Chapter Thirty

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Dominic's POV

Ace and I arrive at a small run-down house in a bad neighborhood. I check the address and this is it. Sephie's inside of here, injured and hurting. I hop out of the car as soon as its at a full stop. A man is standing outside. I recognize the cold eyes and dark brown hair -  it's Moses. As soon as I see him I want to kill him. This is the man behind all of Sephie's suffering the past months.

"Where the fuck is Sephie," I ask, holding myself back.

"She's right inside. Pleasure doing business with you," He says with a sly smirk. I know he has something up his sleeve and I waste no time rushing past him into the rugged house.

Inside there is a struggle going on on the couch. I see a man's figure on top of a girl, who is thrashing beneath him and looks as if her hands are tied behind her back. I notice her brown curls and recognize her as Sephie. My Sephie. My vision goes red as I charge the man, pulling him off of her. I still see red as I slam my fist into his face over and over, feeling the distinct crack of his nose under my fist.

" have to stop," I hear Sephies scared voice and leave the man lying there. All that matters right now is her.

"Sephie, I'm so sorry I let this happen," I tell her after taking her into my arms. I should have never let her leave that hospital room alone knowing the dangers out there.

"It's not your fault," She tells me softly. Suddenly, she clutches her stomach, groaning in pain.

"Sephie, are you alright?" I ask, panicking. I've never seen Sephie in this much pain before and It's almost unbearable to witness.

"I think I need a doctor," Sephie says, her voice a faint whisper. Then I see her eyes close and she falls over, nearly hitting the floor if I didn't catch her.

"Shit," I growl, picking her up. I need to get her to the hospital immediately. When I get outside, Ace is already starting the car again. I put her in the backseat. When I close the car door behind her, I notice Moses's figure, Still standing by the door.

"You're going to pay for this," I promise. He has no reaction other than putting on his cold smirk. I'll handle him later, Sephie needs me.

I get in the backseat with Sephie, her head resting on my lap. As I push her hair back from her temple I see swelling and dark bruising on her temple. My teeth grit together. I'm going to make them all pay for this.

Ace speeds to the hospital and we arrive there in no time. I hurry out of the car and pick up Sephie, cradling her in my arms. A doctor rushes over as soon as he sees me carrying her in. Sephie is put on a stretcher, still not regaining consciousness. I try to go in with her but I'm stopped by a nurse.

"You can't go in there," He tells me.

"I need to be in there for her!" I spit out. His face pales a bit at my anger.

"Y-Your just going to have to wait until we treat her, sir. We'll give you an update when we find the problem," Reluctantly, I agree to stay out of the room. I decide to update Mia and Silas on what happened.

When I get into the room, Mia jumps up immediately, but Silas forces her to sit down, not wanting her to exert herself after giving birth.

"Is she okay?" She asks worriedly.

"I got her back but not unharmed. It looked like she had a pain in her stomach before she fainted. I also noticed a bruise on her temple. The nurse says he hit her with his gun," I say the last part through grit teeth, imaging him hurting my Sephie.

"I'm going to kill him," The usually nice-looking Mia growls out through grit teeth. Luckily Mila is sleeping in her little bed, oblivious to all of this.

"My thoughts exactly," I agree.

"We can't let them get away with," Silas says and I have to agree.

"Let the police handle it. I don't want you getting in trouble," Mia says

"I'll let Sephie press charges but that doesn't mean I'm not going to kick Samuel's ass," I tell them. "As for Moses, we need to handle him. The cops have been after him for years, to no avail. I'll let him be an example of what happens when you mess with the people I care about."

As we wait for an update on Sephie, there is a tense silence. I know Mia doesn't want us to do anything illegal but she knows she can't talk us out of it. It isn't until an hour later that a doctor comes in to give an update on Sephie.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask, sitting up in my seat, alert.

"Yes, Mr. Hayes. She has a minor concussion from her head injury and will need to rest for the next week," I sink in my seat in relief, happy that she's okay.

"I'm not sure if you were aware of this, Mr. Hayes, but Sephie was carrying. She has miscarried due to trauma to her lower abdomen."

"What?" I ask in complete shock. I feel like my whole world has been turned upside down. Sephie was pregnant with my baby? I have a vision of her in my head, stomach swollen with my child, cradling a little bundle in her arms. I feel the sharp sting of loss at what could have been.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Hayes. I send my condolences," The doctor says before leaving us.

"I'm so sorry, Dominic," Mia says softly. Silas offers a comforting hand on my shoulder. None of this lifts my heavy heart, though, as I think about breaking this news to Sephie when she wakes up.

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