The Dawn Court

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Dorian walked into a portal the color of the sky as the sun rises. Dorian emerged from the portal, into a land filled with mountains and clouds. Even though the sun was high in the sky, the clouds were still the same colour as dawn. Looking around, Dorian found himself surrounded by mountains, with no trace of the portal he came through in sight. Dorian used his raw magic to look for any civilization, and on top of a mountain with it's peak reaching above the clouds. A palace sat on top of the mountain, and Dorian used his raw magic to fly up to the palace. The doors to the place where wide open, but he presumed it was because the slope was impossible to climb. Dorian walked into the dining room, where it appeared the residents of the place where finishing their lunch. "Hello there," said Dorian as he walked into the room. " I was just wondering if you could tell me where I am, I just came out of a portal, so I have no idea where I am."

The male that was still at the dining table stood up and said, " Who are you? How did you get up here? The mountain is impossible to climb and there's no other way up."

Dorian said, " I am King Dorian Havilliard of Ardlan. I got up here by flying up the mountain. You see, I have raw magic. I can do anything I want. Who are you?" The male replied, " I am Thesan, High Lord of the Dawn Court. There is no way that you can fly. That power doesn't belong in any of the courts. If you can fly, prove it."

" Fine," said Dorian, and flew above him. " Is that proof enough. You still haven't said where I am."

Thesan replied, " You are in the Dawn Court. We specialize in trinkets, and alchemy, and clever things. Where is Ardlan?"

" Ardlan is in Erilea, and during my father's reign, it specialized in armies, and weapons," said Dorian with disdain in his voice.

" I wonder how you got here," said Thesan. The two rulers sat down, and tried to figure out why the portal existed. They puzzled, also wondering why they had never heard of the other place before. They determined that they were in the same universe, but there continents had been pushed too far apart for it to be possible to travel. Thesan took Dorian to a room in the palace, and Dorian changed into the fashion of the dawn court, before lying to sleep on a bed as soft as the clouds surrounding it.


Hi guys,

Thank you so much for reading my story, I thought I wouldn't be able to update till Friday, but I had free time. Hope you guys are enjoying it.

Please comment.

Thank you to MyLittleMor and maybeitsdella for your comments. 

-Aelin Archeon

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