Chapter 3 - Choice

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Bonnie looked at both pills nervously. What was the option that she wouldn't regret? She didn't know. For some reason she looked straight into Neo's eyes for answers or for some sort of help. He looked back. There was something very calming yet mesmerizing in his eyes. Every time Bonnie looked at him she didn't want to look away. Morpheus stayed silent. Bonnie looked at the pills once more. "I have nothing to lose if i take the red pill.. Also that agent is trying to kill me so ill take the red one.." Bonnie thought as she reached for the red pill. "Remember, all i am offering you is the truth. Nothing more." Bonnie didn't hesitate anymore. She took the red pill and swallowed it. Then she drank water on top. Morpheus got up. "There is no time to waist. We must go now.." Neo and Bonnie followed Morpheus to the hallway. They went up the stairs got to a room with a chair and some electronic devices. Right after they got in Morpheus started to introduce Bonnie to people. Bonnie already knew most of them but it was good to hear their names clearly. "Sit down there please." Morpheus said while pointing at the old chair. 

Bonnie sat down on the old chair. It was next to multiple computers. Trinity begun gently fixing white electrode disks into Bonnie's head, arms and the back of her neck. Bonnie looked around confused yet interested by all this. Then she laid her eyes on the mirror that was next to her, she noticed it had some cracks. Suddenly the cracks started to fix themselves. She looked at the others and then she looked back at the mirror. Slowly Bonnie reached to touch the mirror. Her fingers went threw the mirror. It felt like stuffing you fingers in some sort of dough. She pulled out and something got stuck on her fingers. It was like some parts of the mirror had melted on her fingers. "What is this!?! What is it doing??" The weird liquid started spreading. "Its going into replication" "Apoc?" Morpheus asked. "Still nothing." Morpheus grabbed a phone and dialed in a number. "We are going to need a signal soon, Tank." "Is this supposed to happen?!?" Bonnie panicked. "I got a fibrillation!"  "Oh crap.. Apoc?" "Still nothing."  The liquid was covering Bonnie. "It's so cold." "Targeting.. almost there.." "She's going into arrest" "Locked! I got her." "Now, Tank!" Bonnie felt for a moment how the liquid had fully covered her. 

Bonnie woke up. She was in some kind of a cocoon. She noticed that she was naked and bald and there were many tubes connected to her. She was surrounded by some disgusting goo. She tried to get out and after some struggling she tore a hole to the cocoon. She pulled out a tube from her mouth and started couching. She looked around and saw thousands maybe even millions of the same kind of cocoons like the one she had woken up in. She was feeling nauseous and her eyes weren't working properly, so focusing on the people was hard. Everything was too dark and too bright at the same time. She saw huge cables connected to the back's of everyone's neck's. She carefully touched the back of her neck and she had one of those huge cables as well. 

Then a robot flew to her side and grabbed her by her neck. She tried to squirm out of the robots clutch but she was too weak. The cable that was in the back of her neck span and then opened. The robot dropped her back into the cocoon and floated off. The cocoon started to drain and the goo in it got sucked down to the drains and Bonnie with it. When she had slid down she dropped into the water. She tried to swim to get to somewhere but her muscles were too weak. She started to drown. She tried to think of anything as her last thoughts before a horrible death and the first thing that came to her mind was the loving face of her aunt Lucy. Slowly her eyes drifted close as she accepted her destiny. But then Bonnie felt something lock around her body. A giant claw started raising her onto a ship of some sort. The last thing she saw before blacking out was a blinding white light. Bonnie woke up. She saw thousands of acupuncture-like needles wired to a weird device. But she blacked out almost immediately.

Bonnie woke up again. Her hair had grown and it was almost the length of a short pixie cut. She looked around and saw no one. She desided to sit up and then roll with it. She was still feeling a little dizzy and her eyes hurt. She noticed that she was wearing a black sweater that had some holes in it and a white top underneath it. It was comfy. She also had some pants and black boots on. "Luckily, i'm not naked anymore." Bonnie thought. She decided to get up. Getting up was harder than she expected. "Come on legs." She commanded her legs. After a while of wobbling and trying to keep her balance she finally fully got up. She looked at the small room and the first idea was to walk to her room and open it to see what was on the other side. Slowly Bonnie walked over and opened the door. It took some time as well, because the door was weird and heavy. When she got out she saw a hallway leading to multiple directions. She looked right and left. She was feeling dizzy and walking felt very weird and exhausting. She heard someone coming. She quickly went back in and closed the door. "Wait. What is this place?" The question had finally popped up in her mind. She had no clue of where she was or who even had rescued her. She sat on the floor in front of the bed while thinking. Then she heard that someone started opening the door. Bonnie readied. The door opened and a person came in. It was "Neo?" Bonnie asked in a bit of a confused tone.

He looked a lot different in this other world. He was more pale, his hair was shorter, his clothes looked lot like Bonnie's and he had same kind of ports on his skin. He smiled almost shyly and said. "Good to see you up. Welcome on board of the Nebuchadnezzar." "Are we dead?" Bonnie asked. "This IS the real world. So we are the farthest from it." Bonnie questioned everything from that sentence. Everything had started to spin even tho Bonnie was sitting. "My brain is about to explode. If this is the real world. What is the world i lived in before then?" "I know you are confused, but Morpheus will answer all of your questions later. Now, would you like some food?" Neo asked. He sat next to Bonnie on the floor. "I don't know.." Bonnie shook her head. She leaned against the bed. Neo was still slightly smiling. "I think you should get some rest. What if you eat after resting for a bit?" "Mhm.." Bonnie mumbled. She started to drift off. Her head dropped onto Neo's shoulder. He sat there for a moment. Then he decided to try to gently pick her up and lay her on the bed.

Morpheus came in. Neo had just laid Bonnie down on the bed properly and was about to leave. "Did she wake up? Did she say something?" Morpheus asked. "Mhm. But she was probably feeling dizzy and tired from all this so i asked her to rest. I know how it feels. She must be really tired." Neo said looking at Morpheus. Morpheus just nodded. "Well you should show her around when she wakes up. Also you'll be training her." Morpheus informed. Neo nodded before he and Morpheus both left the room. 

Bonnie woke up again. After staring at the ceiling and blinking couple of times, she remembered falling asleep on the floor, but she somehow was on the bed now. "Did Neo carry me on the bed?" Bonnie thought staring at the ceiling. A pink tint appeared on her cheeks for a moment. Neo had come in some time ago and sat on the side of the bed. He noticed that Bonnie was awake. "Good morning sleepyhead. Are you ready to look around the ship?" "Mhm!" Neo got up and opened the door. Then he got out onto the hallway and Bonnie followed him. They looked around for almost an hour. After that they got to the main room. The full crew was there and Morpheus introduced Bonnie to everyone. "Her name is Switch, he is Apoc, that woman over there is Trinity and you already know this guy, Neo.. Those over there are Dozer and his little brother Tank and that guy over there is named Mouse." Bonnie nodded with a small smile. Then she and Neo sat on the chairs next to a table. Morpheus also sat there. Rest of the crew left to do their own stuff. Then Bonnie realized that Morpheus didn't have his sunglasses on. No one did. Do sunglasses even exist here? Bonnie wondered. Neo and Bonnie started chatting with Morpheus.

(Authors note: Switch, Mouse, Apoc, Dozer and Tank are all alive in this story. I forgot to mention. Hope you guys enjoyed!)

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