Chapter 51

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On the drive to school Sebastian hadn't said a word the entire ride so Danny was just hoping that Sebastian would be better as the day went on. But when he walked into the cafeteria when Jenna on his heels he looked worse than he had that morning, that had Danny even more concerned. Sebastian looked pale and tired, like the life was being drained out of him. Jenna locked eyes with Danny and gestured with her eyes to Sebastian with a frustrated and concerned look on her face.

Sebastian sat across the table from Danny but kept his eyes on his tray of food that he had brought over to the table with him. Jenna sat next to Sebastian fidgeting with her fingers as she glanced between Sebastian and Danny. Sebastian hadn't talked to her all morning other than saying hello when he saw her in their first period class together. Danny just shrugged to her and began to eat his food, but reached out with his foot to nudge gently at Sebastian to show him that he didn't need to be alone. The only reaction that Danny got from Sebastian was him glancing up at Danny before he started to munch at his food, keeping his eyes to himself.

As lunch ended all three of them got up from the table after their awkward lunch together. Jenna hesitated a moment, glancing at Danny, before saying that she was heading off to her class. She headed off down the hallway in the opposite direction of where Sebastian's class was. Since this was Danny's free period he thought that it would be best to walk Sebastian to his class. As they were walking down the crowded hallway, Danny felt a rough fabric brush against his right arm. He looked down and saw that there was a bandage wrapped around Sebastian's hand and up the part of his wrist that he could see.

"Hey, what'd you do to your arm?" Danny asked Sebastian quietly, as he leaned in closer. Sebastian was quiet for a moment and Danny thought that maybe he wasn't going to say anything.

"I had hurt it while I was volunteering in the junior gym class," Sebastian replied not looking to Danny, and just continuing down the hallway to his classroom. Liar. Danny didn't argue and just walked Sebastian to his classroom before making his way to the library.

Danny located a computer near the back part of the library where he was less likely to be noticed or disturbed. Danny looked around just to make sure that he was truly completely alone before logging into the computer. He got onto the internet and typed in the name of the article into the search bar. He manages to find the article and was frustrated that there wasn't a lot of information there. All that he could find was that a 45 year old married man that was being set free on a technicality. Danny scrolled to the bottom of the web page and looked for related articles.

There were several different articles that Danny found that were connected to that first one. Danny watched the dates scroll back as went kept flipping from article to article gathering more and more information about what had happened, but he still didn't know who it was that was involved and why Sebastian seemed so upset about it. Finally, Danny found the very first article that had been printed nearly a year ago, and the title said it all: "Star Teen Basketball Player Kidnapped, Tortured, and Abused by Family Friend".

The further that Danny read in the article the more horrified he became, and the more that he understood why Sebastian was the way that he was.

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