During the Night

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Aelin, Manon, Asterin, Dorian, Helion and Thesan sat around the fire. As they exchanged tales of their travels, night began to fall. After night fell, even the fire struggled to keep them warm. Aelin suggested to the group,' Let's go into the tents we set up earlier."

"Sure," said the others. They were were two tents, one for Aelin, Manon and Asterin, and one for Dorian, Thesan and Helion. They all retired to their tents, hoping to get rest for the day ahead. Dorian, Thesan and Helion talked for 10 minutes, but eventually exhaustion got the better of them. In the girls tent, Asterin, Manon and Aelin talked for 15 minutes before deciding to go to sleep. Asterin and Manon fell asleep instantly, but Aelin had difficulty, she tossed and turned on the rock hard ground, said unable to sleep. All she could think of was her court. Aedion and Lysandra. Her cousin and her best friend. She missed her mate, her husband. She missed Rowan, who's comforting touch would help her to sleep and chase away the nightmares. She missed her court. Aelin decided to go outside, knowing that sleep wouldn't come to her. She quietly snuck out her tent, using the skills that Arobyn had taught her. Aelin walked away from the tent, taking in the orange colored trees. However, in the distance, the trees disappeared and gave way to water and sand. Aelin passed over the border, and saw two figures on the beach.

Aedion and Lysandra sat on one of the many beaches in the Summer Court, with the moonlight shining off of the water. They were leaning into each other to stay warm. Aedion had talked Lysandra back to the Summer Court, in the hopes of taking her to one of the many beaches. The couple had sat down on the beach earlier on, but they talked for hours. Aedion leaned in to kiss Lysandra, but as soon as they pulled away, they saw a figure with fire on their hands walking towards them.

Aelin walked towards the two figures, lighting her hands on fire so that she could see them. She watched as they kissed, and her fire illuminated hair as golden as her own. In the hopes that it was her cousin, Aelin began walking towards the two figures, as she was getting closer, the figures broke off from there kiss. She continued on walking towards them as they turned to face them.

"Is that Aelin," asked Lysandra as the figure walked towards them.

"It can't be," replied Aedion, " She's in Doranelle with Maeve." But as the figure walked closer towards them, the golden hair was definitely his cousin. Lysandra stood up and started running towards Aelin.

As Aelin saw Lysandra start running towards her, Aelin extuguinshed her fire and started racing towards Lysandra. By this point, Aedion had started running towards Aelin. The trio embraced and Aedion and Lysandra started bombarding Aelin with questions. "How did you escape Maeve?""How did you get here?" Aelin smiled and told them her story. Aelin then said, " I saw you two kiss. Are you together?"

"Yeah," said Aedion, a blush creeping up his cheeks.

"Yay," said Aelin,"Now, follow me, I have some people I'd like you to meet. Aelin took Aedion and Lysandra back to camp, where she proceeded to wake everyone up. The group woke up, ready for battle. Aelin called to them," Calm down, they're are sme people I'd like you to meet." Aedion and Lysandra walked into the campsite and where greeted by warm welcomes from Asterin, Manon and Dorian. Helion and Thesan just watched, confused about what's going on.

" Ahem," Helion said, getting the attention of the group.

"Oh," said Aelin," This is Aedion, my cousin, and Lysanda, my best friend." The new group talked and exchanged tales. By the time they were done, the Sun was starting to rise.

Aedion suggested, " Why don't you come to the Summer Court. Based on Beron, I'm guessing you don't want to stay here?"

The group agreed and walked to the Summer Court, with the Queen of Terrasen missing one person of her Court.



Hi guys,

For the next chapter, who do you want to join in. It can be any High Lord(or High Lady) or a certain tattooed Fae warrior with silver hair. Comment who you want it to be. The most commented will be written. Also, please comment your thoughts.

Hope you're  liking A Kingdom of Light and Darkness.

-Aelin Archeon

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