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The next day, sunday, Jungkook was let out of the hospital, thankfully his fever has gone down.

"That one night must've been a really big scare for you, huh?" Jin nudged the shorter boy, who was pushing his brother's stroller.

The shorter just hummed.

"How did they sleep?" Yoongi asked as he nudged the older back.

"They slept just fine, all cuddled up with each other, not to mention some on top of me," he chuckled remembering the Hobi and Jimin on top of him.

"Yeah... they tend to climb on top of each other or sometimes me when the sleep, guess it makes them feel safer or something, like they're searching for warmth.. what?" Yoongi said looking up at the man who has been staring at him.

"This is the first time you've talked a lot," he smiled warmly.

"So, where are my brothers?" Yoongi said after a minute of silence.

"Minho slept over, so they stayed with him"

"You made a grave mistake leaving them with someone else," yoongi said.

Entering the apartment, if you could call it that anymore, as it was choas.

Taehyung was screaming bloody murder, Jimin running around butt naked, Hobi making weird noises and Namjoon dancing some weird ass dance around Minho, who was trying not to cry.

"What the fu-" Jin almost slipped and cussed.

"That's why you don't leave them alone," Yoongi just saw hell breaking loose and smirked.

Looking around, the coffee table was thrown side ways, the dining table somehow in the living room instead of the kitchen, food everywhere and sugar.

Sugar, sweets, chocolate, an empty ice cream tub, cookies thrown everywhere and many more sweet confictionaries and snacks.

"Yoongi! Jin-hyung!" Was Minho glad it was finally over? Indeed he was.

"You gave them sweets?!" Yoongi said, Tae began screaming again, as Jimin was pulling a toy from him, still butt naked.

"TAEHYUNG, SHUT UP!" yoongi scolded, running to them and picking the naked Jimin up and going to get him to wear clothes.

"NOooooOoooOOOooO" was heard from Jin's room, that has somehow converted into Yoongi's.





"Hyung, what's fuck?" Hobi stopped making weird noises and asked Jin.

"Um... uh... hey, hobi, look, a fairy!" Jin awkwardly let out and randomly pointed somewhere.

"Where?!" Hoseok whipped his head in search of the 'fairy'.

Minho tried slipping out of the mess of an apartment, when...

"Where do YOU think you're going?" Yoongi came out of the room with a now fully dressed, yet drowsy Jimin.

"Home?" Minho said unsure.

"Too bad, you're gonna stay here and fix this mess you've made," yoongi said pointed at his brothers and the messy apartment.

"But-" Minho broke into a crying mess, "they harrassed me hyung! They wouldn't stop unless I gave them the sugar!" He said looking at Jin, who gave him an apologetic look.

"Weird... they're such angels with me," Jin said.

"They're like that because they knew Minho is a vulnerable person whom they can easily manipulate and get him to give them what they want, and after what just happened, they know it's a fact," Yoongi said as he picked up 2 drowsy 2 year olds, transferring them to the couch that had ended up in the middle of the living room.

Jin carried a sleeping Namjoon.

"I'm sorrryyyy, one of the twins bit me and the other started saying gibberish things calling it alien language, meanwhile Namjoon started spewing things like human rights and Hobi showed the most angelic face."

Yoongi felt proud for some reason, but he shook his head and sighed.

At least I know they're not weak and can torture people into submission with their own unique ways, I taught them well.

He thought, unconsciously smirking.

"Well, just help us clean up and stay for dinner," Jin said with a reassuring smile.

"That's why no sugar after 5 pm," Yoongi pointed out to Jin, who just nodded in acknowledgement.

Now that they had kept all sleeping or drowsy kids on the couch, Jin lowered Jungkook into his playpen.

And with that the 3 began cleaning the mess that happened, with Jin going to cook after putting things back in their previous places.

"I do NOT want to babysit nor stay alone with your brothers ever again," Minho huffed as he threw himself on the ground after being done with cleaning.

Yoongi threw him a water bottle and went to sit with Jungkook in his playpen.

"Nobody asked you to," he said as he started to rough play with the baby.

"It's called a favor!" Minho said sitting up too quickly that he felt dizzy after.

"Nobody asked you to," Yoongi repeated as he proceeded to blow raspberries on his little brother's belly, earning adorable baby giggles.

Minho just sighed and turned to face the other teen and 4 month old.

"You know-" Minho began but was then interrupted.

"No I don't," Yoongi said as he made weird faces to Jungkook, who held onto his brother's face and laughed.

Minho sighed swearing under his breath, "like I was saying before SOMEONE rudely interrupted! I never thought you'd be like this," he said pointed at Yoongi, who was still playing with his brother.

"Like what?" He said smiling at Jungkook, who mirrored him, Jungkook then covered his face with his tiny hands.

"Like that," Minho pointed at Yoongi who played peek-a-boo, "one would look at you and think, "damn-" "

"Language!" Jin yelled from the kitchen.

"Sorry, "woah, he looks like someone who'd murder someone if he got messed with." or something, instead you're a complete softy who cares for his brothers more than anything," Minho said.

"Well, sorry to dissapoint your expectations of me," Yoongi said, picking up a toy and giving it to Jungkook.

"Honestly? This is better than my expectations!" Minho saod getting up and joining Yoongi and Jungkook in the playpen.

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