Chapter 39

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Hi, dear readers! This chapter is full of Pei Xin family's story. There is no comedy inserted. If you only want to read YiZhan's moments with their humor, you can skip this chap and wait for me to update next chapter. Because right now my brain is really blank to write comedy.

Thanks guys, for your support and motivation. I really appreciate that from the bottom of my heart.

Pei Xin walks into the dinning room where his family waiting for him to have a dinner. After take a prayer, Chia-Jung scoops the soup into the serving bowls and passes them to the family.

"How's your holiday going on?" Asks Chia Jung to Pei Xin.

Pei Xin glances to his mom and nods.

"Fine," he replies.

"Don't you want to go for trip, maybe?" His Dad voiced out.

"Haaa... Not fair! When I told you that I want to have a trip with my friends, you didn't allow me!" Yang Yang, Pei Xin's younger sister whining.

Her parents and brother look at her.

"You want to go to Korea! Where are you gonna find the expenses to go and spend days over there?" Qi Jian-Hong, their father, scowls.

Yang Yang huffed and pouts.

"You go to Korea for what? To find Oppa?" Pei Xin sneers, mocks his sister.

"I want to meet K-pop idols in person!" Yang Yang grins and daydreams.

Pei Xin rolls his eyes. Chia-Jung smiles.

"Maybe you want to go to the beach and stay there for a few days with your friends?" Chia Jung offers her idea.

"Yeah! That would be great! We saw you look so bored and doomed lately! Maybe take a short trip would make your mood better...!" Qi Jian-Hong agrees.

"Yibo got into accident. He can't go.." Pei Xin sighs.

"What happened to him?" Chia-Jung asks.

"Fell from the bike. He slipped into the drain!" Pei Xin replies, then drinks his soup.

"Oh dear..." Chia-Jung mumbles.

"Where is he now? Hospital?" Asks Jian-Hong.

"No. His injury wasn't severe. Only bad scratches. Will heal soon. Now he's at home..!" Pei Xin informs.

'His parents'home?" Jian-Hong.

"His bae..!' Pei Xin.

"Yibo is a gay, right?" Yang Yang butts in.

Pei Xin who is chewing his food suddenly chokes. He quickly takes his drinking water.

"A Pei... I'm not saying that you are a gay. But your friend is a gay! Why are you so overreacted?" Yang Yang snorts.

"Nosy!" Pei Xin scowls. Yang Yang giggles.

Pei Xin put the glass back on the table. Then he starts to pick his rice again with chopstick.

"Here! It's your favorite, right?" Chia-Jung puts a piece of sesame seed honey chicken on Pei Xin's bowl.

Pei Xin picks the chicken with his chopstick, then turns to Chia Jung.

"Mom! Yes, I like sesame seed honey chicken. But you forgot it isn't my favorite. It's Fan Xing's!" Pei Xin scowls.

"Ahh? Really? How can I swap your favorite with his? Funny, huh?" Chia Jung giggles. But heart rambling, how her son remember his friend's favorite food. It just so rare happens between the boys if they are only friends.

Jian Hong glances at her. He can see that her eyes are glistening with tears. Then he turns to Pei Xin.

"Pei Xin... You're 21 now. Don't you want to have a girlfriend, despite keeps hanging around with your three friends?" Asks Jian Hong, startled Pei Xin.

Pei Xin decreases the pace of the way he chewing his food. He lowers his head.

"I.. I don't think about having a girlfriend right now..." Pei Xin replies with a mumble.

"Why? Isn't there any girls that attract your attention?" Chia-Jung asks.

"I... I.. I just don't want yet!" Pei Xin stuttered.

"I heard Guo Cheng has a girlfriend now. Let alone Wang Yibo who obviously gay. How about you and Fan Xing?"

Hearing the name of Fan Xing mentioned by his father, Pei Xin clenches his chopstick tight. Jian Hong notices it.

"You both are hanging out alone more often recently. It's maybe Guo Cheng has to divide his timing with his girlfriend, and Yibo more clingy to his boyfriend, so you two left alone. Don't you want to have a partner to share time with or go for a date like them?" Jian Hong cornered his eldest child.

Now Pei Xin gritting his teeth. He wants to scream, to tell his parents at their face that he is gay. And he fell in love with his own friend and now they are dating. They are not single anymore like they thought. But how to tell them? He doesn't have a courage to disappointing his parents.

Pei Xin shuts his eyes. And a moment later, he feels a warm and gentle hand holds his hand that has been clenched into a fist without he realize. He opens his eyes and saw his mother's hand is holding his. Then he trail his eyes to the hand's owner who smiles at him with eyes shed the tears.

"We know, Honey... We know that you and Fan Xing are dating..." Chia Jung says, softly.

Pei Xin's mouth is closes and open, but there is no words come out of it. He takes a glance at his father. And his father just nods.

"Ho- how do you know? Who.. who told you?" Pei Xin's voice is shaking.

"Your behaviour. Both of you..!" Chia Jung answers.

"Yeah... Recently Fan Xing often came alone and spent a long time inside your closed room. Last time, I always can barge into your room anytime whenever you are with your any friends. But when Fan Xing comes alone, you're not only closed the door, but sometimes you locked it! Last time I was wanted to ask you something and I tried to open the door and it was locked!" Yang Yang spurting her experience.

"Then why didn't you knock?" Pei Xin who already has his face turns a red beet retorts.

"Because I know you were with Fan Xing and something was happening, since I didn't hear your sound, like laughing or talking!" Yang Yang shoot back.

Pei Xin huffed. Then he turns again to his parents.

"D-Dad... Mom... A-are you okay with me being... Being.." Pei Xin feels his tongue goes numb.

"Gay?" His father completed Pei Xin's sentence.

Pei Xin presses his lips into a thin line, then nods. His father sighs, while his mother wipes her tears off.

"Of course we are not!" Says Jian Hong, firmly.

Pei Xin's heart sinks. He lowers his head, staring at his unfinished food.

"But we have no choice. And I'm sure that being a gay is not your choice, too...!" Jian Hong continues, voice softened.

Pei Xin looks up at his father and mouthed a "thank you". His father smiles. He puts his hand on Pei Xin's.

"No matter what, you are still our son. We admit, we feel broken with your sexual orientation. But what to do? You like men more than woman. You are all grown up. We will have your back, no matter what. We love you. And we're always be a family. We can't force you to be someone that you are not. We're not selfish parents as you think...!" Told Jian Hong.

Pei Xin couldn't utter a word. He throws himself into his father's chest and hugs him tight. Chia Jung ruffles the napkin in front of her to encourage herself to draw a smile in her face. While Yang Yang grins and snaps a picture of her family to be uploaded on her Instagram, and put the caption underneath:

"The day that my brother accepting his world."

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