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"Milk formula and diapers," Yoongi mumbled to himself as he checked what he needed for Jungkook.

"Are you sure that's all?" Jin said as he closed his car's door.

"He needs some new clothes as they became small on him, but you don't need to worry about that, I'll find a job and buy him clothes," Yoongi said.

"Who'd take a 15 year old? Yoongi, it's okay, I wanted to buy you guys clothes anyways," Jin said ruffling the younger's hair.

"Besides, we need a baby car seat, 2 toddler car seats, a stroller, and other baby things, oh and toys! We can't forget toys!" Jin said, then he took out a crumpled paper from his pocket and gave it to yoongi.

It was a list of groceries as well as baby items.

"Thank you, hyung," yoongi said once again.

"You thank me way too much," Jin chuckled.

Pulling over at the mall's parking lot, they all got out of the car.

"I'll carry Jungkook," Jin said, holding out his hands to recieve the baby, he then held onto Hoseok's hand.

Yoongi held the Jimin and Tae's hands.

"Namjoon, hold onto Jin's pants," yoongi instructed the 5 year old.


"I think we got everything," Jin checked off the last item on his list, " okay, now we go and get the baby stuff and clothes!"

"And toys!" The twins said together.

"And that," Jin chuckled.

"Tsk tsk, look at that young man, still young and has all these children," an old lady said.

Jin looked her way and spoke politely "better have them young than have them old or never at all," he winked and walked off.

"You didn't have to do that, hyung, you could've just ignored her," Yoongi said as he pushed the trolley.

"But her face was funny when I said that," Jin said laughing his iconic windshield wiper laugh.
"Alright, I think we're done. Do you guys like your new toys?" Jin said to the boys.

"Yessss, thank you Jin-hyung!" They all replied.

With that, they all drove back to the apartment.

Jin and Yoongi started setting up the car seats.

"I also think we need to upgrade the apartment," Jin said to yoongi.

"Okay, hyung, I know you're excited but take it easy, we only just started living here," Yoongi replied.

"Am I going overboard?" He asked.

"Way too overboard," yoongi answered.

Jin nodded and picked up Jungkook.

(They already took the groceries up)

Jin then began cooking dinner, while yoongi made a little play station for Jungkook, he layed down a mat that they had gotten him and put up the playpen.

He then took all the new baby toys and sterilized them in boiling water, along with his pacifiers and bottles (in a different pot).

"You're really good at this," Jin said from the stove.

"Well, I did raise 5 kids all on my own," he replied.

"And your mom?" Jin raised a brow.

"Busy sleeping with men, other than her husband," he replied nonchalantly.

"How could she leave her teen son to care for her children?"

"She didn't care, if I didn't take care of them, she would've just neglected them," he answered, "It's fine, I love taking care of my little brothers."

"What about your friends? Social life? School??"

"I was home schooled, I don't have friends... and social anxiety doesn't help.."

"You're going to school, whether you like it or not, including your siblings," Jin said, as he stirred the food.

"It's fine, you're just wasting your money on us," yoongi spoke to him.

"Look, I'm not wasting money, I'm making use of it, if it helps someone," Jin retorted.

Yoongi just sighed and went to feed Jungkook.

"Tis my seat!" Tae yelled out.

"No! I'm youw ung!" Jimin said pulling on Tae to get him out of the baby walker.

Tae started to scream as Jimin pulled on his hand to get him out of Jungkook's walker.

"It's not either of yours, it's Jungkook's," yoongi said picking tae from the baby walker and kept Jungkook in it.

"And don't you dare try to pick him up and take him out of it," he said before going to make some milk for the baby.

"Now what?" Tae turned to Jimin.

"We take him out!" Jimin said.

"But ung clealy said not to."

"I'm youw ung!"

"But oongi-ung-"

"Do as I say! I came befowe you!"


"Taehyung!" Yoongi came into the living room and caught the toddler in the act of trying to pick his baby brother up.

"Chimchim said to!"

"Nah- uh!"


"Both of you, stop it!" Yoongi scolded and gave the baby his bottle.

"Dinner!" Jin called out.

And with that everyone ran to the kitchen.

Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi helped with putting the plates on the table, while Jimin and Taehyung sat on their newly bought children's table.

Meanwhile Jungkook sat in his new high chair, drinking his milk.

"Jin-hyung, why'd you take us in?" Yoongi asked as he ate his food.

"Well... honestly at first I was going to take you to the police station, but then something about all 6 of you just made me want to protect all of you, I knew I wanted to take you in the moment I saw your smile!" Jin answered yoongi, "and when Namjoon was talking to me last night I just HAD to take you in and protect you, I wouldn't mind going and making official adoption papers for all of you."

"Hyung..." yoongi was moved, all his life he was never really wanted, not by his biological father nor his mother nor anyone really, he knew if he didn't care for his siblings they'd get neglected like him as well, it was a first that someone wanted them.

"I know you heard my and namjoon's small talk, I want you guys, more than you could ever think," he smiled a warm smile.

"Do that mean Jinnie appa?" Tae said, with a stuffed mouth.

"Does, not do, and it's hyung," Namjoon corrected.

"No, it's appa," Jin replied, looking at 2 excited toddlers and a sunshine.

"I'll call you hyung,"  Namjoon said.

"Well you don't have to call me appa, sweetheart, you can call me hyung if you want," Jin said.

"Thank you, hyung."

"You're welcome, Yoongi-ah, now all of you eat up!"

That dinner was their first dinner as a family.

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