Chapter 10 - Agents

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Bonnie was worried. She heard noices from the upstairs and then the guards of the door rushed down. "Agents! They found us!" One of the guards yelled. "This meeting is now over." A captain called Niobe announced. Everyone started heading for phones. Everyone rushed to diffrent directions, trying to get out of the matrix quickly as possible. Morpheus dialed a number to his phone that he had quickly taken from his pocket. Then he spoke into it. "Tank. We need to get out of the matrix, now."

Morpheus, Trinity, Switch and Apoc rushed to the street and followed the sound of a ringing phone. Jinx followed them. She was far from the others. "Come on!" Jinx heard Trinity call out. Then Jinx heard a gun go off. "God dang it.." It was Smith. He still wanted Jinx dead. "Mrs. Allen. You can't escape the inevitable."Smith called out on his usual voice that always sent chills down her back. 

"For fricks sake.." Jinx started running even faster. Bullets were flying all around her. Trinity, who had slowed down a little, started shooting behind Jinx. Jinx ran as fast as she could. She didn't have guns and she knew that Smith was a lot better in combat training, so she decided to keep running. She heard the phone ring in the distance. "Come on legs."

Then one of the bullets hit the side of her leg. She cried out in pain. She fell to the ground, but she knew that she would have to get up, to keep running. She soon enough got up and continued going. She was now limping violently. Trinity shot at Smith multiple times. But almoust all of them missed. Then finaly one of them landed on him. He wasn't killed but atleast it slowed him down. Jinx kept going. She was still limping really badly but she was almoust at the phone. Trinity rushed behind her. "Come on, we are almoust there." Trinity said as she ran. She opened the door and showed Jinx inside.

Jinx and Trinity were now in the building. It was an old hotel that hadn't been used in many years, but it still had an old phone. The rest of the crew had already anwsered it and left the matrix. Well, except Neo. The phone was there, right in front of Trinity and Jinx. '"Anwser it!" Trinity yelled at Jinx. Trinity locked the door and stayed by it making sure it was closed. Jinx rushed over to the phone and anwsered it.   

Jinx opened her eyes and got unplugged. Then the pain shot down her leg. "Ouch.." She looked around to see that Trinity and Neo were the only two in the matrix. She tried to get up but the leg was hurting so she decided to stay still. "Trinity.." Jinx realised that Smith was there with her. "There! Come on, Trinity.. Anwser the phone.." Tank said as he stared at the screen. Soon enough Trinity anwsered the phone and got out. She woke up right next to Bonnie. Her eyes snapped open. She looked around and then her eyes locked on Neo. "Why is he still in?" 

Morpheus walked over behind Tank. After examining the screen for a moment he said. "He just finished fighing with the agents." He kept his eyes locked on the screen. Trinity walked next to Morpheus to see what was going on in the matrix. "Frick.." Jinx cursed as she tried to get up. Morpheus looked at her. "Do you need help getting up?" "No i'm good.." Jinx mumbled before she got up. She walked to see the screens. "I don't get it. It's just bunch of code." Jinx said with a bit of frustraion in her voice. Her leg was hurting. "You just need to learn to read it. And it shows you the big picture.." Trinity said. Her eyes were locked on the screen. 

Neo soon opened his eyes. He got unplugged. Then he got up and asked. "How did they find us?" "We don't know" Trinity shrugged. Morpheus started walking to the control room. They still needed to head to Zion for food and fuel. "Are you ok?" Neo asked as he walked close to Jinx, who was leaning against a table and had a hurt expression. "Yeah.. I just got hit by a bullet. It hit my leg. I am still bad at dodging, heh.." Neo looked at her worried. "Does it hurt like super bad or can you walk properly?" "Well, i can walk. It just kinda hurts, nothing i won't survive from.." Jinx gave him a small smile. 

"He is so sweet. He cares about my wellbeing." Jinx thought before saying. "Well i really should go to my room.." She started walking but her leg gave up under her and  she fell on the floor. "Darn.." "I could help you if you just let me." Neo said on a kind and caring voice as he offered his hand to Jinx, so that she could get up. Jinx grabbed his hand and then he helped her up. She smiled at him and said. "I'd love that." 

Neo and Jinx left the room. And then Apoc asked "They are going to end up together aren't they?" "Mhm." Switch mumbled as she checked the screen. "I think they would be a great couple." Mouse said in excitement. Morpheus stayed silent. Trinity sighed and then walked out of the room not commenting on that. 

Neo and Jinx had finaly arrived to Jinx's room. "Well here we are.." Jinx said as she turned to smile at Neo. "Thanks for helping me get here. I couldn't have made it here without you.." "I am always happy to help." Neo said as he smiled to her. It was a heartwarming  smile that made something melt inside of Jinx. Was it love? Or just happiness about the fact that he cared about her? 

(Well guys, this was already the tenth chapter and i think it is so awesome that you guys have read this story. I appreciate it! I have tried to make this story as good as possible. And i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :D)

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