Chapter 16 - Training with Trinity

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(Hi guys. I recommend checking out  Agents: Matrix Fanfiction by _knickknack_ i think the writing style on the story is great and i highly recommend checking it out! I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter. :D)

After an hour of waiting Jinx and Trinity got in the training program. They started exchanging punches and kicks almost immediately. Trinity was better than Jinx, but Jinx had been training a lot and Neo had started to go harder on her. She was able to hold her ground. Trinity laid couple punches on Jinx, but she was able to dodge. Then Jinx kicked Trinity, but she dodged swiftly, because of her fast reflexes. Trinity laid some more punches on Jinx sending her flying back. Jinx flew against one of the pillars. She grunted in pain.

After a small moment of silence Jinx got up and started punching Trinity. Trinity dodged most of them, but Jinx got some punches and kicks on her. Trinity was fast. Jinx just had to free her mind. "Free your mind. Just like Neo had said. Neo is not here because he got captured because of me..." Jinx thoughts were stopped by Trinity who was able to swoop Jinx's legs from under her.

Jinx fell down on the floor. "You need to focus. Or else the opponent will use your distraction as an advantage against you." Jinx sighed getting up. "Fight now, think later." Trinity stared into Jinx's eyes with a strict look. Jinx nodded and started to ready herself for Trinity's upcoming hit. Trinity started rushing at Jinx. She tried to lay couple of quick punches on her, but Jinx was able to dodge. She couldn't let go of her thoughts of what was happening to Neo right now.

Jinx bottled up all of her emotions in this one punch. As it landed on Trinity's chest she was sent back, flying against the wall. Then with a loud bang Trinity landed against it making a small hole. "OMG.! I..I AM SO SO SORRY TRINITY!!" Jinx said rushing to her side. Trinity who was getting up chuckled a little. "It is nothing." "I could have broken all of your bones! Or.. or something worse" "Well you didn't. And i'm fine. I think we should end it here for now. Ok?" Trinity seemed more amused than hurt and it confused Jinx. Without another word, Jinx nodded quickly. Her face was turning scarlet, because of the embarrassment. 

After they had gotten out, Jinx walked straight to the small medical room. They were almost at Zion. Apoc and Dozer were dealing with building Roxy's muscles. "How is she?" Jinx's embarrassed look had faded away. She looked down at the almost fully naked unconscious Roxy. "She is fine. She woke up once confused and tried to ask questions but we just asked her to rest for now." Apoc said focusing on what was happening. 

Neo started blinking once again. Still slowly. But now as he moved he felt everything hurting. He noticed that he had been hit pretty badly. He was confused, he didn't remember being hit or injured or fighting anyone. He felt hopeless. He decided to try something that probably wouldn't work. Calling out for Jinx. He thought of her really hard. The idea of doing this had appeared out of no where but it all seemed clear now. 

Switch walked in. Jinx looked at her and for a millisecond she could have sworn that Switch had been staring at Apoc. Her eyes had been full of love and care, but that expression had quickly vanished. "How is she?" Switch asked leaning against the doorway and looking at Roxy. "I'd say good. She seems healthy and her muscles will be ready in a week or two." Jinx looked down at Roxy. 

Suddenly Jinx started hearing Neo's voice. Echoing inside her own head. Calling out for her. She looked around confused. "What is it, Jinx? Is everything ok?" Dozer asked. He didn't usually talk. Jinx still looked around trying to find the source of the voice. Her eyes were filling with tears of guilt. "Am i going insane? What is happening?" She asked. Switch came to her side and checked her. "I think your fine.." "I need to see the oracle." "What?" Apoc had been quiet but now he had joined the conversation. 

"It is really dangerous going in the matrix alone. You do remember what happened last time?" Morpheus asked. They had all gathered around the metallic table. "I must. I swear for a moment i heard Neo calling out to me and then telling for me to go see the oracle." Trinity looked at her confused. "Well we can go in. I will come with you." Morpheus said standing up. Jinx simply nodded and everyone headed their ways.

After getting blugged in and driving to the old looking short building, Jinx and Morpheus walked inside the old looking short building. Both of them were armed. Jinx had two pistols. Morpheus had a pistol and couple other guns with him. As they arrived in front of the oracles door Morpheus stated. "Everything the oracle tells you, you must keep to yourself got it?" Jinx nodded quickly before knocking on the door without other thought.

The door opened revealing a woman. "Ah. You must be Jinx. You can both come in." The woman said moving aside from the doors frame, letting the two enter. "You can sit there and wait Morpheus." Morpheus nodded and moved to an old chair that the woman had pointed at. 

Then the woman turned around to look at Jinx. "Please follow me." Jinx followed the woman to a living room. "Please wait here. I'll inform you when the oracle is ready to see you." Jinx nodded quickly and then sat on the floor. She was all alone. She looked out threw a window. Thinking about what she had heard. After about ten minutes of waiting. The woman returned. "The oracle is ready to see you now." 

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