had made for himself was already starting to crumble down around him. Broken sobs escaped Sebastian's lips as he tried to hold them back, he was losing his grip on reality. But then he started to calm down as he remembered that Mr. Roberts had no idea where Sebastian was living now. Sebastian was able to get his breathing back under control and was able to look at himself in the mirror again feeling a bit more calm.

Sebastian had just managed to calm back down when his cell phone buzzed in his pocket. Sebastian unconsciously pulled it out and opened up the message without really thinking as to who it could've been from. His face paled and his heart started to race when he saw that the message was from his ex-girlfriend. The message read: Are you scared yet? And attached to the message was a link to a YouTube video. Sebastian knew that he shouldn't look at it but his curiosity got the better of him, and he clicked on the link. The video that she had sent him was an interview with none other than Mr. Roberts.

Mr. Roberts makes mention in the interview that he was framed and that he had simply been defending himself the best that he could against such a dangerous teenager. He also mentions that if he could he would want to get revenge on the child who had put him "wrongfully" in jail. Mr. Roberts and the interviewer laughed like it was just some big joke, but Sebastian knew that he wasn't joking. The way that he was looking into the camera and at the interviewer with his cold calculating gaze, Sebastian knew that he meant every word that he said.

Sebastian's breathing was becoming ragged and difficult to get. His head was starting to spin and felt like he was losing his sanity and the little bit of control that he had on his life. Tears flowed out of his eyes at an uncontrollable rate wetting his face and the counter, as he couldn't lift his arm to wipe his eyes because he was using his hands to help keep himself standing. Sebastian felt like he was out of control and losing his grounding. He knew one way that could help him to refocus completely.

Sebastian fought back the ache in his heart and the feeling of guilt and regret as he dug around under the sink for the locked wooden box. He unlocked the box and pulled the razor out. He spied a bare spot in between the scabbed slices, took a deep breath, and cut deep enough that his hands shook with such forced that he dropped the razor into the sink. Sebastian ran his arm under cold water as the pain burned up his arm. He panted heavily with his head pressed against the edge of the sink. The pain helped him to regain his focus and now realizing what he had just done he looked back up at the wound fearfully.

Sebastian sighed in relief when he saw that it wasn't too deep. He fumbled around underneath the sink to try to find the first aid kit. He grabbed it, pulled it out, and sent it out on the counter. With his arm still in the water, Sebastian fumbled with trying to open the first aid kit. He eventually got it open and pulled out a small package of gauze and a bandage wrap. He torn open the gauze package with his teeth and finally pulled his shaking left arm out of the cold water. He placed the gauze on the still open wound, spit out the package that was in his mouth onto the counter, and pried open the bandage wrap. He wrapped his arm with the gauze underneath the bandage and then pinned it in place.

Sebastian was hoping that this would help to keep him fairly calm and relaxed for the rest of the day and that he wouldn't have to do it again.

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