Chapter 13

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It had been a long time since Danny had been able to go to bed without being beaten beforehand, and he savoured every moment of it. Seeing Philip off to school was less stressful too because Danny didn't have to worry about their parents as they were already in their drinking induced "coma". Philip was just going into grade 5 and even though Danny was in grade 10 he was actually 16 due to the fact that he had missed almost a year of school because he was in the hospital for most of it. He could never remember why he was in the hospital though. That was the only part of his memory that was hazy, it could've been because of how hopped up on painkillers he was but he didn't really like dwelling on stuff that he deemed as unimportant.

Leaning his back against the wall of the school, Danny took the last puff of his cigarette before dropping it on to the ground and grinding it out with his foot. Danny started when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and smiled down at it when he saw that there was another street race on for later tonight. More money in his pocket if he were to win again tonight, which is one step closer to being able to get out of that house.

Danny's phone buzzed again in his hands. He popped open the new message and smirked when he saw that it was from his less than faithful friend's girlfriend asking him to spend some time with her after school. She said that she was bored and was looking for something fun to do. Danny thought about it for a moment before he responded with a yes. He figured that he would have some time before the races to "hang out" with her for a bit. This day was just getting better and better, Danny thought to himself as he smiled.

A large shadow suddenly fell over Danny, literally. He looked up and saw that Sebastian was standing right in front of him with a dark scowl on his face. Next to Sebastian was Jenna, a girl that Danny didn't really know all that well, but had heard enough about  her to know not to mess with her. Well this kind of saved Danny the effort of having to go look for Sebastian himself. However, the look in Sebastian's eyes made Danny hesitate for a moment. Sebastian had to have only been at the school for a week and Danny never noticed this kind of a demeanor coming from him, but knew immediately that this wasn't right.

Danny glanced at Jenna and saw how she nervously hopped from foot to foot, glancing up at Sebastian before quickly noticing Danny staring and sending him a glare. Danny snapped back to the present situation and dropped all of his assembled concern for Sebastian.

"Whats your problem, man?" Danny asked Sebastian as he pushed off the wall and back into a standing position. He was happy to be finally getting the chance to confront his tormentor, accidental or not Sebastian was messing with Danny's mojo.

"I don't have the energy to waste on you right now, so move, you're infront of my locker," Sebastian replied his voice much deeper and colder than normal. Danny tried to suppress the shiver that ran up his spine at the sound of Sebastian's voice. It both excited and terrified Danny. Sebastian was dragging out the dark parts of Danny's heart and Danny didn't like where it was going.

Danny inadvertently stepped to the side and let Sebastian pass. Jenna looked at Danny, with a raised eyebrow and scrunched up eyebrows. Danny felt the heat rise in his face as he realized what he had done. He glared at Jenna and Sebastian before he stomped off down the hallway, too embarrassed to continue his tirade.

Danny's mood now pretty much ruined he was starting to look forward to after school more and more. He just wanted to get away from this place, fast.

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