Chapter Two

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Mia's Pov

The annoyingly loud sound of my phone ringing pierces through my dream world. I mentally curse those goddamn telemarketers. They've been blowing me up ever since I got my new phone. I'm relieved when the sound stops and I began to drift off again. The phone rings again and I want to throw it across the room.

"Answer the phone, Mia," Silas mumbles beside me. I know he's right, it must be someone important if they called twice. Still, I want to kick him in the shin. I reach over to grab my phone from its charger but it slips from my finger onto the floor. Annoyed, I fumble for it on the side of the bed in the dark. It's too late for this shit.

"Hello," I groggily say into the phone just before it's about to stop ringing. I swear to god, if this isn't an emergency whoever this is is going to get an earful.

"I really need your help, Mia," My heart drops to the pit of my stomach and I'm immediately wide awake. My sister's voice trembles so I know something's happened.

"Oh my god, Sephie! What's wrong?" My panicked voice alerts Silas and he's up too, his worried eyes questioning me.

"Mom stole a bunch of money from some people and now they want to hurt me. I really need you to come get me," Silas overhears what she said and he's up, throwing on his clothes and putting his shoes on.

"Where are you? I'm leaving now," I get out of bed and slide on my shoes and robe as Sephie tells me the address.

"I need you to stay on the phone with me, okay? I'm walking out the door right now," Silas is already in the car, waiting for me when I get in.

"The calls going to end soon and I don't have enough money to make another one,"

"Shit! Well just wait right there. We're driving as fast as we can,"

"Okay. Be careful." I assure I will but neither Silas or I are very concerned with the road safety laws at the moment. The call ends and my anxiety is back. I have no way of knowing if she's safe or not. For all I know, she can be in the back of some thug's car right now.

"I'm going to kill my mom," I inform Silas. It's just like her to put her children in danger to support her little addiction. I vow to myself to ring her neck next time I see her.

"I would advise you not to but I won't stop you."

"I can't believe her! She cares more about drugs and gambling than her kids. I shouldn't have let my sister stay there. I knew-"

"This isn't your fault," He reaches over and comfortingly squeezes my knee. "There is no way you could have saw this coming." His words ease my guilt but anxiety still hangs over me like a dark cloud.

The address Sephie gave is all the way on the other side of town but Silas is driving like a bat from hell. I pray we don't get pulled over as he breaks tons of laws. As we approach the address and I look outside for any sign of my sister. I spot her curly-headed figure standing by a payphone, arms wrapped around herself.

"There she is!" I tell Silas. I jump out of the car before he's even come to a full stop. As soon as I get to my sister, I pull her into my arms.

"I was so worried, Sephie."

"Me too," I hold her at arm's length and examine. Her right eye and cheekbone are completely bruised and the button up sweater she wearing is ripped open.

"Did he...uh- hurt you." Rage bubbles up in me and I want to hunt whoever did this down and kick their ass.

"He tried to but I'm okay, Mia, I promise," She tries to assure me but I know her too well.

"You absolutely are not and that's okay. You have every right to be upset right now," Tears well up her eyes and I take her into my arms again.

When Sephie is done crying Silas opens the car door for her to get in. Silas still speeds but he's more careful now. Sephie is already a wreck and we don't need to get pulled over. The atmosphere in the car is tense and I can feel Silas seething beside me. Silas doesn't take kindly to people hurting the people he cares about. Even though he's never met Sephie he knows I love her so she falls onto that list.

When we arrive at the house, Silas helps Sephie out of the car and I notice she walks with a limp.

"We have an extra room but you'll have to use the hallway bathroom. I have some extra clothes you can borrow. I'll go get you an ice pack so you can get settled in," I show Sephie to her room and hand her the ice pack. I quickly go to the room Silas and I share and I look through our dresser for clothes she can borrow. She a couple sizes larger than I am so I gather all the things that are oversized on me. When I go to the room she's sitting on the bed, staring out the window.

"I'll leave you alone but I want you to know Silas and I are going to handle this," I tell her, stetting the pile of folded clothes on her bed.

"I know. Thank you," Her voice is quiet and I know she must be traumatized right now and needs some space. I leave her be and go back up to our room and Silas is sitting on the bed, on the phone.

"...My girlfriend's little sister's just been attacked so I'm not in the best mood right now. I need a guy here, ASAP," He pauses as the person on the other line talks. "Okay. I'll see you."

"What was that about?" I ask but I think I already know. Silas used to be an underground fighter and knows a lot of people who dabble in things outside the law. He's gotten out of that life now and owns a business now but he's still known for his fighting days.

"A buddy of mine is coming over tomorrow. We're going to find the guy who did this and make him pay. We're also going to find your mom and make her give the money back," The way Silas says it I know there is no arguing. He's always protecting the people in his circle and I love him for it.

"Thank you, Honey," I stand in between his legs and take his face in my hands and place a soft kiss on his lips. For the moment, I feel like everything is going to be alright. 

Turn that little star orange for some good luck! ⭐

Turn that little star orange for some good luck! ⭐

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