Chapter Four

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Demon's POV

The sickening thud of fist hitting flesh sounds off. Jake falls to the concrete ground along with two of his teeth. He's completely still on the ground and like always I check to make sure he's breathing. The crowd is going crazy and their chants of my name are deafening.

"Demon has done it again! Another KO in less than a minute. He still has yet to be defeated!" The balding man screams into the megaphone. The crowd goes crazy once again and I try to make my way out of there without starting a riot. Some of my guys have to hold them back so we can leave.

Later on in the night, I watch as the people around me drink from red solo cups and grind against each other. This is my celebration party, though it seems like I'm the only one not having fun. A slender blonde eyes me from across the room but I ignore her. Honestly, I'm tired of all the meaningless hookups. They used to be exciting but now they're all the same.

"You got a minute, Demon?" Ace says, approaching me.

"Sure," I answer.

"Silas just called. His girlfriend's sister got attacked and he's pretty pissed about it," My lips tighten. Silas is a long-time friend of mine and if he's got a problem I got a problem. And I'm not too fond of women getting attacked.

"They know who did it?"

"Nope. Apparently her mom stole money from some bad people."

"We goin' now?" I ask, ready to find whoever did this and show them how I got my name.

"The girl's pretty shaken up right now. It's best if we go in the morning."

"I'll be there," I say. Ace goes back to the chick he was talking to and I decide to ditch my own party. The blonde gives me a seductive smile as I pass her but I continue to ignore her.


Silas is standing outside when we approach the house. He wastes no time, getting right into it as soon as we're out of the car.

"Sephie didn't tell us much yesterday, she was pretty banged up. All we know right now is that her mother stole money, skipped town, and left her to pay the repercussions.

"We'll ask her some questions and go lookin' for her mother and that asshole," Ace says.

"Okay, but be gentle on her. She's been through a lot," He warns. I spot her as soon as I walk in, sitting at the counter next to Silas's girl. I only see her side profile from this angle. She looks like her sister, except a lot curvier. Her curly hair is in a bun at the top of her hair and she's wearing a pair of grey sweats and a t-shirt.

"This is Ace and Demon. They're going to ask you a few questions about last night." Silas introduces us. Sephie turns around to face us and I notice her blackened eye. It startles me to see such a beautiful face banged up. The girl doesn't look like she could hurt a fly and yet some asshole tried to hurt her. I think of all the ways I'm going to kick this guy's ass when I get my hands on him.

She goes into her story and Ace asks her questions. When she gets to the part about him threatening to sell her body, fury burns through my veins as I'm sure it does Silas and Ace. Even Mia looks like she wants to kick someone's ass. Ace, Silas and I leave when she's done.

"We gotta find this asshole," I say as soon we're out of earshot. I kept quiet while we were in there because I knew in that moment, anything that came out of my mouth would terrify the girl.

"I'm already on it," Ace says. "Her mom's got a gambling problem. No way she not blowing through that money like crazy. I'll check with all the casinos around here for big spenders."

"She's gonna need someone with her everywhere she goes from now on. I'm busy with my business so I'm unavailable a lot," Silas says.

"I'll do it," I volunteer. Ace's wife is pregnant and about ready to pop any day now so I know he wants to be around her. I also can't deny the fact that I want to be the one protecting her.

"Thank you. I owe you for this," Silas says.

Ace and I take off. The whole ride I think about Sephie and her curly hair and curvy figure.

Turn that little star orange for some good luck! ⭐

Turn that little star orange for some good luck! ⭐

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