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Minho pov, rooftop, the other side of the door:

We reached the top of the stairs and we're currently in front of the door.

We tried opening it but to no avail.

And then we hear a thud from the other side.

And I start panicking.

"YOONGI-HYUNG!" I call out, hearing no response.

I hurl myself at the door, Felix then pushes me to the side, with a fire extinguisher in his hand and hits the knob, over and over and over again until it breaks.

The door finally opens, we hear an ambulance outside and I thank my sister mentally and keep a note to myself to actually thank her later.

Yoongi-hyung was sprawled on a mound of snow, unmoving.

I ran over, the rest of the guys follow. My phone rings, it's my sister, she said one of us needed to go and show the paramedics where we were and Chanyeol volunteered to do so.

I touched hyung and he was cold.

You'd think he was an ice sculpture.

"Hypothermia," Jihoon says and starts to take off his coat, I do the same, so does Felix.

I have to admit, it was dumb for us to do so, but right now, Yoongi-hyung might lose his life.

"He-he stopped breathing!" Jihoon yells out, And I suddenly feel the world crashing down on me.

We tried to warm him up, Jihoon conducted CPR, we could only hope this works.

Finally Chanyeol and the paramedics arrived.

They put him on a stretcher putting on him a mask with a pumping thingamajig and gave us our coats back as they wrapped him up in a blanket.

I called Jin-hyung as the guys and I walked behind the paramedics, noona soon after joins us with the gaggle of toddlers.

They were all a mess, Jimin was crying, screaming even, Taehyung shed silent tears, Namjoon and surprisingly Hoseok were the only ones who weren't crying.

"Unggg~~" Jimin gurgled with his hand in his mouth and a runny nose.

Taehyung looked at his hyung (Yoongi) and began sobbing, tightening his hold on Jimin's foot.

Jin arrived at record time, although their house is fairly close, 15 minutes far by foot, he came in his car, quickly got out and talked to one of the paramedics, whom quickly explained the situation, but he couldn't stress enough about how they needed to get to the hospital as fast as possible.

And so they did.

3rd pov, the hospital:

The wait was long, it was excruciating. Jin called one of his best friends, Lee Jongsuk, over and asked him to take care of Jungkook for him, along with the rest of the sleeping toddlers.

In which the model accepted.

He gave his regards and hoped for Yoongi to wake up soon, as he and his fiancee took the baby boy and gaggle of toddlers.

Jimin whimpered a little before starting to cry, which soon became a chain reaction in which his brothers, all of them, started crying too.

It startled the couple and surprised Jin and Minho, as Namjoon usually holds it in, but now he is full out sobbing alongside his brothers.

"Aww, what's wrong little one?" Park Shinhye, Jongsuk's fiancee, asked Jimin.

"I wan' ung~" he cried out.

It was a heart wrenching sight to the 4 adults and 4 teens that were there.

With that, Jin got up and collected his kids, taking the baby from his friend's arms and hugging them tightly in his strong arms, whispering, "he'll be okay" and "don't worry" and even "sorry" even though he has done nothing wrong.

Except the 20 year old deems himself completely at fault, as he wasn't a good enough parent to the boys.

He too had shed a few tears.

At last, the doctor emerges from the room, it has only been a few minutes though it seemed like hours, days even.

Jin turned his face towards the doctor.

"Your son is stablized and out of danger, there might be some psychological damage but we'll only know after he wakes up. Thankfully and miraculously his body didn't shut down completely. It's a miracle, truly!
He has severe hypothermia, so we had to give a blood rewarming and once he wakes up we'll conduct a check up and get some brain scans to see if there are any brain damages and how it's functioning, maybe an MRI as well for extra assurance," The doctor stated.

"Thank you, doctor," Seokjin said and he bowed.

"No problem, it's my job. Say... you said that the boy stayed in the freezing weather for 4 hours?" Jin nodded, "truly a miracle..." the doctor whispered and bowed as he walked away.

"Uh! Wait!" Jin said quickly before the doctor could go away completely.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Why is it truly a miracle?" Jin said, rocking the baby in his hands, who was sniffling.

"Because, sir, hypothermia kills within 15 minutes, if not less, and seeing as he has severe hypothermia... but your son... your son he... he only got away with mild frostbite on his fingers and nose. Your son is a miracle!" The doctor exclaimed.

Jin was shocked.

The doctor bowed once more and left.

A nurse came out of the room with a bunch of other nurses and told them that they can go in.

"Alright, you'll see your hyung, but then you'll have to leave with Shinhye-noona and Jongsuk-hyung, okay?" Jin said to the toddlers.

They nodded in response.

Upon entering, the first thing they see was a small pale boy, hooked up to wires and tubes.

His hands bandaged up, a breathing mask on him, his nose had a few bandages as well, seeing as it had mild frostbite.

A machine beeping and another whirring.

Vital sign monitor and venovenous haemofiltration.

He was paler than usual.

He looked helpless.

He looked like someone else.

He looked peaceful.

"Is ung evel wakin' up?" Taehyung asked as he looked at his older brother, who laid there on the hospital bed.

"Of course he will! What are you even saying Tae!" Hoseok said back.

"But- but ung looks like he'll die..." Taehyung said, eyes brimming with tears.

"Don't say that!" Namjoon scolded.

"I-I don' wan' ung to die~" Jimin said crying.

"Your hyung won't die, kids" Jin said, holding, a now, sleeping baby, gently passing him to Shinhye.

"But he isn' wakin up yet, yeah, hyung?" Tae mumbled.

"No, sweetie, not yet, he needs to sleep a little, so you should all go with noona amd hyung and sleep as well, okay?" The man said to the kids who nodded in return.

"We're going too..." Minho said, as he and his sister and group of friends stood up to leave.

"Take care everyone" Jin said as he waved goodbye for them all.

And as soon as the room became empty with only the unconscious boy and him in it, he whispered a silent prayer and hoped and wished.

"Please... please let him wake up... please... please let him be okay..."

Father At 20 (Kim Seokjin ff)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin