The Border

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Manon walked towards what appeared to be a border of the so called Autumn Court. With every step that she took, she felt that she was getting closer to Aelin. Manon was glad she had left the Wrydkeys hidden in the Ardlan palace. Manon approached the border, and simply walked into what looked like endless spring. Manon figured that it must have been the Spring Court. However, no house was in sight, but on the horizon there was a female with golden hair. The female was walking towards Manon, and Manon hoped that it was who she thought it was.

Aelin Ashryver Galathynius walked through the woods, away from that males house. He was an idiot and a tool. " No such place as Terrasen." Well there obviously is, cause wherelse did she come from. And the way he acted. "Ugh, Aelin thought to herself. She decided to pick up her pace before that idiot followed her. He thought he was more powerful than her. High Lord, he called himself. In Terrasen, High Lord is lower than a Queen. Aelin walked away from him, determined to get away from this disgusting court. Aelin lit a spark of fire on her fingertips, reminding herself that she was free, and healed. Aelin walked away, fuming, but in the distance she saw a figure with long white, silver hair and iron nails. Could it be Manon, she thought. No, she answered herself, Manon's in Ardlan with Dorian.But as she got closer and closer, the figure was undoubtedly Manon, with pure gold eyes and iron nails. Aelin started to run towards Manon, and Manon started to run towards her.

Manon saw Aelin start running towards her, so she ran towards her friend. "Aelin," she called as she ran towards her friend.

"Manon," Aelin said. They embraced, Aelin thankful for meeting someone she knew, and Manon thankful for seeing Aelin. Wait, Manon thought, Aelin's free. She escaped from Maeve.

"How did you get away from Maeve," Manon asked, " And how did you get here?"

" Cairn and Maeve were finishing up with their daily whipping session when a black portal apperead. Maeve went through, and ordered the idiot Cairn to throw me through. Cairn, being Cairn, decided to do it were he had just whipped me. He didn't realize, but the portal had changed to green. He threw me into it, and I landed on that idiot of a HIgh Lord's table. He put me in a hospital and healed my back, but then said there was no so place as Terrasen. I left, and ended up here," said Aelin, " How did you get here?"

"I was in Ardlan's castle with Dorian and he called for me and Asterin. There was a pink portal in the throne room. Dorian ran through it, and I followed him into a orange portal. I ended up in the forests of the Autumn Court I went inside and met the High Lord..." Manon said, but she was interrupted by Aelin. 

" Was your High Lords an idiot too?" she said.

" Yeah," Manon replied, " He called himself Master of Fire. He sent 15 people to arrest me. They failed though." Aelin was becoming annoyed.

" Master of Fire," she said, " I'll show him who's master of fire." Manon and Aelin started walking towards the Autumn Court, after a few minutes of running, they had reached Forest House. Aelin and Manon walked through the hole in the door and right into the study of Beron. Aelin said, " Are you Beron, High Lord of the Autumn Court?"

Beron replied, " Yes, but you forgot Master of Fire."

" You are not Master of Fire," said Aelin.

 "Yes I am," Beron said, " And anyway,you are? Who even are you?"

" I am Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, and I am the Heir of Fire. Let's see who's better at fire."

" Fine," said Beron, " Let's do it now." Aelin, Beron and Manon went outside. Beron said, " What's the most powerful thing you can do, light a piece of wood on fire. I can create a massive bonfire. what can you do?" 

Aelin smirked and said, "I'll show you, but you do your;s first."

" Fine," said Beron, and created a 12 foot tall fire.

Aelin smirked and said, "I'd advise you to create a shield around you and Manon, because this is going to kill any unprotected things." With that Aelin sent fire exploding out of her, the same way she did with the liken, and burnt all of the surrounding forest to ash as far as the eye could see. " I think we know who is Master of Fire, " She said, and walked away with Manon towards another court.


Hi guys,

I hope you're liking this. Now Aelin and Manon have met. Which two charecters do you think will meet next. Please comment.

- Aelin Archeon

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