Chapter 2 - The blue pill or the red pill?

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Switch parked the car. "Where are we going?" Bonnie asked. "To see Morpheus." Switch answered looking at her threw the mirror. She nodded and Trinity got out of the car. She helped Bonnie out. Bonnie looked up at the building. It was large and it looked like an old hotel. Bonnie was feeling very dizzy. When she looked back at the car she noticed that the seat was covered in blood. They all walked inside. 

They entered a hallway that had a fancy, old door in the end of it. There were also some stairs. Bonnie couldn't walk anymore she was too dizzy. She stopped walking. Everything had started spinning. Trinity turned to look at her. "Are you ok?" She asked. "I don't feel too good." Bonnie answered. Then she backed against the wall. Everything started becoming blurry and dark. Switch looked at Bonnie as well. "She's blacking out isn't she?" Switch exchanged a look with Apoc. "Mhm.." He nodded. "Well we should get her somewhere. Ill go ask Morpheus where to put her." Trinity started walking to the old door. She entered threw them.

"Bonnie Allen i have been expecting y.." Morpheus turned around while talking. His sentence was cut short by the realization that Bonnie wasn't there. A man in a black long trench coat and a pair of sunglasses was standing next to him. He was looking at Trinity. Morpheus looked at Trinity as well and asked. "Where is she?" Trinity answered. "Well we kinda found her being chased by some agent." "What do they need her for?" The man with the long coat asked confused. "I dont know." Trinity answered bluntly. She leaned against the door way. "Well where is she now?" Morpheus questioned. Trinity opened her mouth to answer but then Apoc came in carrying Bonnie and Switch came in behind him and closed the door.

Morpheus looked at Bonnie in confusion and asked. "What happened??" Trinity continued now leaning against the wall. "Well the agent shot her and it left a wound on her arm, that started bleeding. So i think she blacked out from losing so much blood." "Well did you put a bandage on the wound and stop the bleeding?"Morpheus asked, looking at her. "Well it didn't stop right away. But yes we did.." Trinity answered. "So where do i but her?" Apoc asked in an annoyed tone. "You can but her on that couch." Morpheus said while pointing at one of the couches. 

The man in the long coat looked at Bonnie with interest. Apoc laid Bonnie on the couch. "Well ill go get some noodles. You guys coming?" Trinity asked. "We can't leave her alone in this state. Ill stay whit her" Morpheus said. "I can stay too." The man in the long coat said and then he turned to look at others. "Ill come with you. I could really use some noodles." Said Apoc "Me too." Switch said. She and Apoc walked to the door. Trinity nodded and said. "Well it's settled then." The three took off to go eat some noodles.

Bonnie started blinking her eyes. She didn't wake up staring at the gray ceiling like usually. She was even wearing her usual clothes. What happened? She blinked a couple more times and then she sat up. The pain shot up her arm to where the bullet had hit her. Then she noticed that she wasn't alone and it all came back to her. She saw a man sitting on a chair who she guessed was Morpheus while others were standing. A man in a long trench coat was standing behind him. She didn't recognize him. Then she noticed that Trinity, Switch and Apoc were behind the other chair chatting with Morpheus and the man Bonnie didn't recognize. Morpheus noticed that Bonnie had woken up. The others turned to look at her as well. 

Bonnie was scared. She hadn't known anyone from the room for more than couple of hours. The man in the long coat took off his sunglasses. Now the only one who had sunglasses on was Morpheus. The way that the man looked at Bonnie made her calm down even tho she didn't know anything about him. "Bonnie Allen. Welcome. I am Morpheus." Morpheus introduced himself. "How do you know my name?" Bonnie asked on a scared tone. "I know a lot about you." Morpheus said with a smile. Bonnie stayed quiet and just stared at him. She could feel how everyone had their eyes on her. It didn't feel good. "Like how your parents died when you were little." Morpheus continued.  Bonnie didn't say anything. She had now started feeling very uncomfortable. The subject of her parents' death was a sensitive one to her and she didn't want to talk about it. "Come sit here, please." Morpheus gestured at the chair on the opposite side of the table.

Bonnie moved to the chair that Morpheus had asked her to sit on. She noticed a metallic box and a tall glass of water on the table. She felt more uncomfortable when everyone kept staring at her. Morpheus looked at Switch, Apoc and Trinity to signal for them to leave.  Bonnie sat on the chair thinking about everything and looking down at the metallic little box on the table. Trinity, Switch and Apoc left the room. "This is Neo." Neo gave Bonnie a small smile. She looked at him and smiled back. "Do you know what the matrix is?" Morpheus asked. "No." Bonnie answered, her eyes drifted away from Neo and onto Morpheus' sunglasses. "Do you want to know?" Bonnie nodded, slightly hesitating. "The Matrix is everywhere, it's all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out your window, or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." Morpheus explained. 

"W..hat truth?" Bonnie asked. "That you are a slave. That you, like everyone else, were born into bondage... kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind." Morpheus explained. The words gave Bonnie goose bumps. She was scared, this was all crazy and she was with two strangers, who she didn't know anything about, expect their names.  "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." Morpheus took the metallic box that was on the table and took out two pills. He continued. "This is your last chance. After this, there is no going back." 

Bonnie stared at Morpheus' closed hands that he had hid pills inside. He opened his left hand and said. "You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe what you want to believe." He opened his other hand "You take the red pill and ill show you what the matrix is and what all this means." Bonnie looked at both pills. "Take your time it's a hard choice." Morpheus said, calmly.

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