Chapter Thirteen

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Chase's POV
I groan, when I get woken up by banging at my front door. I turn onto my stomach and grab my phone. I tap the top of my screen.

"4:22am," Siri says.

I grunt and bang on the wall, hopefully getting mums attention. Thankfully a few seconds later I hear mum get out of bed and her footsteps down the hall to the front door.

"Hello," I hear Byron's voice. I guess it was Byron then.

"I'm here to speak with Chase," I hear Luke slur.

Fuck me, why does everyone turn up to my house drunk?

"Chase is asleep," Byron says. "So I suggest coming in and sleeping on the couch."

"No," Luke growls. "I need to talk to him now."

"As I said before, Chase is asleep," Byron growls.

"Why are you even here?" Luke snaps. "Are you his therapist? Unless he's a fag too."

I sit up when I hear a thud. "I suggest you leave your rude comments to yourself," Byron growls. "I'm not here with Chase, I'm here with his mother, which isn't any of your concern."

I hear another thud and my frown deepens. "I'm sorry," Luke says, his voice sounding weird. Sought of like he was choking.

"Now Do As I Say And sleep on the couch," Byron growls. "I will see you in the morning."

I hear Byron walk back to mums room and then her bed creak.

My door opens and I turn onto my back, looking at the door. "I knew you'd be eavesdropping," Luke says.

"Well we've been friends for ten years," I say.

Luke sighs and I feel him sit beside me. "Can I sleep here?"

I nod. "As long as you apologise to Brody."

Luke sighs again. "It's not that simple, Chase."

My blanket lifts up and I feel Luke beside me. "So your telling me that you'd ruin your friendship with Kyle, Brody and I all because Brody is gay?" I ask.

Luke groans. "I grew up in a catholic home," he says. "It wasn't exactly looked upon to be or be seen with homosexuals."

"That doesn't mean you have to hate gays," I say. "You can have your own opinion."

Luke is quiet and I sigh and turn onto my side closing my eyes. "Maybe your right," Luke whispers.

I smirk. "I know I'm right."

"Cocky bastard," Luke mutters. "By the way I'm gonna give you shit about Byron fucking your mum."

I sigh. "I know."

"Oh," Mum says, as Luke and I enter the kitchen. "So Luke was our surprise visitor."

"Sorry Emily," he says, in a sad tone. "I've just been going through some stuff at home."

"Well you boys are always welcome here, if you don't want to go home," Mum says. "Now Luke be a dear and push Chase to his place at the table. Byron made breakfast."

"When did that happen by the way?" Luke asks as he pushes me to my spot. "I thought you and Stan were still together."

"Uh no," Mum says. "Stan and I broke up a year ago. I've been with Byron for two months."

"Breakfast is served," Byron says. I hear a clunk and then a few plates clatter. A plate drops in front of me and Mum kisses my forehead.

"Eat up," she orders. She hands me a fork and I stab whatever's on my plate with a fork. I place it in my mouth and moan in pleasure. An omelette.

"Sorry for what I said last night, Byron," Luke says. "I was really drunk and-"

"It's all good," Byron says. "Just shut up and eat my breakfast, and then I will accept your apology."

Luke chuckles. "Alright."

The door opens and everyone is quiet. I am cause I don't know who walked through the door.

Then it clicks.


"Hey Brody," I say, awkwardly. "You hungry?"

"No," Brody says. "I just lost my appetite."

"Can we talk?" Luke asks.

It's quiet again except feet walking away. "I hate when people nod," I mutter, stuffing my face with omelette.

Byron chuckles. "It's just natural for them," he states.

"Yeah I know," I sigh.

"How are you and Montana?" Mum asks.

"Oh, um we are dating actually," I answer.

Mum squeals and places kisses all over my face. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks mum," I say. "But please stop kissing me."

"Your lucky you have a mum who loves you," Mum coos and kisses my forehead one last time.

I sigh. "You know that's not what I meant," I state annoyed. "And I love you too."

I hear footsteps and turn to the noise. "Let's go," Brody says.

"Everything good?" I ask.

"Yeah," Brody answers. "It will be."

"Now let's go," Luke says. "I have to meet Mrs Wilson."

"Oh shut up," Brody says, chuckling.

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