Chapter Twenty-Five

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six months later

"Isn't this just so adorable," Mia says, holding up the small pink tutu. She's really starting to show now, her rounded belly poking out from her cardigan. Mia, Dee, and I are shopping for baby clothes and things to decorate the nursery with. We found out Mia was having a baby girl two months ago.

"Look at this!" Dee calls from the other side of the store. We go over to her and she's pointing to one of the giant teddy bears on the store shelves.

"We have to get it! It's perfect for her room," Mia says, going to get a worker to get it from the shelf.

We walk out of the store with the giant teddy bear in tow, earning us a bunch of stares. It takes all three of us to squish it into the car and I feel bad for Dee, who has to squeeze in next to the giant thing.

When we get to Mia's house Silas is still busy with work. I know Mia's stressed out about having to be alone a lot so I've been trying to come over more. Dee and I go to the guest room, which now looks completely different, with a crib, changing table, and the walls half painted a baby pink, almost white color. Mia's too far along in her pregnancy for it to be safe to be around paint fumes so Dee and I are helping her. Dee turns on the radio and we concentrate on rolling the paint onto the walls.

"Is that Dominic's car?" Dee says later on, looking over at the window. I excitedly get off of the small later and go over to the window. Dominic and have gotten really close over these last few months. We nearly inseparable, spending every moment of our free time together. Just the thought of him makes my stomach flutter.

My brows crease in confusion when I look out the window. Dominic's car is a new model, sleek and grey. This one's also a new model but it's a van, black with darkly tinted windows. And it's just lingering outside by the curb, not even pulled into the driveway.

"That's not Dominic's car," I say, turning towards Dee.

"I thought so. It's just sitting there. That's so weird. We should call Dominic," Dee says, pulling out her phone. I shake my head, not wanting to bother him over something minor like this.

"It's fine. It'll probably just pull off any-" The words die in the mouth when the window explodes next to me, sending glass flying where. I scream, falling to the ground, glass painfully digging into my knees and hands. Loud popping sounds continue to go off and I realize that someone is shooting, most likely the person in the black car.

Bullets continue to fly through the room and I try to get far away from the window, but the glass is painfully digging into me. Dee grabs my arm and we scurry out of the room, crawling on the glass littered floor.

"Oh my god! What happened?!" Mia yells, helping me off of the ground.

"Someone just fucking shot at us! In the nursery!" Dee snarls, infuriated.

"I'm calling the cops," Mia says, pulling out her phone. Dee also gets out her phone to call Dominic. Now that some of the adrenaline has worn off, I notice my injuries. I have a bunch of cuts on my knees and hands, most of them shallow, but a few of them are deep, looking like they need stitches. I notice a burning sensation on my hip. When I touch it, my hand comes away with a surprising amount of blood.

"Oh my god, Sephie's bleeding!" Dee shouts, noticing the deep red coating my finger. I can almost hear Dominic freaking out on the other line.

"Nothing major got hit. I think it's just a flesh wound," I say, trying to calm myself. I go into the kitchen to get a towel. I press it against the wound and flinch at the shooting pain. I've always been a wuss when it comes to blood and pain and now that the adrenaline has I feel myself panicking.

I hear the blaring sirens outside when the police and ambulance arrive. Mia is the one to let them in and explain the situation to them. Dee is still on the phone with Dominic when one of the medics come up to me and checks my wound.

For the first time in my life, I'm put in the back of an ambulance on a stretcher. At this point, all of my wounds are throbbing in pain and I have to lean a certain way in order to keep pressure off of my hip. Dee and Mia are right behind us when we arrive at the hospital. I want to tell them I'm okay to walk but I keep my mouth shut as they lead me into the hospital room. A doctor is there waiting for me and I feel fear bubble up in my chest. I have a strong fear of needles and sharp things. I'm given a hospital gown and I change into it, wincing when I pull my pants down over my wounds.

"You have two wounds that need stitches on your knees. It looks like the bullet just grazed your hip but it's still a deep wound. I'll get you stitched up and prescribe you some antibiotics and pain meds," The doctor says after thoroughly examining me. I wince as she pulls out a long needle to numb the area, I clutch at the bed cloth beneath me, heart racing in my chest. I see movement near the entrance of the room and look up. My fears melt away when I see Dominic entering the room.

"Sephie, I was so worried," He says, sitting next to the bed and grabbing my hand.

"I'm just glad you're here right now," I tell him. His presence always makes everything better.

"Mia and Dee are being questioned right now. We're going to end all this mess," Dominic says, eyes set in fierce determination.

The doctor clears her throat, putting an end to our exchange. I look away as she numbs my wound, squeezing Dominic's hand whenever it hurts. After everything is numbed the procedure goes smoothly, I only wince a couple of times and Dominic is there to whisper an encouragement or squeeze my hand.

When everything is done, I'm given my prescription and orders to get a lot of rest and not overexert myself. Dominic and I leave the hospital room hand in hand to get my prescriptions. 

Five chapters uploaded today! I'm on a roll!

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