Chapter Nine

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Dominic's POV

I knock on Sephie's door only to hear her muffled dismissal. She's been locked in her room since the situation with Chris happened last night. My jaw tightens when I think about how much he hurt her. When I found out that he tried to kiss her I wanted to hunt him down for causing Sephoe pain. Also, I have to admit, the thought of someone other than me kissing her grates my nerves. Sephie's too good for him and it hurts to know that she can't see that about herself. She deserves someone to treasure her and put her above everything else and I'm going to be that guy.

I hear my phone ringing in the other room and pick it up off of the living room table. The caller ID says Silas, so I know it's important.

"What's up?" I answer.

"Mia and Sephie's mom just tried to contact Mia. She says she needs her help and wants to meet up," I tense up in anger. Her mom is definitely up to no good, no mother who would put her daughter in this much danger has an ounce of good in them.

"She probably knows she's in trouble now. Have Jackson find where the message is coming from. Once we get the 50k from her the MC won't be trying to hunt Sephie down."

I'm familiar with the club that Sephie's mom stole from, in fact, they wanted me to work with them at one point. My refusal angered them and the fact that I'm now protecting the girl they want to hunt down doesn't help.

"People are talking and apparently if you don't give Sephie over they're gonna start problems."

"If they want to get Sephie they're gonna have to get through me," I say, meaning every word. Even though I haven't known her for long, I've never felt the way I feel for her about anything.

"She's yours?" Ace asks.

"Yeah, she's mine."

"Then they'll have to get through me too."

After our phone call, I go back up to Sephie's room and open the door. I know she's still hurt by what happened yesterday but she needs to talk to someone about it. She's laying in bed, facing the opposite direction of me, curls all over the place and in a pair of sweats and a sweater. I sit next to her on the bed next to her and she turns to face me.

"What do you want," She grumbles. Her eyes are rimmed red from crying.

"You've got to get out of here. You haven't eaten all day," I tell her.

"I'm fine. We both know I don't need it," My jaw clenches. I hate it when she talks down on herself, especially over that boy.

"Don't talk about yourself like that. You need to take care of yourself and eat something."

"Why do you even care," She says angrily. "You just feel sorry for me just like everyone else. You don't even like me."

"That's not true. I care because I see how beautiful and wonderful you are and I hate it when you talk down on yourself."

"What do you mean," She asks, brow furrowing.

"I want to make you see yourself the way I see you. I want to be the one who makes you feel beautiful and I want to do it every single day."

"I-I don't know what to say," She stutters out, eyes wide.

"You don't have to say anything right now. Let's just get some food in you," I say getting up and reaching my hand out to Sephie. She takes it and I lead her into the kitchen.


Sephie's POV

I'm in utter shock as I follow Dominic into the kitchen, my small hand cradled in his large one. How could Dominic like me? He's all tall and handsome and I'm short and chubby. He can get any girl he wants so why does he feel this way about me? I come to the conclusion that he and Chris feel sorry for me. There is no other explanation.

Dominic sits me down at the counter and pulls out a bunch of ingredients, seemingly for a soup. I can't help but watch him as he makes it, mesmerized. He's gorgeous, green eyes contrasting so beautifully to his black hair, focused on the task at hand. He's so tall and muscular that even I feel small compared to him even though I'm far from it. I can't deny the way I feel around him like I could before he said all those things to me.

Dominic sets the steaming bowl of soup in front of me, along with a tall glass of water. I dig in, and as soon as the flavor hits my tongue I realize how hungry I am. Before I know it the bowl is empty. I blush at the fact that I just pigged out in front of Dominic.

"Drink some more water," He urges. He fills my bowl again and I dig in again, being more mindful to not look greedy. When I'm done he puts everything in the sink.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" Dominic asks.

"What?" I'm surprised that Dominic wants to watch a movie with me, just a while ago he seemed annoyed by my presence.

"You said romance movies always made you feel better."

"Oh-uh okay," I say, shocked that he'd want to sit through a cheesy romance with me.

Dominic and I sit on the couch and he opens Netflix. Rocky jumps up onto the couch next to us, kneading the cushion with his little paws before curling up in a tiny ball of cuteness.

Dominic lets me pick and I choose one of my favorite romance movies. It's dark when it starts and I'm a little nervous, sitting so close to him. I can smell his cologne and his arm is pressed up against mine. I start to loosen up when I get engrossed in the movie.

As the movie goes on I find myself naturally leaning against Dominic and soon enough his arm is around my side as I lean my head against his should, legs folded under me on the couch. I don't even remember how we got like this and I don't want to think about what it means but it feels so good. His body is hard against my softness and I find myself sinking into him. His hand comes and stroke hair and my eyes close in pleasure. I feel all fuzzy inside being like this with Dominic and it scares me to no end.

I wake up with Dominic's hand around my waist. We are both laying on the couch, on our sides, my back to his front. There's a warm blanket over us and the movie has long ago turned off. Rocky lies at the end of the couch by our feet, fast asleep. I must have fallen asleep like I usually do during movies. I know I should wake Dominic up so we can both go to our own rooms but I just can't bring myself to do it. It feels so good to cuddle up next to him and I never want to leave. I snuggle deeper into his arms and drift back off to sleep, feeling safe and protected in his arms. 

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