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Yoongi's morning was just the same, waking up to Jungkook's cries, changing and feeding him, waking the rest of his siblings and cooking.

"Hyung, when will we go home?" Hoseok asked Yoongi who was busy cooking breakfast.

"I don't know, Hobi," Yoongi sighed, placing the bacon on the plates and proceeding into cooking eggs.

"Ung, chimmie wans pancakes!" Jimin said to his brother.

"Next time, right now you'll eat what I just made, okay?"


"Go wake Joonie up," he instructed the 2 years old.

"Mm!" Jimin hummed and pulled his twin, who pulled Hoseok along.

The 3 went into the guest room, where their brother and Jin slept in.

Jimin and Tae climbed up the bed, to attempt waking their brother, who was sleeping ontop of Jin.

"Ung.." Tae called for namjoon and tapped on his back.

"Joonie!" Hoseok flicked Namjoon's forehead.

"Hey, you guys" Jin whispered while smiling, startling the 3.

"Yoongi-hyung said to wake Joonie and you for breakfast," hoseok explained.

"Oh... did he cook?" Jin said, slowly sitting up, holding onto the child on top of him so he won't fall off.

"Yeah," Jimin answered.

"Okay, we'll come out now," he answered the 3 kids and slowly stood up, carrying Namjoon, only to have Taehyung jump onto his back and Jimin raising his arms up for Jin to carry him.

Jin chuckled and did as they wanted.

Hoseok too wanted to be carried but he was fine with just holding onto the man's leg.

"Never realised your brothers were little monkeys," Jin spoke, slightly startling the teen who was placing the plates onto the dining table.

Jungkook balanced on his hip.

"Oh, sorry about that, they don't usually act that way, I don't know what's gotten into them," he said looking up at the man.

" 'cause appa taw(tall)!" Jimin said all of a sudden, holding onto Jin.

"J-jimin..." yoongi stared at his brother in horror.

"Sowwy..." Jimin said realizing what he just said with tears in his eyes.

Jin felt a bit awkward, but if he had to be honest, he didn't mind it.

He put the kids down, including the now awake Namjoon.

And they all went to sit on the chairs, although there are only 4, they managed, the twins in a chair, Hobi and Joon in a chair.

Jungkook was on Yoongi's lap.

"Sorry about that..." Yoongi said apologetically.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," Jin said digging into the eggs.

"Baaaaaaaahhh!!!" Jungkook blabbered and started to hit the table with his tiny hands.

"Okay, okay, here you go," Yoongi said giving him his milk.

"I was thinking of grocery shopping later, would like to come along? I'm pretty sure you'd need a few things if you're thinking of staying over... maybe?" Jin said as he finished his breakfast.

"Wait... you're gonna let us live with you?" Yoongi turned away from feeding Jimin to look at Jin with wide eyes.

" I mean, it sure gets lonely here and I've thought of getting myself a roomate, but 6 seems better than 1" Jin shrugged, "Besides, I don't think you have a place to stay."

"Hyung, are we going to stay with Jin-hyung? But what about mom and dad?" Hoseok said as he bit into his bacon.

Namjoon looked at Jin, then looked at his older brother, then he decided to break the news for Hoseok.

"Mom and dad won't come," he said, holding his tears and just acted like he didn't care.

"Nah-uh, they awe comin!" Tae retorted.

"They aren't coming, Tae!" Namjoon said out loud.

"Namjoon, stop it," Yoongi said looking at his plate.

"Why won't you tell them the truth, hyung?" Namjoon said looking at Yoongi.

"I said stop it, Namjoon," yoongi spoke through his teeth.

"At least I don't lie to them!"

"Nononononono YOU AWE LYIN!" Jimin yelled.

"THEY DON'T WANT US!" Namjoon yelled out, only to get tackled off the chair by Hoseok.

"THEY DO!" He said as he hit his brother.

"Hey! HEY!!" yoongi yelled out scaring the baby, "CUT IT OUT, RIGHT NOW!"

"Namjoon started it!" Hoseok pointed accusingly at his little brother.

"I was telling the truth! Ask yoongi-hyung and Jin-hyung!" Namjoon said from under hoseok.

Yoongi, busy with getting the baby to calm down, pulled Hoseok with 1 hand off of Namjoon, then he pulled Namjoon up.

"Didn't I tell you to shut it? And you, you shouldn't go attacking your brother like that!" He scolded the 2, while rocking Jungkook in attempt to calm him.

Jimin was hugging Tae, as he was crying.

"How about you just tell them... hm, Yoongi-ah?" Jin said as he picked up the plates.

Yoongi sighed and told the 4 to scram to the living room.

"Listen... mom and dad won't be coming, what Namjoon said is right..." yoongi said, he felt his heart hurt seeing his brothers faces with tears and hurt.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I'm very, very sorry..." he kept on apologizing for his brothers as tears fell from his eyes.

The 4 ran to their brother and hugged him tight, all with tears.

Jungkook cooed and stared at his older brothers tear stained pale face. He then reached his tiny hands and held his face into his baby hands and gave the teen an open mouthed kiss on his cheek.

"We don' nee em, we have you, ung" Tae said and Jimin nodded.

"Yeah hyung, we just need you!" Hoseok said hugging Yoongi tighter.

"Yeah, hyung!" Namjoon said.

Jungkook cooed after he felt contented with all the open mouth kisses he gave his brother. (You know how babies kiss with their mouth open and it's just cutest yet kinda disgusting cuz saliva? Yeah)

Jin saw the scene unfold in front of him and was happy he took them in.

"Alright! Who is up to some shopping?" Jin said and all the boys jumped up in excitement.

"But first how about a bath, you all stink like dead mice" Yoongi said scrunching his nose in disgust.

With that they all erupted with laughter.

"No, I'm serious, we all need a bath," yoongi said in a serious tone.

With that, they all went to get a bath.

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