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It has been 11 years since then.

Seokjin had made sure to capture everyone that has been associated with hurting his sons.

Sending their parents in prison for as long as possible.

"HYUNG!" a small black haired boy jumped over a pale sleeping man.

"Wake up, hyung! Wake up!!!" The little boy said, whacking the pale man's face with his relatively small hands.

"Kook, I swear I'm gonna murder you someday," the 27 year old said as he abruptly sat up, causing the boy to slip off him and fall to the floor with an oof.

"Ah, shit. You okay?" Yoongi said as he reached for his younger brother.

"Yup, I'm fine! Appa made breakfast, and he told me to tell you to move that tooshy out of the bed!" The now 11 year old Jungkook said as he ran out to join the others.

Yoongi sighed and started walking towards the bathroom to brush his teeth and have a quick shower.

Finally walking down stairs to the kitchen, he greeted everyone and sat down for breakfast.

"Well, good morning to you too Yoongi," Jin said as he brought coffee over to the pale man.

"What's the time?" Yoongi said as he reached out for the mug.

"It's 7am."

"Why'd you wake me up so early?" The pale man pouted.

"Hyung, we need to take us to school," Namjoon said as he came in with his backpack in his hand.

"What about Jin?" Yoongi said sipping his coffee.

"First of all, it's hyung to you, second of all, I have an important meeting today."

Yoongi sighed, "call your brothers, I have a date today."

"A date?!" Jin and Joon said in unison.

"Yeah. "

"With who?" Joon said as he sat down in front of his brother.

"You're not ready for this," Yoongi said.

"Come onnn!" Namjoon begged.

"It's... It's one of the sexiest girls I've ever seen!"

"And?" Namjoon leaned forward, "What's her name?"


"Chim- wait... wait... HYUNG!!!"

Yoongi laughed, "go call your brothers!" He then said as he stood from his seat, going to his car.

"We're leaving now!" The chaotic boys said as they left, following their eldest brother out the door.

"Wait! Your lunch!" Seokjin said as he ran out carrying the forgotten lunch, thankfully he caught up.
It has been 11 years since Jin had adopted them, 11 years since that incident, 11 years of happiness after the harsh pain of reality.

There may be pain, but remember that there is always a rainbow after the rain.

Remember that you never walk alone.

Remember that there may be days where you feel like shit, like you're worthless, like nobody wants you,but there are more days where you feel like the whole world loves and cherishes  you, that even though there may be people that'll turn their backs from you, there are people that'll always be there for you.

Your days of loneliness are limited, but the days that you'll smile and be surrounded by your loved ones isn't.

You only need to find the people who accept you as you and not want you to change for them.

And let me tell you, they exist.

You just haven't opened your eyes and looked around you.

But they are there. For you, always.

The moral of this story is that, no matter how many times you get hurt, past, present, just know that there'll be people who are willing to help and save you.

You may be in a dark place, believe me when I say I have been in that place way too many times, but there are people who will be there, give you their hands to pull you into the light.

Even your hobbies can help you get out of it.

Writing, drawing, playing an instrument or listening to music.

It helps.

In this story, Yoongi had gone through a shit ton of hardships, but he had his brothers, he had music, his friends and Jin.

What about in your story? Who do you have? You can't say no one cause I'm sure you do have someone but you're just unaware of it. Perhaps even a habit or a hobby.

And on that note, I conclude this story.

But just because the story had ended doesn't mean it had ended.

Stories never end. It's just that we can't keep writing them forever, they go on.

They continue.

Be it in our minds, hearts or dreams.

Our stories never end. They keep on going even after death.

Father At 20 (Kim Seokjin ff)Where stories live. Discover now