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Yoongi pov:

I ran up the stairs and opened the door to the rooftop.

I feel overwhelemed, although it was my fault for spilling things that should've been kept to myself.

On another note, why was I so dumb as to volunteer to do the rap part for Jihoon-ssi?

That just means I'll be spending time away from my brothers, and I really don't want to rely too much on Jin-hyung; I don't want to burden him.

I sighed and then took in a deep breath, breathing in the fresh cool air.

Snow began to cascade, looking fluffy and pure, yet once they touch you they're cold and unforgiving.

I shiver at the contact of one on my cheek.

I sigh yet again, creating a small cloud and walked to the rooftop door only to find it locked.

"The fuck? I could've sworn it was open a few minutes ago..." I whispered to myself and tried to pull at the door harder this time, but to no avail.

I slid down the door and ruffled my hair in frustration.

"What now?" I thought loudly, knowing that my phone is in my bag, which was in the class room.

"I'm fucked." I say, rubbing my face with my right hand in annoyance.

3rd person pov:
(In class)

Minho sat at his usual seat next to Yoongi's, waiting for the pale boy to return from wherever the hell he went to.

Yoongi never skipped class.


But then again it WAS his first day at school and he needed some good first time impression.

Choi Minho looked down at his watch that was snug on his wrist.

Where is hyung? He haven't returned from the moment he left our table at lunch...

He thought as he just shrugged and opened his textbook as the teacher had began lecturing.

Time skip, after school:
Yoongi pov, rooftop:

It has been over 3 hours, nobody ever came over to check the rooftop.

It was cold, I could feel my fingers going numb, my body is trembling.

I'm afraid.

Yet I felt my chest quinch with worry and bad thoughts.

What if nobody finds me and my brothers were left alone, waiting, waiting , waiting... and yet nobody goes and collects them...

What if they start to think I left them like mother did?

What about Seokjin-hyung? What will he do? He adopted us, fed us and gave us everything we needed, and I'm only taking things for granted...

My brothers will worry... they'll be scared... Chimmie and Tae will cry their eyes off, Joonie will act tough and not show his emotions and Hobi will be frightened to death... he'll cry... they'll hate me for breaking our promise... my promise...

I wipe my eyes from the accumulated tears that are yet to spill over my cheeks from being overflowing in my eyes.

I stand up, dizziness overtakes me, and yet I shout and bang on the door once again.

I've been doing it for the past 3 hours and my knuckles and hands are now bruised, with different colours that range from blues to reds to purples, greens and yellows.

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