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Right after they have found the kidnapped boy, they called the police to arrest the so called parents along with the 2 strangers.

They are now at the hospital, awaiting for the boy to wake up.

"Who would've thought a person with the most innocent and beautiful smile, that makes you want to protect them instantly, have been treated like nothing but a sex slave?" Seokjin whispered as he caressed the boy's hand.

"When the kids said 'hurting'... I never thought it would've been rape..." Jongsuk sighed as he walked towards Seokjin, putting his hands on his shoulders and massaging them.

"He's just a baby, suk... he's a baby... my baby..." Seokjin said as tears welled up in his eyes, bringing the teens hand up to his lips, kissing it multiple times.

The 4 other teens waited outside the room, as they couldn't bring themselves to look at their bruised up friend.

"Hyung?..." Yoongi's voice croaked as he woke up.

"Yoongi! Oh god, oh thank god..." Jin said as he enveloped the boy in the safety of his arms.

"Hyung..." Yoongi whimpered as he hugged his adoptive father back, "hyung..." he kept on saying as he cried, though no tears found their way out of his eyes as they were dried up from all the crying.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you come to me and spoke with me?" Jin said, as his fingers brushed through younger's hair.

"I thought I'd never see them... I thought they'd leave us for good... had I known.. hyung, if I knew I would've said it immediately... hyung, I'm scared.. I'm so scared... everything hurts, hyung, they never stopped... they kept on giving me drugs... they kept on dosing me with aphrodisiac and other weird drugs, hyung... they kept on hitting me, hyung... mommy left me.. she just left me, hyung... why? Why me? Why? I'm just useless, aren't I? I'm just unwanted, arent I? If I died, won't it be better? If I weren't born.. if I were dead? If I didn't exist-" the boy looked so small. He looked so fragile and like he'd break.

The 4 boys finally had the courage to enter when they heard that he woke up but they didn't expect to hear these things.

"Yoongi! What are you saying? I said it before didn't I? They didn't know how to treat kings the way they deserved, I want you... you aren't useless, no, love, you're someone who gave and showed me family, you're someone who protected his baby brothers and had you been useless then you wouldn't have, now would you? If you were dead, do you think your brothers would've survived? Death doesn't solve everything, son, it never does. It only causes more pain and grief. I want you, you aren't unwanted, I WANT you, I WANT Hoseok, I WANT Namjoon, I WANT the twins, I WANT Jungkook, I WANT all of you!" Seokjin said as he cupped the boy's cheeks.

The boy's face bruised, red rimming his puffy eyes, dark bags under them, eyes still cloudy and empty.

Oh how he'd give the world for these 6 boys.

His family.

His brothers.

His sons.

He'd eliminate any pain, he'd oblitrate those who hurt them.

He'd make those who touched his son pay for their actions.

He is after all one of the most powerful people in South Korea.
The ride back home was a quiet one.

Yoongi didn't say a single word after all he had said at the hospital in Daegu.

Now the boy is only staring out the window, besides, what would he say?

"Oh I'm fine, not like I've been drugged, raped and abused, psht, nah."?

He felt like his head is pounding against his skull, so he leaned his head backwards, now looking at the roof of the car.

"Hyung...?" A timid yet deep voice spoke, calling the bruised boy.

"Hmm," is all he said as a response to the freckled boy.

"I'm sorry... had I known that you had no relatives other than Seokjin-hyung, I wouldn't have let you go for them... had I known you'd get hurt, I would've shot them... I'm so sorry... it's my fault," the boy said, his head lowering in shame.

"You didn't do anything, Fe, you wouldn't have known because I don't talk about my family. Now can you guess why I don't?" The boy said chuckling humourlessly.

"I still feel like it's my fault, I-"

"That's enough Felix, I'm used to it, it doesn't matter, okay? What's done is done. My top priority was to protect kookie and I had achieved it. That's all that matters," He said irritablly.

Used to it... No one should be used to that, especially not a 15 year old child.

"Used to it? Just- just how lo-" but before Minho could ask, the pale boy answered.

"8 years. The abuse started 12 years ago but the rape started 7 years ago, this year marking the 8th, today actually. March 9th."

"Why do you speak so lightly about the matter? It's not som-" Chanyeol started but got cut off.

"Because, what's the point on dwelling? What's the point on caring anymore? What would I gain? I already knew from such a young age that my body is nothing but a money bringer, that I was nothing but a sex slave to them. I had hoped, I truly did. But what did hope do to me other than crushing me? What does speaking so lightly about a subject you've been a victim of for years matter? Why should I speak about it with a heavy heart? It's over now. It doesn't matter," Yoongi said.

The car became quiet again.

The headache just came back 10 folds for the boy, so he decided to fall asleep.

"You're really strong, Yoongi-ah," Jihoon whispered to yoongi, who's asleep, head against the window.
At last they have reached the apartment.

Jongsuk had called his fiancee earlier so that she and the kids would meet them there.

Thankfully she had been given extra keys, otherwise she'd have to wait outside the apartment with the kids for 1 extra hour as the traffic hadn't been the best.

Entering the house, the group if boys sat on the couch, while Jongsuk went to the kitchen for water. Meanwhile,  Seokjin carried his son over to the couch where there is a free spot.

Slowly putting down the teen, he sat next to him as Jongsuk brought the water over to them.

The toddlers quickly ran out of their rooms looking around for their older brother.

Once he was spotted, the gaggle waddled over to him, letting out a cry as they all reached out for him.

Shinhye followed them out with Jungkook in her arms, spotting Yoongi he began to cry, making grabby hands and calling his brothers name.

Seokjin looked around, his 6 sons, his friends and his son's friends.

His family.

And boy was he glad they were all together at last.

Father At 20 (Kim Seokjin ff)Where stories live. Discover now