Chapter Six

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Sephie's POV

"Are you even listening, Mia?" I ask, annoyed. Her eyes are fixated on the computer screen, browsing facebook.

"I was!" She says, quickly closing the laptop. I roll my eyes and continue.

"You promised you would go to the movies with me! It's starting in an hour and we need to get ready," I pout at her. We've been planning to see the newest romantic comedy together for days but it's just like Mia to completely forget. I'm surprised she even remembers her own name at this point.

"I'm sorry, Sephie. Silas is taking me out tonight. He's been working a lot lately and we haven't been out in a while," Mia says, looking genuinely apologetic. I'm still annoyed and if I'm honest, jealous. All she talks about is Silas and now she's ditching me for him. I miss the good old days when I could have a conversation with my own sister without her mentioning some stupid boy.

"Fine! If you wanna ditch me, I'll just go by myself," I grit out.

"You know you can't be out alone. I'll text Demon."

"I'm not a baby! I can go by myself," I say, wanting to stomp my foot. Every time I want to go anywhere, Dominic has to be there.

"Not happening," She goes back to scrolling through Facebook.

I storm off to my room, feeling like a petulant child. I set aside a cute outfit for our outing but now it feels stupid since it's just going to be me and Dominic. Not to be mean, but the guy's a drag. Since that day at the bookshop, I haven't been able to get more than a sentence at a time out of him. I decide that I'm going to get him out of shell today.

When I leave the house, I send a glare at Mia just so she knows I'm still angry. Dominic is already outside, leaning against the car. He must live nearby because it never takes him less than ten minutes to get here whenever I need an escort. He opens the door for me like always and get's in after me.

"I hope you know I'm in disagreement with this. I am an adult and I should be able to leave the house by myself," I tell him, still feeling pouty.

"You have an Mc on your ass over fifty thousand dollars," I pout again because I know he's right. I can't stay mad long because as we approach the theater I get excited. I stare in excitement at all the movie posters lining the theater walls.

"That's the one!" I point out the movie poster to Dominic, though I'm sure he couldn't care less. The leading actress and her love interest are in a loving embrace in the middle of a busy city street. I stare at it with hearts in my eyes. I'm a romance fanatic, whether it be in film or in romance books. Ever since I was a little girl I loved watching two people fall in love. It gave me hope that I'll have my own love story one day.

I rush out of the car, not waiting for him to come around and open my door, which he's insisted on doing. When I open the doors the smell of fresh popcorn makes my mouth water. Dominic catches up to me and grabs my arm.

"Don't run ahead of me like that. You could've gotten hurt," He apprehends grumpily. I roll my eyes at him and slide my hand into his and drag him along. His hand is warm and big against mine and makes slightly flustered and I let go of it as soon as we get to the snack line.

"Can I get a large popcorn, an orange soda, and a bag of gummy worms," I ask the lady at the concession stand. When it's time to pay, Dominic reaches for his wallet.

"You don't have to," I tell him. He gives me a look that shuts me up and I let him pay.

I almost skip to our section of the theaters. The theater doesn't have many people and I choose the seats in the very back. Dominic sits next to me and I wait for the commercials to end so we can watch the movie.

The movie starts and I watch in wide-eyed excitement as the opening credits roll. Soon I'm captured by the characters budding romance.

Dominic's POV

Sephie sits next to me, eyes fixated on the screen as she shovels popcorn into her mouth. I'm a little annoyed at being dragged to some chick flick, but my mood can't help but be lightened by Sephies brightness. When she slid her hand in mine earlier I felt a strong surge of protectiveness over her. Her hand felt so soft and fragile.

I can't deny that I'm attracted to Sephie. I catch my eyes lingering on her soft curves and gentle smiles all the time. The other day at the bookshop I watched her happily interact with all the customers, oblivious on the effect she had on every man around her. Bitter jealousy filled me when I noticed the way she blushed around her coworker, Chris. When she made those horrible comments about herself I wanted to stomp right over to him in the middle of that bookshop and kick his ass. Anyone lucky enough to have the attention of Sephie should be forever thankful.

That's why I've been trying to distance myself from her. I know I can never have a girl like her, my darkness will end up corrupting her. My attraction to her goes beyond physical and I want to make her mine so bad it hurts.

When the movie ends Sephie gushes like a teenage girl all the way to the car. Even though I don't act like it, I hang to her every word. Chick flicks are not my thing but if she likes them I'll sit through one hundred just to be close to her.

"Wasn't that so romantic. He was so head over heels for her. I wish someone will love me like that one day," Her voice is wistful and eyes dreamy. Her words make me angry. She's so oblivious to how she attracts everyone around like a moth to a flame. If I could have her I would treasure her for every second of my life. At that moment, I know I have to make her mine or at least try. Maybe It's selfish but I have to be the one to have her. There's no way I can leave after she's safe again, knowing she'll probably end up with someone like Chris. I know she can't handle my darkness but I can hide it from her.

When we arrive at Silas's house, I know he's not there because his car is gone. Sephie has fallen asleep next to me, head leaning against the window. I walk around to her side of the car and pick her up. Her head leans against my shoulder and I feel intense protectiveness over her. I carry her inside and into her room and lay her down in bed. Putting the covers over her I stare at her sleeping features, transfixed. Her long eyelashes cast a shadow over her cheeks from the moonlight coming through the window. I brush her curly hair back before leaving.

As I leave I decide that tomorrow will be the day that I make sure everyone knows she's mine, including her.

That star looks a little lonely down there...maybe if you gave it a little tap you can brighten its day.⭐🥰


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