Chapter One

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Trigger Warning: There is an attempted sexual assault scene in this chapter. If this triggers anyone, please skip.

Standing on the ladder, I carefully place the bright yellow star on top of the Christmas tree. I smile, admiring my work. Leah's going to freak when she open's up tomorrow morning. My coworker, Chris, and I knew she was devastated that she wasn't able to afford one for the shop this year so we decided to pitch in and surprise her.

"You done up there?" I jump at the sudden sound and lose my footing. I yelp as I start to fall to the ground but Chris's arms are around me, breaking my fall. Still, my ankle throbs. I must have twisted it on my way down.

"Shit! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that, Sephie," He says. My cheeks burn and I know embarrassment isn't the only reason why. Chris's arms feel quite good around me and I can smell his cologne from this close.

"It's fine, I should have been paying attention. I'm such a clutz," Chris steadies me and lets me go. I wince as my ankle throbs from all the weight on it.

"You need to get some ice on that when you get home. And I hope you know there's no way I'm letting you walk home in that condition."

"The bus stop is just down the street. It's no big deal," I say, desperately hoping he takes my word for it. I can't let him see the neighborhood I live in. He wouldn't think of me the same again.

"Not happening."

"My ankle doesn't even hurt that bad. See," I say, lifting my leg and twirling my foot around to convince him. I try to smile through clenched teeth as the throbbing pain intensifies. "The bus drops me off close to my house. I'll only be walking for ten minutes at most."

"Are you sure," He asks, looking doubtful.

"Yep. I'll be fine. I promise," I assure him, trying to look as convincing as possible.

"Okay, but be careful. I'll see you tomorrow."

Chris and I lock up before leaving. It's just past seven and the sun is beginning to set. I wave at Chris as we go in opposite directions. As soon as I turn the corner and am out of the eyesight of Chris I limp, the pressure on my ankle too painful. I wasn't lying when I said the bus stop was close but it drops me off twenty minutes from my house.

I wear my earbuds on the bus, gazing out the window as the bus travels through town. One of my hobbies is people watching and I do it every day on my way home. I smile, looking as a woman kneels in front of her upset son and puts a bandaid on his knee. Afterward, she places a kiss on his boo-boo and helps him up. It's cute but it leaves me feeling bitter. I wish I had a loving mother like that. My mother is probably passed out on the couch at this moment, beer bottle in hand. That's usually the scene I come home to when I get off of work.

I still wear my earbuds as I get off the bus. Even though my ankle is still sore I try to speed up my pace. I live on the bad side of town and It's not the safest place to walk alone. I just keep my head down and try not to draw attention to myself. By the time I reach the trailer park my ankle is absolutely throbbing. I fumble with my keys, desperate to ice it. I hurry inside and immediately go to the freezer and take out an icepack.

"Mom! I'm home," I call out, even though I know she's probably passed out.

"She's not here," For the second time today I jump in fear and the ice pack tumbles out of hand and falls to the floor. I turn around and there's a strange man standing in my living room. He looks dangerous, almost six feet tall with a bald head and tattoos down his neck and some on his face.

"Who are you? Get out of my house or I'm calling the police," I try to sound assertive but voice trembles. There are only about fifteen feet between us and it wouldn't take long for him to cross the distance.

"We both know that's not happening," He says in a cool voice that sends chills down my spine. "Now why don't you have a seat."

He starts to walk towards me and I grab the nearest thing to me and weald it as a weapon. To my dismay, It's a measly pair of tongs. Before I know it, he snatches them from my hand and they fly across the room and hit the wall. He painfully grips my arm and drags me into the living room and throws me onto the couch.

"That's your first lesson. You can cooperate or I can make you cooperate."

"Please don't h-hurt me. Just leave, I won't call the police or anything if you just leave now," Tears fall down my cheeks and I'm terrified. There not much I can do to defend myself and this guy could kill me right now if he really wanted to.

"You're not calling the police either way. Now, we have things to discuss. Three days ago your mother stole from me and my club. You can imagine that I'm very pissed right now."

I knew my mother had something to do with this. She has a gambling addiction and a drinking habit and she's been low on money these past few months. Still, I didn't think she would go as far as putting us in danger for money.

"If you want money you can have it. Just take whatever you want and leave me alone."

"Trust me, you don't have nearly enough to pay me off. Lisa stole fifty thousand dollars from my club," My jaw nearly falls into my lap. After the shock subsides rage fills me. She can pull some grand heist but she can't get a job? I've been working day and night to pay the bills around here and she pulls this and leaves me to face the replications.

"She's already skipped town. Since she can't pay her debt, you'll do it for her. Since I doubt you got fifty thousand lying around, you'll be doing it with your body," My blood runs cold as ice. I think about getting up and running towards the door, but I know he'll catch me.

"My dad's a lawyer! I'll call him up and he'll pay you," That's complete baloney but I hope he buys it. My dad was a janitor and he skipped town when I was six.

"If your dad was a lawyer, you wouldn't be livin' in a trailer. Now, before I sell you, I want to have a taste. Soon you're be all used up," I scream as he gets on top of me but he covers my mouth with his hand. I bite his palm as hard as I can and metallic blood fills my mouth.

"Fuckin bitch!" He snarls. His fist crashes against my cheek and burning pain scorches the side of my face. I fight as hard as I can but it doesn't have any effect on him. He pulls the neck of the sweater I'm wearing the buttons pop off and my bra is revealed. Panicking, I reach around for something I can defend myself with. Behind me, my fingers touch cold porcelain. I grab the vase and smash on top of his head as hard as I can. It breaks into pieces all over us and he falls limp on top of me, sobs wracking my body. He begins to stir on top of me which sends me into action. I push him off of me and get up, the broken pieces of the vase falling to the floor. I race out the front door and run as fast as I can. People stare at me and I don't blame them. My sweater is completely ripped in the front but I can't bring myself to be embarrassed at the indecency. I make many turns so it'll be hard for him to find me when he regains consciousness.

Soon the burning in my legs overpowers the fear and adrenaline so I have to stop running. I get out my phone but it's powered off. Luckily, there is a payphone near me. I only have enough for two calls. When I pick up the phone my fingers hover over the keys and I realize that I don't know who to call. I don't know Chris's number and the police aren't an option. I don't think I can handle being questioned and reliving what happened and filing police reports. Plus, if they don't catch him there's no doubt he will come after me for snitching.

There is really only one person I can think of. I punch in their number and anxiously wait as the call goes through. It goes to voicemail so I put in the last bit of change I have left and hope. Please, please go through, I pray.

"Hello," Her groggy voice answers. Relief fills me and tears fall down my cheeks at the sound of her voice

First chapter up! I'd appreciate it if you guys left a like or comment.



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