Chapter Eighteen

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Montana's POV

Like a dumb Bitch, I didn't think Chase would realise I was avoiding him.

But I forgot how smart he is.

"I'm sorry," I say meekly.

"That doesn't answer my question," he says, crossing his arms.

I sigh. "I don't want to hurt you."

He frowns. "You won't hurt me."

"How do I know that?" I ask. "Down the track, I could push you down a flight of stairs or say something really mean, when I'm upset or something."

"What brought this all on?" Chase asks.

I sigh and clutch my head. "James. He told me to be careful."

"I think he means with me, not me," chase chuckles.

"I thought that too," I say. "But he said for me to be careful with you."

He frowns. "Why?"

I shrug. "I don't know."

"Can you come closer?" Chase asks. I move and sit right in front of him. His hand reaches out and I flinch and giggle when his hand pokes my chin. "Sorry," he chuckles. He leans in and kisses me on the lips. "You don't need to be careful," he whispers. "I love you for your adventurous and funny self."

"What?" I say flabbergasted.

"What?" He asks confused.

"You just said you loved me."

"Crap," he mutters. "I meant like. I'm just so used to saying it with my mum."

I giggle. "Mumma's boy."

He rolls his eyes. "I'm not sorry for loving my mother."

"How was she when she got home?" I ask.

"Oh she still isn't talking to me," Chase answers.

"Oh no," I say.

"She'll come around," Chase says. "If Not I'll just get Brody to order some flowers for her."

"So nice," I say.

"When you are shitty with me, I'll get you flowers too," Chase says.

"It's my birthday in five days," I say.

His eyes widen. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

I shrug. "I hate celebrating my birthday."

"Why?" Chase asks. "I love birthdays. Presents, cake-"

"Having to talk to people, fake a smile at a shitty gift," I cut him off.

"Such a Debby downer," he teases.

I peck him on the lips. "The one and only."

"Well your coming to my house for dinner then," Chase says firmly. "I'll get mum to make you what she always makes me on my birthday."

"And what's that?" I ask.

He smirks. "Pizza and ice cream cake."

I roll my eyes. "What are you? Twelve?"

"It's a tradition," Chase argues. "Don't tell me you don't have a tradition."

"Well I guess James and I do," I say. "He always gets me out of my last period on the Friday of my birthday and we go ice skating."

"Adorable," Chase says, smirking.

"Says the dude who still eats ice cream cake," I growl playfully.

"Your just jealous," Chase says.

"Okay," I say. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Pills make me sleep at night," Chase says.

"I didn't know you took sleeping pills," I say.

"I have for a couple of months now," Chase states. "Molly and Byron put me on them."

"For the nightmares?" I question. He nods. "Have you been getting them since our lunch?"

"No actually," Chase answers. "It's a miracle."

"Yay," I cheer.

"Keep it down," Lynda the librarian hisses at us.

We both laugh.

That night after his session with Molly, we lay in his bed, cuddled up watching (him listening) to my favourite movie. The Greatest Showman.

"Hugh Jackman sounds like a dick in this movie," Chase whispers into my ear.

"That's the whole point," I say. "He gets a hunger for money and turns into this big dick."

"Sounds like my dad," Chase chuckles.

"We can do something else if you want," I suggest. "Watching movies isn't really something fun for you."

He chuckles and runs his hands through my brown hair. "I don't mind," he says. "Honestly watching musicals are like listening to music to me."

I laugh and snuggle to his chest more. "The best song hasn't come on yet."

He hums and I close my eyes, sighing in delight. I love when he runs his fingers through my hair. He just does it naturally, and it makes my insides warm.

After the movie finishes, I sit up and look over at Chase. His eyes were closed and his breathing was soft.

He had fallen asleep.

I kiss his cheek and get up, going out into the hall to the bathroom. "Wheres Chase?" Emily asks, worriedly from the couch, where she snuggled with a glass of wine and a blanket wrapped around her.

"He fell asleep," I Answer. I look at the living room TV and see her watching Creed. "Is it good?"

"I love it," she says. "One of my favourites."

"I'm gonna go pee now," I state, smiling at her one last time, before heading to the bathroom to do my business. I then walk back into Chase's room and snuggle back into his chest.

"Hey," he murmurs into my head. "Why'd you leave?"

"I went to the bathroom," I whisper. "Unless you wanted me to pee all over you?"

"No golden showers for me thanks," he chuckles, tiredly.

"Tyler once had a guy send him a dick pic while he was peeing," I state. "He even showed me the picture."

"That's fucking disgusting," Chase wrenches, turning onto his back. "God I didn't want to know that."

I giggle. "Sorry not sorry."

Montana and Chase (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz