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The 7 reached their destination, Jimin still clinging onto his older brother who was carrying him, Tae holding his twin's leg as he walked next to Yoongi and Hoseok holding onto Minho's hand with his right hand and Namjoons with his left.

"Hi! I'm Seulgi, I'll take the kids to their classes, I reckon they are the new little one's?" Seulgi said.

"Yeah, they are," Yoongi answered, feeling Jimin's embrace tighten, "I'll be the one taking them, I'd like to know where are their classes just in case, but thanks anyways," he then said, while patting Jimin's back.

"Ung, I'm tried, les go ome;" Taehyung said tugging on Yoongi's shirt.

"No can do, tiger," Minho answered.

"I didn' ask you, I ask ung!" Tae said looking at Minho with squinty eyes.

"But I'm your hyung too!" Minho said returning the squinty eyes.

"No, only oongi!" Tae said.

"Cut it out you two, Minho you're literally arguing with a 2 year old, Tae, Minho is also your hyung," yoongi said.

Damn, I'm starting to sound like Jin.

Yoongi thought to himself.

"Alright then, I can take you to their classes," Seulgi said.

"That'd be great, thanks noona!" Minho said.

The girl smiled at the boy and started leading them to the classes.

The twins were first.

"And here is the nursery," she pointed.

"Alright, chimmie, Taetae, stick together and have fun, okay? And take care of each other," Yoongi said as he put Jimin down next to Taehyung.

"But I don' wanna go," Jimin said.

"Well you have to, and you have Taehyung with you, so you're not alone, okay?" Yoongi said as he ruffeled their hair.

"Yeah..." the two of them said in sync.

"See ya!" He said getting up.

Hoseok and Namjoon gave the both of them a quick hug and went after their hyungs.

Next was Namjoon.

"This is the kindergarten," Seulgi pointed out.

"Joon, careful not to break anything and yourself, please stay away from high places, eat slowly or you'll choke, stay away from anything sharp, don't touch fragile things, if you see a person wearing glasses, I plead you to not ask if you could see their glasses, nobody wants to hear your intricate thoughts and theories, they're 5 they won't understand-"

"But hyung, I'm 5 too."

"Yeah, your IQ isn't. Last but not least, don't always keep to yourself, have fun and make friends, just try not to break anything or anyone in the process," Yoongi finished his warnings. Well, not really, but he knew if he continued it won't end soon.

"Okay, see you later hyungie, bye minnie, see you in break time Hobi!" The child said.

"Yeah!" Hobi smiled big.

Yoongi ruffled the 5 year old's hair and left.

"Great... I'm alone in the sea of many people... people who don't know anything... with no IQ and absolutely bad speech capabilities," he said, sighing as he stared into his class.

Lastly, Hoseok.

"Here is the first grade classes, that's Hoseok's class," the girl said as she waved to go greet the other kids.

"Thank you, Seulgi noona~" Minho said waving.

"You're totally whipped for her," Yoongi muttered.

"Ew, she is my sister," he said with a disgusted face.

"Still whipped," Yoongi said, "totally got you wrapped around her finger."

"Psht, no...?" Minho said.

"Oh right, Minho, you'll be cooking dinner tonight!" Seulgi said turning around before completely going.

"Yes, noona~" Minho answered her smiling.




"Holy shit, I really am whipped," he snapped back to his senses after his sister left.

"Mhmmm," Yoongi said, looking at his little brother, who seemed to be slightly anxious.

"Alright Hobi, it's your turn, see you soon," Yoongi said ruffling his brother's hair.

Hoseok felt a lump in his throat, whimpering when his older brother removed his hand from his head.

Feeling tears prickling his eyes he tried keeping it in.

Yoongi saw that.

"Hey, bud, don't keep it in and tell me what's wrong?" Yoongi said, crouching down to be his brother's height.

With that, the dam in Hoseok's eyes broke, releasing his crystal like tears.

"I'm scared, hyung," Hoseok said, tackling his brother into a hug, "I don't wanna be here, I wanna go home."

"Hobi-ah, it's okay to be scared, it's okay to cry, it's okay to ask for help, it's okay to scream out loud in happiness too, so NEVER hold back. And you think half, if not all, of the students here want to be at school?" Yoongi said chuckling at the last sentence, "as annoying as it is, school is important for your future. Just know that your hyung is always here for you, run over to my building and barge into my class if you ever feel overwhelmed or scared or even if someone is hurting you, Minho hyung and I will always be there for you, you also have the twins and Namjoon, yes they are younger, but the 4 of you together... let's say that nobody can win against you," Yoongi finished.

Hoseok nodded and gave his brother a tight hug.

"Okay, hyung..." he said, releasing Yoongi.

The warning bell rang just then.

"I gotta go Hobi, I'll see you in a few, okay? Stay strong and ask for help if you need it," Yoongi said standing up and ruffling Hoseok's hair once more.

"Bye bye, Hobi-ah!!" Minho said running.

"Bye..." Hobi said waving at the 2 running for their lives.

He sighed and entered his class.

The 2 teens barely made it to class with only a minute to spare.

Bursting through the door, they were stopped by the teacher.

"And where were the 2 of you, may I ask?" Ms.Lisa asked the duo.

"Probably making more kids," Soojin commented snickering amd making the others laughed too.

"Soojin-ah~ you know what will come if you don't shut your trap~" Ms.Lisa said with an overly sweet tone.

"I was taking my brothers to their classes," Yoongi spoke.

"Psht, brothers, yeah right," Soojin commented again, earning a flying whiteboard eraser to the forehead.

"I asked Minho to help me since I don't know my way around school yet," Yoongi continued, fist balling in irritation.

"Well then, have a seat," Ms.Lisa said and that they did.

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