Chapter Ten

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"Holy shit! Who is this, Dominic?"

I'm awake immediately, torso off the couch, along with Dominic. Our sudden movements scare Rocky and he jumps off of the couch. There's a girl in the house, standing at the end of the couch. She's short, even shorter than me and my 5'2 is already considered below the average height. Her inky black hair is long, falling in messy waves down her back and her eyes are almost like Dominic's, except slightly more jade than forest green.

"Shit, Dee, you can't just barge in here like that!" Dominic bites out. She looks totally unfazed by his anger, which is impressive because Dominic is can be intimidating.

"You shouldn't have given me the key, then. Now, who's the girl?" She askes, giving a pointed look in my direction.

"I'm Sephie. It's nice to meet you," I speak up. She's obviously related to Dominic, she looks like the female version of him and I'm positive Dominic wouldn't be taking so kindly to a stranger barging into his house.

"What a beautiful name," She says with a bright smile. "I'm Delilah, but you can call me Dee. So, how long have you and my brother been seeing each other?"

My cheeks heat up as I realize how bad this looks. Dominic and I were just sleeping together on the couch, his arm wrapped around my waist. Of course, she thinks I'm his girlfriend.

"Jesus, Dee, you just met the girl. Give her a break," I'm surprised he didn't outright deny that he was dating someone like me.

"Well, I'm going to need an explanation. You've never even bothered to bring a girl home and all of a sudden your cuddling on the couch with someone."

Dominic's never brought a girl home? He must be the hit it and quit it type of guy because I'm sure he doesn't lack female attention.

"Look, why don't we talk about it over breakfast? Sephie and I should go get dressed," Dominic says, ending the conversation. Dee reluctantly agrees to pause her interrogation and we both go to our rooms to get dressed.

As soon as my bedroom door closes behind me I'm in freak out out mode. I just met Dominic's freaking sister! And it happened in the worst possible way ever! I decide I have to make a good impression from now on. I want to look good, but also casual, so I put on a sued brown skirt and cream sweater. I top it off with some booties and let my curls frame my face. They're a mess, so I have to fluff them out a few times before it looks right. I leave the room, hoping I didn't take too long.

I can smell bacon frying and hear it sizzling in the pan. Dominic is cooking and Dee is sitting at the counter. She waves me over and I sit next to her.

"Dominic filled me in on your situation, and boy do you have bad luck," She tells me.

"You're telling me," I joke.

"I don't buy the whole 'moving you in for your protection' thing. I know my brother and he wouldn't do that if he wasn't head over heels,"

"Dee!" Dominic scolds, giving her a pointed look. Dee drops the issue but looks like she wants to say more. I want to tell her nothing is going on between Dominic and me but she seems so excited that her brother is 'head over heels'. I'll just let Dominic break it to her.

Over breakfast, I learn that Dee is the polar opposite of her brother, which, no offense to him, is a little refreshing. She's outgoing and goofy compared to Dominic's intense seriousness and several times I found myself almost spewing orange juice out my nose at her humor. I even caught Dominic chuckling a few times.

"You banned her from her job! She has nothing to do, Dominic. Lord knows being stuck in a house with you all day isn't the most exciting thing in the world," Dee exclaims. I was telling her about Leah's bookshop and the fact came up that I'm not supposed to go there.

"It isn't safe," Dominic says, looking like there's no way he's budging on the subject.

"Why don't you go with her like you did before?"

"No. End of conversation," Dominic says sternly.

"Oh, that's bull. You just want to keep her all to yourself, don't you? That's so unfair!" Dee exclaims. Dominic ignores her and I sit there awkwardly, both Dee and Dominic look hard set in their stances and I don't really feel like I have a say.

"Since you don't want to let Sephie out, I'll just bring the outside world in. Sephie, give me your phone," I have no idea what she has up her sleeve, but she looks no-nonsense so I quickly comply. She types stuff for a few seconds before handing it back to me.

"There. Now I have all of Sephie's friends numbers. If you don't let Sephie go to the bookshop, I'll have no choice but to invite all of them over every day in protest to annoy the heck out of you," Dee says with a smirk. Dominics composure cracks and he looks a little horrified at not only having to deal with Dee but all my friends every day.

"Dee, you're overstepping boundaries," Dominic tells her.

"And you aren't? Did you even think about how Sephie feels about all of this," Dominic looks a bit guilty at that.

"Fine. Three days a week though, that's all," Dominic gives in. Dee gives a big holler of happiness and I feel a bit better that I can go to the bookshop now. To be honest, I'm really starting to miss that place.

"See, Sephie? You can't just let this big grouch run all over you," Dee says, nudging me under the table.

Later on, I wave at Dee from the driveway as she drives off in her miniature red sports car. Even though we didn't meet in the most tasteful way and she is a little crazy, I did enjoy her company.

"Remind me to change the damn locks," Dominic mutters grumpily when we come back inside.

"I think your sister is really cool," I tell him truthfully.

"Just wait until you have to deal with that, every day, for years on end," Dominic says, still looking grumpy.

The rest of the day I spend with Dominic and I start to warm up to him a bit more. I get a little flustered still, at the way he's been acting around me lately. When he walks past me now he naturally puts his hand on my lower back or shoulder, which always sends shivers down my spine. When sitting on the couch with me, he puts his arm around my shoulders and even tucks me into his side sometimes. I try to rationalize all this in my head. Friends cuddle sometimes, right?

At the end of the day, once again I find myself being carried to the bedroom, having fallen asleep on the couch during a movie. I feel him brush some loose curls from my forehead before leaving me in my room. I kind of miss falling asleep cuddled into his chest, but I ignore the feeling.

When I fall asleep again, I dream about Dominic and how his lips would feel against mine.

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