Chapter 34 - Rora

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Jinx had returned inside with the others. The hours ticked by and the party was about to end. Jinx informed that she wanted to get some fresh air. She made her way back on the concrete floored terrace. She looked at the stars. She saw something flying threw the sky. Speeding close to the terrace. It was Neo. He was once again doing his super man thing.

Neo landed right next to Jinx. "You're late." Jinx informed on a fake disappointed voice. "Sorry. Got stuck in the traffic." Neo smirked. Jinx chuckled. "I'm happy that you could make it back before the end of the party." Jinx smiled. The two inched together as they stared at the beautiful night sky. "I hope our child will be born healthy." Jinx thought out loud. "Our child.. Or children will be born healthy." Neo promised looking at the stars. The stars reflected on his eyes and made them sparkle in a way Jinx had never seen before. "How do you know?" She asked. "I don't. I just believe so."

Roxy and Nara were chatting away with Seyu. "So any love interests Seyu?" Roxy asked holding a fancy wine glass. "Nope. Haven't yet found my special one like you two." A smirk formed on Seyu's red lips. "Whatcha mean, by that Sey?" Nara asked. "Come on.. you two are OBVIOUSLY together." "Is it truly that see threw?" Roxy asked, receiving a 'Come on..It's a secret' look from Nara. "Mhm. Or i'm just good at recognizing couples." Seyu giggled. "We aren't together.. Yet. We are working on it." Nara informed on a strict tone. She kept her eyes locked on Seyu's eyes. "Well i think you two would be a cute couple." Seyu smiled. "Oh, also you two would definetly be Rora.." "Not too bad." Roxy smiled. "I think Apoc and Switch would be Sapoc." "That makes zero sence but if you say so.." Nara giggled. "Neo and Jinx should be Jeo." Roxy thought out loud. "Or Ninx." They both started to giggle. Perhaps because of too much wine or just because they were having fun.

The party was over. And it was time to return on board of the Nebuchadnezzar. Jinx and Neo sat next to the same metallic table they always did. "I would like to tell you guys something." Jinx announced and turned to look at Neo. Neo gazed into her eyes with confusion. He soon realised what she was about to tell. Jinx felt her courage break and she took Neo's hand under the table. Jinx gulped before opening her mouth. "I'm pregnant."

The reactions were a mix. Roxy and Nara didn't go over the board and stayed calm but still happy. The two already knew. Apoc smiled slightly which was a lot considering he was Apoc. Switch seemed little excited. "Congrats." Switch smiled at Jinx and Neo. Mouse was left shocked. Morpheus kept his cool. "Congratsulations." Morpheus smiled as well. Tank was excited like a little girl. "Do you already know the baby's gender?" He asked. "Nope." Jinx anwsered still holding Neo's hand under the table. Dozer stayed quiet but seemed also happy for the two. Trinity didn't seem too happy. She left the main deck. "I think i'll go check on her." Switch smiled at the young couple before leaving the main deck.

Switch caught up to Trinity who was at the end of the hallway. "Trinity! Wait." Switch got to her side. "What is it?" Trinity asked sounding annoyed. "Trinity, come on! You shouod be on the main deck with us all. This is a big deal for them. They are having a baby for crying out loud." Trinity stayed quiet. "And Neo saved your life. You could have stayed a Smith forever." "Some things are better left untouched." Trinity walked to her room and closed the door. Leaving Switch to look at her door. "Trinity.. You need to collct yourself back together." Switch said knowing Trinity didn't hear. She turned around and headed for the main deck.

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