Chapter Eight

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Sephie's POV

I stare out the window at the outside scenery. The sun is just starting to set and all shades of pink, orange, and red paint the sky. Dominic and I are leaving from Mia and Silas's house after having lunch there. The whole time Mia gave suggestive looks towards me and Dominic. Even though it was annoying, I couldn't help but be flattered that she thought I was the kind of girl that Dominic would go for. Dominic's probably into long-legged modelesque girls who could pull off the whole seductive look. Not too old to be old virgins who've never even been kissed before.

As we leave their neighborhood I spot the top of a Ferris wheel peeking out from the tops of buildings. I immediately perk up, remembering that this is the time of year when our city sets up the fair.

"Dominic, look! There's a Ferris wheel!" I screech. Dominic nearly swerves the car at my sudden outburst. "You have to take me! Pretty please? With a cherry on top?" He looks annoyed but gives in, making a u-turn. I bounce up and down in my seat, feeling like a kid on Christmas morning.

"I'm gonna text Chris and see if he wants to meet us there," Dominic looks even more annoyed as I pull out my phone. Chris responds fairly quickly and says he'll meet us by the front gate in twenty minutes.

When we approach the fair I want to dance around in excitement. I wait for Dominic to open the door for me even though I'm nearly bursting with excitement. The smell of delicious food and sounds of chatter and music fills the air. Dominic insists on buying my ticket and we wait out front for Chris to arrive. As soon as I see his lean blond figure I jump up and down, waving at him excitedly.

Chris's jaw clenches when he spots Dominic. If looks could kill, Dominic would be six feet under and so would Chris because he's returning the look. When Chris is close enough, he pulls me up into a tight hug and spins me around.

"It's good to see you, Sephie," When he finally puts me down he places a kiss on the top of my head. I'm pretty sure my cheeks are actually on fire. Although Chris and I have been friends for years, he's never shown this type of affection towards me. Dominic grabs me around the waist, almost possessively and shoots Chris a look that could make a grown man shake with fear. Though I really doubt either of them has a crush on me, I'm sure they must really hate each other.

Even though both of them are acting like jerks, I still manage to have a good time. I'm terrible at all the games but Dominic and Chris give me everything they win. I end giving a lot of it away because I have so much stuff that I can't carry it all. Whenever I want to buy a snack or something, Chris and Dominic nearly fight each other to pay the bill. I think their rivalry must be some alpha male thing.

It's time to get on my favorite attraction of the fair, the Ferris wheel. I excitedly run towards the entrance to the ride and the line is very short, only about four people. When we get there I notice that each carriage only seats two people. This get's my spirit down a little bit, I was really looking forward to riding it with both of them.

"Only two of us can get on," I pout.

"I'll get on with you," Chris volunteers before Dominic can even get a word out. Dominic's jaw tightens, but Chris is already grabbing my arm and dragging me to the empty carriage. I feel bad leaving Dominic there but the excitement of the ride gets me giddy again.

The ride starts and soon we're overlooking the whole city. I've never been afraid of heights, It's always given me a rush to be so close to the sky and far from the ground. By now the sun has set and the fluorescent lights of the fair makes everything look so magical.

"That Dominic guy is starting to show up everywhere you are. Are you guys seeing each other?" Chris asks. I'm confused, he's never shown any care for my love life.

"No, he's just making sure I'm safe until this whole thing blows over."

"I could do that. You don't even know that guy," Chris says, lips tight.

"This has all just been so sudden. I have a bunch of bad guys after me, I've been moved from my mom's house to Mia's, then to Dominics. I just-"

"You're living with that guy!" Chris exclaims, cutting me off.

"I told you about the break-in, Chris. I couldn't stay there," I'm confused about why Chris is acting this way all of sudden.

"You could have stayed with me! I looked this guy up and he's bad news. His street name is Demon and he's a damn underground fighter!"

"What's your problem, Chris? You've been being a jerk a lot lately," I say, starting to get angry. I just wanted to enjoy a day at the fair with my friends and he decided to start a fight.

"My problem is you, Sephie! I like you and I know you like me, too. I didn't want to tell you at first but then all this shit happened and now you're seeing this Dominic guy. I just- fuck," Before I can think, Chris crashes his lips against mine. I'm in complete shock as his lips move roughly against mine, nearly bruising them. Then I'm angry. I pull away roughly and my hand sharply connects with his cheek.

"Dominic was right. You've been stringing me around this whole time," I'm so angry and hurt that tears gather in my eyes. He's been flaunting all his girlfriends around me all the while he knew how I felt about him. I'm also embarrassed. Of course he knew, everyone knew. I acted like a complete mess whenever I was around him, stumbling over my words and getting flustered.

"Sephie, I'm sorry," Chris says, sounding genuinely apologetic. I don't care about his apology though. I just want to go home.

As soon as the ride ends, I'm out, nearly sprinting away. Dominic grabs my arm before I can make my escape.

"What's wrong? Did that asshole hurt you?" Chris asks, looking so murderous even people passing by look scared.

"You were right about him," I say simply, tears falling down my cheeks. Chris finally catches up with me but before he can plead for my forgiveness again, Dominic has him by the collar of his shirt.

"I would kick your ass right now but you're lucky it would scare Sephie. If I see you anywhere near her again you won't be so lucky," With that, Dominic lets him go and Chris stumbles back. Dominic grabs my hand and leads me away from the staring onlookers and into the parking lot where he helps me into the car. By this time I'm full-on crying. My friendship with Chris is probably ruined and I'm humiliated that he knew I had a crippling crush on him this whole time.

"He doesn't deserve your tears. You're too good for him," Dominic finally speaks up when we arrive at his house.

"Everyone knew how I felt about him. I feel so pathetic, having a crush on a guy so far out of my league."

"You have no idea, do you," Dominic says.

"About what?" I ask in confusion.

"The effect you have on everyone around you. You're oblivious to it."

"You don't have to flatter me, Dominic," I say, not believing a word of it. I still can't believe that Chris liked me. He must have felt sorry for me.

"You're so wrong about yourself, Sephie, and I'm going to make you see that," Before I can even process what he said, he gets out of the car, leaving me dumbfounded.

As always, give that star a little tap!⭐

As always, give that star a little tap!⭐

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