Chapter Twenty One

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Montana's POV
3 months later...
"Stop looking at me," Chase whispers.

"How do you know I'm lookin'?" I ask.

He smirks. "Just a feelin'."

I roll my eyes and snuggle onto the sofa, covered in one of Luke's blankets. Chase has been living with him for two and a half months now. It's a nice condo. Wheelchair friendly, only one bathroom, which is an issue for me, when I stay over, walk into the bathroom and Luke is standing there naked.

I've seen Luke's dick more times, then I've seen Chase's Mum these last couple months.

Yeah she hates me now. I don't blame her. Her only child moved out, because she went psychotic.

That was a little mean.

"Wheres Luke?" I ask.

Chase shrugs. "He said he had to do something."

I cough. "Or someone."

He chuckles and we continue listening to his podcast in silence.

The door slams open half an hour later and we both look up to see Luke.

He runs his hands through his hair, before storming down the hallway into his room and slamming the door. "I take it, his something to do, didn't go well."

"Should I go talk to him?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Maybe if it is a girl that made him angry."

I nod and get up, kissing Chase on the cheek and then walking to Luke's bedroom door. I knock and I hear him grunt. I walk in and smile at him, as he unties his shoes. "What's up?" I ask him.

"Nothing," he grumbles. "Just leave me alone, Emo."

"Haven't heard that in a while," I say. "Keep it comin'."

He rolls his eyes. "I'm not in the mood Montana."

"Oh so now it's Montana," I say.

"Look I've had a bad day-"

"Wanna tell me why?"

He glares at me. "No."

"Does it have to do with Penelope Wilson calling two weeks ago?" I question.

Luke's eyes widen in shock. "What?"

"Did you not get my note?" I ask. "It's on the fridge."

"I-I thought it was Kyle who left it," Luke mutters. "You two Have similar writing."

"Good to know," I say. I sit beside him. "How long?"

"It's not a thing," he says. "We were drunk and we had sex. Then we agreed it would never happen again. It did. Then it did again and her brother walked in."

"Brody," I confirm.

He nods. "And then something happened two weeks ago."

"Uh oh," I say at his tone.

"I was at Mitchell's party," Luke says. "And I was flirting with this hot red head. She had the biggest ass and boobs-"

"Off topic," I cut in.

"Anyway then Penelope walks in with Ricky," Luke says in distaste. "He had his hands all over her and I sought of made a scene."

"Sought of?"

"I knocked the guy out," Luke states.

"What did she say?"

"I sought of left before she could growl at me," Luke says sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "That's why she would of been calling."

"And tonight?" I ask.

"I went to my parents," Luke says. "They aren't paying for my college tuition."

"Why the hell not!?"

"Because I'm hangin' around with a fag," Luke says. "So now I need to get really, really good grades to get into Harvard."

"I'm sorry," I say, looking at him sympathetically. "Wanna join Chase and I? We are listening to David Dobrik's podcast."

Luke shakes his head. "I think I'm gonna go to bed."

"Okay," I say. I get up and smile down at him. "You should call her," I say.

I leave him with that and walk back into the lounge room and sit in Chase's lap. "You took long,"

"He talks a lot," I tease.

"Is he okay?" Chase asks.

"His parents aren't paying for his tuition," I murmur, leaning down and placing my lips on his.

Chase hums obviously distracted, his hand going down to my ass.

"DONT HAVE SEX ON THE COUCH," we hear Luke yell, making us bang heads.

"Fuck you," Chase screams back.

"I love you too baby," Luke yells.

I chuckle.

These guys are so weird.

"Hey Patrice," I greet Tyler's mother. She grunts from the couch as she watches Hollyoaks.

Tyler and I head upstairs to his bedroom, which he shared with his little brother Tommy.

"Hey Tommy," I say, sitting across from him on Tyler's bed.

"Hey," he mutters, licking his lips as he plays his video game.

"Tommy can you go downstairs?" Tyler asks.

Tommy rolls his eyes. "Fine."

He gets up, turns off his game and storms out the door. "So spill the tea!" Tyler says, excitingly, sitting beside me and crossing his legs on his bed.

"About what?" I ask, confused.

He frowns. "About you and Chase?"

"What about me and Chase?"

He gasps. "You haven't had sex yet?"

"No!" I yell, laughing. "What made you think that?"

"Uh the fact you've been sleeping there the last couple of days," Tyler says, in a Duh tone.

"Couples can do other things than just have sex," I grumble.

"I know that," Tyler says. "But sex makes it more fun."

"How many times do you and Brody have sex a week?" I ask, curious.

"4-5 times," he answers.

I bite my bottom lip in worry. "You think Chase wants to?"

"Uh Duh," Tyler yells. "He's a teenage boy with hormones."

"Well of course I want to," I say. "It's just I'm a virgin. I've never had a penis up there before."

"Well I can't say a lot cause I don't have a vagina," Tyler says, giggling. "But with my first time, it hurt a little. He's just gotta be gentle, prepare you and pretty much worship your body."

I nod. "That sounds lovely."

"That's what my first time with Brody was like," Tyler says in awe. "My actual first time was horrible."

"Who was it with again?" I ask.

He smirks. "Tyson Mayfield."

"The quarterback for the school up north?" I question.

He nods. "While they were down here playing football, we hooked up," he states. "Let's just say, he's not as big as he seems."

I giggle. "That doesn't tell me why he was bad."

Tyler stares at me blankly. "He didn't let me orgasm."

I burst out laughing.

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