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The entire class time Soojin has been throwing papers and pestering Yoongi, whom surprisingly just sat there and took it instead of flipping out and murdering him.

"You know you can just tell Ms. Lisa about this, right?" Minho whispered over to Yoongi.

"What's the fun in that?" Yoongi said through gritted teeth.

"At least he'd stop being a dick to you."

"Mm, I've literally known him for less than a day, but I already know that that is impossible," Yoongi said, "he'd rather pick on 2 year olds than those his age."

"Min Yoongi and Choi Minho, either stop talking or tell us what you're talking about," Ms. Lisa said.

The two immediately stopped talking, though Yoongi would've loved sharing the story of how cowardly Soojin is and how he started picking on a 2 year old.

But he just knew that if had done that, then he would annoy him even more.

Time skip to lunch time:

During lunch time, Yoongi went to the cafeteria along with Minho, who walked over to his friends.

"Hey guys, this is Yoongi, he just transferred here," he introduced the pale boy, whom looked down at his shoes awkwardly.

"Hey!" Someone said with a cheerful voice.

Yoongi looked up but quickly looked down.

"We'll be back with food, anyone wants something?" Minho asked before dragging the older.

"A water bottle, please," the cheery voice said.

"Anything else?"

"Nope," a deep voice said.

After they both went to grab a tray of food, they went back to the table of Minho's friends.

Minho handed the bottled water to a boy, who in return thanked the boy.

"Hi! I'm Chanyeol!" The one next to a freckled boy introduced, "Park Chanyeol," he said smiling at the pale boy who was quietly sitting next to Minho.

"I'm Lee Felix," the freckled boy said with a smile as well.

"I'm Lee Jihoon, but you can call me Woozi," a smaller boy said, smiling softly.

"Min Yoongi," Yoongi said, not trying to interact much.

Saying that he is nervous would be an understatement, and him being worried about his younger brothers doesn't help.

"So, Min Yoongi-ssi, any siblings? A sister perhaps?" The boy named Chanyeol asked the quiet pale boy.

"5 brothers," he responded with a short answer.

"That's a lot of brothers," Felix said.

"Yeah..." Yoongi breathed out.

An awkward silence.

"So! Woozi, have you finished the new song you were working on?" Minho said breaking the silence.

"Uh, yeah, I just need some help with the rapping part, I feel that something is missing," Jihoon stated, getting offended looks from both Chanyeol and Felix.

Yoongi's ears perked at the mention of rap.

"Don't get me wrong guys, but this part I need something emotional, anger maybe? Saddness? As much as I love your raps, I need something fresh and strong," Jihoon elaborated.

"And where will you get that?" Minho asked as he stuffed his mouth with some rice.

"Exactly," The small boy said as he ruffled his hair in frustration, "my fans expect something this friday, and I've got everything done, well, minus the rap part," he sighed.

"I could try," Yoongi mumbled unconsciously, eyes widening when he snapped out of it.

"Really?" Jihoon said.

"You can rap?" Chanyeol and Minho said in unison, while Felix's eyebrows jumped in surprise.

"I think?" Yoongi said unsure.

"Can you show us some of your raps?" Chanyeol said excitedly.

"I would but I-I lost my notebook that contains my lyrics," Yoongi said stuttering as in reality his book is at his house.

His old house.

And although he had a new notebook with new lyrics and raps, it was personal and he didn't feel comfortable enough to show them his raps.

"But I can make up a short rap now," he said confidently.

"Go ahead," Jihoon spoke and leaned forward in anticipation.

Yoongi took a deep breath through his mouth and exhaled it through his nostrils.

(Y'all I'm no rapper and I'm no poet, so if this rap is whack, then let it be whack, iloveitthatway.)

"All my life I've been living like this,
Neglected and pushed away like I'm not worthy,
Nobody should live like this,
But here I am raising five at fifteen with nobody to help me,
Trying to give them a better life than me,
My brothers always seem to ask me,
Why'd they do this to us?
Tell me brother, how do you want me to answer that question for a child no older than two?
Tell me mother, do expect me to stand strong with all this pressure on my shoulders like I'm carrying a feather?
When in reality I carry my world on my shoulder, my five brothers, my family, the only ones there for me, the ones that hold me up when I break down, the ones who cheer me up when I have a frown.
I'm only fifteen, with a father at twenty and brothers that are the world to me, but does it matter when you're fucked up like me?"

Everyone was quiet when the pale boy had finished his rap, including the people from the neighbouring tables or from hearing distance.

Those who stared with sympathy, those who stared with annoyance and those who stared with awe at how fluid his rap was.

When yoongi finally snapped out of his trance from his moment, still words flowed like the river in his mind wanting to spill out of his lips and into paper using ink as a permanent way of seeing the ever flowing words.

Yoongi looked up to see a stunned Jihoon and 3 speechless boys.

His hands twitched to just feel a pen and paper as it was itching to write down his words.

But when he completely and entirely snapped out of it, the boy stood up abruptly and excused himself.

Why did I do that? Why am I so stupid as to tell them those things? What if they start questioning me?

With that last thought, he found himself on the rooftop.

Meanwhile, at the table of 4 friends:

"So?" Minho said awkwardly to Jihoon who was in deep thoughts.

"He is the missing piece I've been searching for my new song!" He said excitedly.

"We're just gonna ignore the fact that he just confessed that he is being neglected by his parents?" Felix said with a raised eyebrow.

"No, we're not. Can't a person rejoice for 1 second before becoming serious?" Jihoon clicked his tongue and his freckled friend who just shrugged.

"Uhhh, his dad is 20 years old?!" Chanyeol said, but got ignored by the whole table who continued talking about Yoongi.

"Y'all, this is serious, if his dad is 20 and he is 15... then that means... 20-15=..... 5? Uhh, so... he had Yoongi when he was 5?!"

"Shut up, Chanyeol!" Everyone said irritatedly, face palming in process.


Hello children.

I may or may not have forgotten that this ff existed, buuuttt here is a long ass chapters for you guys💜


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