Chapter 20

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"Oh! Is it your son, Uncle?" Yibo stands up when he saw the boy.

The boy smiles politely. He looks at Yibo with his sparkling eyes.

"Thank you for accompany my father, Gege...!" He says politely, then bow at Yibo.

"Heyy... Wait a sec, kid! I want to have some words first with you!" Yibo waves his hand at the boy who now looking at him confusedly.

"Yes, Ge? What do you want to say?" The boy asks.

"This uncle is your father, right?" Yibo pointing at the man.

"Yes, he's my father..." The boy answers.

"And now he is sick?" Yibo gazing at the boy sharply.

"Yes. But..." The boy words are hang since Yibo cut him off.

"As a grateful son, you supposed to take care of your old parents. More over, your dad is sick now. You can't be selfish! No matter how upset you are at him, he's still your dad who has raised you since you were a baby until you are so big like this! And look at him now! He is sick, man! How can be you so cruel to your own dad?!" Yibo rumbling the words without looking at Xiao Zhan who signalling him to shut up.

The boy smiles. Then he speaks," wow... I didn't expect that you are so good in speak and stand up for others. You are great, Ge!"

"Of course! I have my own parents and I still respect them even my dad sometimes a little bit dummy!" Yibo grins.

The boy chuckling. Yibo rubs his chin, think what words should he spills out.

"I wish his stupidity doesn't regenarated to me..." He mutters.


The boy muffled his laughter.

"Hey...! Don't laugh! I'm not finish yet!" Yibo retorting at the boy.

"You!" The man is going to scolds Yibo, but the boy holds his hand to not to speak first.

"Uncle... Don't get angry too fast! It's not good for your heart..! Calm down. Now your son is here. I'm trying to talk to him and make him realise his mistake. Rest assure...! He will realize it soon!" Yibo says

Xiao Zhan is digging his grave and buries himself six feet under because he can't take another embarrassment. Pei Xin who just came down splashing holly water in case his friend is possessed by any demons.

"Lai lai, meng!" Yibo pulls the boy's hand to stand closer to him. He slung his hand over the boy's shoulder and walk a little bit further from the man's table.

"Hey, didi..! You have to take care of your father. He's old already. We don't know how long more is his life left. If he dies soon, you will cry a river, regretting your wrongdoing and it won't be use anymore, because he will never come back. Unless his ghost haunting you. But that would be creepy and freak.out. In this case you'll follow him soon, die because he scared you to death!" Yibo says in a soft voice. He scratching his head.

The boy can't stop smiling and giggling, he nodding his head repeteadly. Yibo stops rattling around when he sees the petals bedding on Xiao Zhan's grave and Pei Xin becomes a monk, holding the monk spade.

Yibo shaking his head, can't believe what he had seen. After he shook his head, yes, indeed his vision betrayed him just now. There, Xiao Zhan is sitting at one table and face palming himself, and Pei Xin has his yellow sleeping attire on and holding a glass of water, standing at the end of the stairs with mouth agape.

Yibo walks to Xiao Zhan.

"Zhan zhan... What happened? Did you get your brother back?" Yibo asks. He rubs Xiao Zhan's nape.

Xiao Zhan glares at him. He is about to cry already.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Aahh... You are impress with how I gave that boy a lecture. It's impressive! Isn't it?" Yibo grins.

"Impressive your ass!" Xiao Zhan scowls.

"Aww... Why everybody keep mentioning the word "ass"? Don't you know I'm craving for it already? It's almost two weeks, for Heaven sake!" Yibo starts blabbering again.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Can you??" Xiao Zhan pinching Yibo's chest repeatedly, make Yibo squealing.

"Zhan Zhan...! Later my chest got red marks already!" Yibo whines.

"As if I care! You love it , right? If I mark you all over your body!" Xiao Zhan snorts.

"Those are hickeys. I love it! But these are... Duh!" Yibo rubs his chest. "Where is your brother? You said you want to fetch him up," Yibo changes the topic.

"You just lectured him!" Xiao Zhan huffed and looks away.

Yibo dumfounded. His jaws drop.

"He is your brother?" Yibo can't believe.

"You ask him," Xiao Zhan glares.

"But he called that uncle..." Yibo hangs his words. He throws himself into the bottomless cliff.

"Omo..! Omo...! What the heck did I do?" He drops his head on the table. He feels his face heat up and turns into a steamed crab.

"Why didn't I see it coming? I never think that boy is your brother...!" Yibo wails.

"Hey! Yibo gege! Don't be upset. Dad is not angry with you. He just being as himself. A cranky grumpy old man...! " The boy comes to their table and speaks up.

Yibo lifts his head and looks up at the boy who never stop smiling when he is talking.

"Please, don't let him know our last conversation..." Yibo pleads.

The boy, Zan Jin smiles again.

"Rest assure... I won't tell him," promise Zan Jin.

"Thank you!" Says Yibo.

"Now I understand why Zhan ge likes you so much! You are so brave to talk out what's in your mind when you think you are right. Zhan ge talked about how you came against your dad when he disapproved your relationship. He's so proud of you!" Zan Jin chuckles.

"Can you shut up, Zan Jin. Like this talk you shouldn't let him know, otherwise..." Xiao Zhan doesn't completed his sentence because Yibo has muffled them with his mouth placed on Xiao Zhan's .

Zan Jin' s dimples are disappear. Pei Xin drops his glass water and begins spading the ground. The man, Xiao Zhan's father, munch the nuttela toasts belongs to Yibo. Xiao Zhan falls into the floor.

"Huh? Why like that?" Yibo dumfounded. " If Prince Philip's kiss could wake the Princess Aurora from her eternal sleep, then my kiss can make Zhan Zhan fall asleep. It's MAGIC!!"


Short update, guys! I had the ideas in my head, so I typed them away before they gone into the thin air!

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