The Fight

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Aelin and Cassian braced themselves into a fighting position as the bell rang, signaling for the fight to began. Aelin walked around the ring twirling her hunting knives, while Cassian stayed directly opposite her, his sword swinging. Cassian lunged at Aelin at unbelievable speed, expecting for her to be where she was a second ago. However, Aelin dodged the blow and quickly stepped to the side, leaving Cassian lunging into empty air. He quickly recovered and he swiped at Aelin's chest, while doing an sweeping kick. Aelin quickly blocked the swipe, but she fell down after the kick. However, a second later she was back on her feet swiping and lunging at Cassian. Cassian returned the lunges, and it seemed it was a dance between the two that could go on for an indefinite amount of time. Swipe, lunge, swipe, lunge, with sweeping kicks. They continue on like that, each one blocking and avoiding the others attacks. Cassian lifted his leg up to kick Aelin in the stomach, which gave her a good idea. However, in her train of thought, Cassian kicked her in the chest and she fell over. However, she was able to get up before Cassian had her to surrender. The two returned to their dance, but this time Aelin had a better plan. She lunged and swung her sword at Cassian, which he easily blocked, but as soon as Cassian had swung for Aelin's chest, she moved and kicked him in his area. Cassian winced over in pain, which allowed Aelin to get behind him and hold one of his hunting blades to his throat. "Surrender," asked Aelin.

" Fine," replied Cassian and Aelin lowered her blade from his throat.

" And that was without using magic." Aelin victoriously walked to the side of the spectator area where the members of her court, who were smiling.

" You guys owe us 50 pieces of gold," said Aedion.

" Guys, you bet on this?" asked Aelin.

" Of course, we all knew you would win Fireheart," said Rowan, and Aelin went to lean into him.

" Now pay up," said Aedion.

" Fine," said the members of the Inner Circle and proceeded to give all the members of Aelin's Court 50 pieces of gold.

" Aelin, do you want to come shopping in Veralis with me and Mor," asked Feyre.

" Sure," said Aelin. With that, Aelin, Feyre and Mor went to go shop. They wandered around Veralis, buying clothing and trinkets. It was nearing sundown, and they were about to head back, when Aelin saw a chocolate shop. " Is that what I think it is," asked Aelin.

" A chocolate shop, yes," replied Feyre.

Aelin immediately walked in and bought as much chocolate as she could, which was about 3 pounds. Feyre said to Aelin, " Are you going to eat that all yourself?"

" Yep," said Aelin.

" Can you eat all of that by yourself," asked Mor.

" Yes, one time I got a 5 pound bag of sweets for Yulemas and ate them all in a day. I ate three pounds before breakfast. Ask Dorian," said Aelin.

"Fine," said Feyre, and as they walked back to the town house, the trio talked about their adventures. They arrived at the townhouse and Feyre told Mor and Aelin to go change because they were going into Veralis to eat. Aelin changed into a knee length turquoise dress that faded into green, with outlines of stags and fire at the bottom. She wore dark red lipstick with turquoise eye shadow and she let her hair down. Mor wore a red dress that ended just above the knee, but it puffed out. She had dark lipstick on. Feyre wore a dark violet ankle length dress, with stars taking up the bottom. They meat the members of the Court of Terrasen and the Inner Circle, and went to eat in Veralis. The group talked all night about their adventures, and they all returned to the House of the Wind, sharing a room with their significant other.


Hi guys,

For the next chapter, do you want it to be more of the Night Court or the meeting in Hybern. Comment which one you would like and the most commented one will be written.

Please comment your thoughts on this chapter as well.

Thank you guys for commenting on my previous chapters as well.

Hope you're enjoying A Kingdom of Light and Darkness

-Aelin Archeon

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