Chapter Twenty-Eight

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one month later

It's about one o'clock in the morning when I wake to the phone ringing. Dominic groans into the top of my head, rolling over to get the phone from the nightstand.

"Who is it," He growls in his sleep husky voice. I want to scold him for being so rude but I'm too busy huddling into the warmth of the blanket and trying to find sleep again.

"What? This early," His worried voice pulls me out of my sleepy haze and I sit up, trying to hear their conversation.

"Sephie and I will be there right away," Dominic says, hanging up.

"What's going on," I ask, a dozen different scenarios running through my head.

"Mia's going into labor," He tells me. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. Mia is one month away from her due date meaning that the baby is coming prematurely.

I'm out of the bed and blindly throwing on clothes and so is Dominic. I slide on a pair of shoes and put my hair in a bun as Dominic and I rush out of the door. A million worries rush through my mind as I get into the car.

"Everything is going to be alright, Sephie. Dee was born two months premature and she turned out just fine," His words do bring me a little comfort but I still worry the whole drive to the hospital.

When we arrive we both are out the door quickly, head towards the entrance and to the receptionist.

"We're here for my sister, Mia Marie McKay. She just went into labor," I hurriedly tell the receptionist. She gives us a room number and Dominic and I rush to the elevator. When we get to her floor we both are nearly sprinting as we look for her room number. We find it and rush in to see Mia laying on the hospital bed and Silas sitting next to her, his hand holding hers.

"Mia! Are you okay?" I ask, rushing to her side. Curls escape her messy ponytail and stick to the perspiration on her forehead and dark bags are under her eyes.

"I'm fine," She says, giving me a weak smile. "I've been in labor for a couple of hours. I thought I was just having Braxton Hicks until they kept getting more intense. I get a contraction every twenty minutes or so."

"I can't believe you're going to be a mom today," I say, tearing up a bit.

"Me either. It seems like just yesterday we gossiping about all the high school boys in our room," Mia tells me. I bend down and pull her slender frame into a hug.

Dominic and I take a seat at Mia's bedside as she goes through her contractions. It's so hard to see Mia in pain but I'm sure Silas is taking it harder than I am. He paces the room anxiously, hand running through his hair in frustration. Whenever Mia has a contraction, he's at her side, holding her hand and whispering encouragements to her. I can't help but be happy that Mia has a guy like Silas in her life.


It's early morning when the doctor who checks on Mia says she is fully dilated. Only one person is allowed to be present during the birth so Dominic and I are ushered out of the room. I sit in the waiting room, worrying about any complications happening during birth. Dominic reassures me a couple of times, squeezing my hand.

My relief comes when the doctor comes into the waiting room, a smile on his face.

"Your niece is ready to see you, Ms. Mckay."

I jump up from my chair and head into the hospital room. Mia is holding a cute little bundle with Silas at her side, looking exhausted but glowing like a proud momma.

"She's so beautiful. I'm so proud of you," I say, tears welling up in my eyes.

"She is. Here, hold her," She says, putting the little bundle in my arms.

I look down at my sleeping niece in amazement. Soft dark brown curls frame her head and she has a little button nose just like Mia and me.

"What's her name," I ask after I'm done cooing at her.

"Mila," Mia tells me.

"That's so beautiful," I put the little Mila back in her mother's arms.

Over the course of the day, a lot of people come over to visit Mia and her baby. By the time afternoon hits, Mila is spoiled and exhausted, having been held and cooed at by at least a dozen people. I'm exhausted from having my sleep interrupted and my stomach is upset from not eating the whole day. I tell Dominic that I'm going to get some food and excuse myself from the room.

As I'm walking I get light-headed. I want to blame it on the lack of sleep and hunger, but I've been feeling this way for the past week. Before I reach the hospital cafeteria, I start feeling faint. Instead of going in, I take a turn to the doors leading outside for some fresh air.

I lean against the hospital walls, trying to calm my nauseous stomach and spinning head. I close my eyes, savoring the fresh air after being stuck in the stuffy hospital room.

"Finally alone now, Sephie," I jump at the deep voice, eyes snapping open. Standing in front of me is the same man who broke into my trailer, all those months ago. My blood runs cold, looking for an escape. He's blocking the door and I know if I run he'll catch me.

"Dominic and Silas know I'm down here. You won't get away with anything, so just leave me alone," To my surprise, I successfully keep the tremble out of my voice.

"We both know that's not going to happen. You owe me and I'm not too happy about the stunt you pulled last time I tried to collect my debt. This time you'll cooperate or you may not come back to your little boyfriend in one piece."

As soon as the words leave his mouth I know he's intent on taking me. The only chance I have is to distract him so I can run back into the hospital and call for help. Before I can talk myself out of it, I feign a look of defeat on my face and walk towards him.

"That's what I thought. Little Sephie isn't as brave as she pretends to-" His words are cut off by a groan of agony when my knee comes up between his legs with all my strength. Before he can get his bearings, I run past him into the hospital.

"Help! Somebody's trying to kidnap me!" My scream is loud, echoing off the hospital walls. I know someone has to hear me and I continue to run, trying to make it to the cafeteria. Before I get there, a hard body slams into me, throwing me to the floor.

"You are going to get it now, bitch," He snarls above me. He grabs me and drags me out and I fight the whole way, scratching and punching at him.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" One of the nurses is there, my screams having caught her attention. I feel cold metal press into the side of my head and I tense, my whole body going cold.

"If I were you I would mind my business," He says coldly to her. Her face pales, and she pulls out her phone to call the cops. He continues to drag me out of the hospital, gun still pressed against my skull. I cooperate when he pushes me into a car, the same one that shot at us in Mia's nursery.

"I told you to fucking cooperate," He snarls at me. Before I can get my bearings, he slams the barrel of the gun into my temple. Intense pain radiates from the wound, and my world goes black, my last thought Dominic and the look on his face when he finds out that I'm gone.

 Intense pain radiates from the wound, and my world goes black, my last thought Dominic and the look on his face when he finds out that I'm gone

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