Chapter Twenty-Two

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My heart breaks and tears flood my ears. You can't exactly make out his face all the way, but you can definitely tell it's him. Not many people have that big of a build and his dark hair and good looks. He's in red boxing shorts and sweat glistens on his skin. You can tell he just got through fighting. It doesn't escape me that the brunette is everything that I am not. Tall and slender, long sleek deep brown hair. She looked like she could grace the cover of magazines.

I wipe my tears and turn my phone off, slipping it back into my pocket, leaving the restroom.

"Are you okay, Sephie?" Mia asks, a worried look on her face.

"Stomach ache. Too many cookies," I reply dryly, wanting nothing more than to disappear and never be seen again.

"I told you my cookies were a hit. One bite and you can't put em' down," Kristy bragged. Usually, I would be amused by her humor but I just feel achingly numb. I sit down on the couch next to Silas and Mia and try my best to pretend the rest of the night.

Mia and Kristy drive off and we stand on the porch waving at them. I excuse myself to the guest room quickly, not wanting anyone to catch on to my mood. I strip off my clothes, not bothering to put them in the hamper, just leaving them on the floor. I get in the shower, purposely making the water way too hot. The burning takes my mind off of those images, the images that keep trying to repeat themselves in my head.

Before I realize it, my fingers are pruned and the bathroom is filled with steam. I get out, drying off and wrapping a towel around me. When I go back into the room. Mia is sitting on the bed.

"Sephie, what's going on?" She asks and I know that she sees right through my facade. I sit on the bed next to her, still wrapped in the towel, and let it all out.

"D-Dominic cheated on me. I was right all along, he's way out of my league. I was deluding myself thinking I can be with a guy like him," I explain, tears running down my cheek.

"Why do you think this? I'm sure Dominic would never do anything to hurt you," Mia says, looking apprehensive. I get my phone from my pants pocket and power it on. When it finally turns on I pull up the conversation, noticing that my mom sent me another message. I ignore it, opening the image and showing it to Mia.

"I-I...He wouldn't do that. I can't believe..." Mia stutters in disbelief.

"Don't deny. I was right about myself all along, Mia, wasn't I?" I ask, already knowing the answer. Dominic was never really attracted to me. I was just easy to access and clearly a fool. We weren't even together a month before I wanted to give him my virginity.

"I'm s-s-so stupid!" I cry, chest heaving with sobs. Mia pulls me into her chest.

"You're not stupid, you just have a big heart. There's nothing stupid about that. You can stay here when Dominic comes back, okay?" I nod my head against her chest, small sobs still racking my frame. When they finally stop, Sephie says her goodbyes and leaves me to my misery in the room.

I get up and blindly pull out an outfit from my duffle bag and put it on. I get in bed, not bothering to put my hair up knowing I'll pay for it in the morning. Even though I'm troubled I surprisingly find sleep easily. My dreams are plagued with the images of the nights Dominic and I spent in his room together except this time I'm replaced with the slender brunette woman.


Dominic's POV

For the first time in my life, I think I'm going to lose my fight.

Devil is relentless, throwing punch after punch to my ribs. I may be fast but he's just as fast and his hits are as powerful as mine. Never has there been a fight with such evenly matched people. We seem to get nowhere, going on match after match. I feel myself tiring, my body aching from all the hits I've taken and the adrenaline wearing off. I wonder if he's tired too but his face is a mask of determined fury, as I'm sure mine is.

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