Chapter Fourteen

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I sit next to Dominic in the bookshop's coffee nook. His arm is wrapped around my side and I'm completely pressed up against him. At first, I was nervous at the public display of affection. We got a bunch of stares from all the customers, wondering what the chubby girl who gave them book recommendations was doing on the arm of a man who could be a male model. Leah looked like she could just burst with happiness when we walked in together, hand in hand. Chris, on the other hand, looked at me in betrayal and hurt. I almost feel guilty, but he did this to himself. When he gets his head out of his butt and apologizes, maybe we can think about repairing our fractured friendship.

"Can I get you another cake pop?" The new server asks. Since I've been gone a lot since the break-in and business is picking up for the holiday season, Leah's hired a new girl to pick up the slack. She was one of the people looking at Dominic and me in confusion when we came in together. She's tall and slender, with long blonde locks and freckles spattering her nose and cheeks.

"We're fine, but I'll take some coffee," Dominic tells her. Her cheeks get red at his attention and I can't help the jealousy bubbling in me. If Dominic has girls like this blushing over him, how can I compete? She fills his cup with black coffee, cheeks still cherry red.

"I'm Caroline, by the way. I just started today," She says nervously, attention on Dominic, completely ignoring me. Jealousy rears its ugly head and I feel anger bubbling in my gut. Doesn't she see him with me? Get a freaking clue.

"Thank you, Caroline," Dominic says in an obviously dismissive way. I want to laugh in her face, but I know it's wrong to feel that way. Jealousy is such an ugly emotion and I'm usually not like this.

"Is this your sister?" She asks, giving a quick hopefull glance my way. My cheeks burn, in anger and humiliation. Is this how everyone will always see me and Dominic? We look nothing alike, I'm black and Dominic is white. Also, I don't know any brothers who hold their sisters like this.

"She's my girlfriend, obviously. You're only one day into your job and you're already being rude to customers. I'm sure Leah wouldn't be too happy to hear that, seeing as Sephie is her favorite employee," Dominic tells her coldly.

"I am so sorry. I-I'll go. Please enjoy your coffee," She stutters out, then scuffles away. I'm happy that Dominic told her off but I still feel shitty that this even happened at all.

"I know what your thinking, Sephie, and you're wrong," Dominic tells me, noticing the look on my face.

"I can't help it. This is all so new to me and it's going to take some getting used to," I tell him softly and his eyes get gentle.

"I know and I'm going to be there every step of the way."

I wave to Leah as Dominic walks me out the door. I huddle into my sweater as Dominic opens the car door for me and I wait for him to get in. The car ride isn't silent, we talk about everything from our taste in music and our favorite books. The more I get to know Dominic and his personality the more I like him. It scares me to no end, being so open with someone.

When we arrive at Dominic's house I notice a minivan in the driveway. Mia and Dee don't drive it and I'm sure that's not the type of car Dominic's friends would drive.

"Fuckin' hell," Dominic mutters under his breath.

"Who is that?" I ask curiously.

"That's my mom's car. She always comes around for Christmas. I'm sorry, Sephie, I forgot," Dominic explains.

"Oh my god! Your mom is here?!" I exclaim, starting to freak out. The woman who gave birth to Dominic is here! I pull out the passenger window, making sure my curls aren't to wild.

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